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Re: [ORP] I Will Poke the King!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 9:00 am
by Xavier
Dammit....they were already on to him...he would have to wait them out...blasted he los tthe element of surprise. xavier tailed back on himself and retreated back down into the alleyways of the town...maybe the cover of night would better conceal him. He dived down some alleyways and into a house...the owners were not home. He did not care to browze he zoomed through it and dived out the other side and continued his journey.

At some point concealment would not be enough.

Re: [ORP] I Will Poke the King!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 4:06 pm
by Xavier
Xavier had almost been seen...close one whew. He had hidden down a dead end alleyway and had not been distrubed...Aingeal was right..this would be difficult.

Re: [ORP] I Will Poke the King!

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 7:54 am
by Majestic
He continues to be alert and watches around the area and continues to yell.


He paces up and down watching the area carefully. With his dagger at his hip and his hand on his dagger ready for action he knows that there could be trouble and danger.

Re: [ORP] I Will Poke the King!

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 2:59 pm
by Xavier
Xavier was sitting in the alleyway out of sight...thankfully...he had not been approached by anyone.

I did not think I would have to use this so soon...dammit.

Xavier got out one of the little cubes. It was red in would transport the user to a location of his or hers choosing within one hundred metres. Just enough to get him within the castle walls but truly some risks were brought with it...he could end up in the clouds above the castle or even worse end up in front of the was risky.

I am going to roll a dice to see what event happens to make this fair. 1 - I plummet from about 30 feet above the castle...all who wish to will spot me...I am injured and most likely will fail, 2 - I land in front of the guards uninjured but everyone spots me, 3 - I end up inside the caslte but am spotted by servants who then go and alert the guards after I have one post to get away, 4 - I end up 2 inches from where I was, 5 - I end up in the castle not spotted but very close to some fenians, 6 - I make it into the castle unapposed and unseen.

Result - 5 (Jason, Nolman, Joao, Melusine and Aengus as my witnesses)

Xavier appears in a room on the outer edges of the castle overlooking the entrance...whew that was close. Outside he heard footsteps...ah not perfect then...Xavier dived under the nearby bed...hmmm I wonder whose room this is?

Re: [ORP] I Will Poke the King!

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 6:18 pm
by Athnal
Athnal had his lunch break during carpentering and went to the Castle to visit his friend. He never expected to hear an alarm. At the very same time unwanted person was within the walls of Fenia's Castle. He overheard the voices of soldiers and orders of blocking access to Castle's halls. Very curious about whole mess, he decided to find out whats going on. He was walking through one of the halls. Sometimes he stopped to check suspicious shadow, other time he stared at huge paintings, asking them questions about the case.

Re: [ORP] I Will Poke the King!

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 1:41 am
by Amladris
Amladris was in a little room ,a little library connected to the bed room. He was looking for a good book to read.Suddenly ,he hear a noise comming from the bed room.He hear the guard calling the alarmes and he hears again a nose coming from his bed room .Amladris put back his book and enter his room.He smell a unfamilliar smell.

Wath is smelling like that ,did he said to himself .He start looking around for that unfamilliar smell.

Re: [ORP] I Will Poke the King!

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 7:54 am
by Majestic
He heard something crash inside the castle and became more alert and says.

He's inside! Guards Inside now!

He runs inside to look for this man from room to room then stops in one room and noticed something strange with one room so he took care of examining the room. He motions Amladris to check in this room. He whispers to him.

He is in this room I know look something fell when he came in.

Re: [ORP] I Will Poke the King!

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 10:11 am
by Aengus
Walking past Majestic and Amladris, Aengus scans the room. Recognizing the room, he speaks.

This room is off limits to everyone. Step back.

It could have been anyone who knocked that over, and even if it was the intruder he will have left by now. Block all outs to this wing, and protect the King.

Move! Nobody is to enter this room!

Re: [ORP] I Will Poke the King!

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 6:18 pm
by Ermalyse
Ermalyse hears her sister say she whanted to help, she takes her hand and Looks at her..

You remember how fast we could run as children? Well now it is time to run Lets go to the Castel we are needed.

Ermalyse starts running with her sister holding hr hand not leting her go....

Re: [ORP] I Will Poke the King!

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 9:41 am
by Xavier
Xavier watched as someone escorted both the men out of the room...obviously to bolster the defense around the king...that was not good. As he heard the door shut he dug his hand into his pocket and brought out the two cubes he had was blue and the other yellow. He contemplated using them....but decided against it. Now his next task would be to get out of this room. He waited for a few mintues until he was sure those who had followed him were gone then departed from the room.

As he exited he stuck his head out, looked left and right, happy that nobody was there and proceeded down the hall in the opposite way to those guards...hmmm...I do not know the layout of this castle thought Xavier....this will be fun. He reached the end of the hallway and stuck himself against the wall...he peered around the corner...someone was walking this way...a maid maybe...what should he do...there was no where to hide.

Rolling a dice 1-2 the maid spots me and begins running away screaming, 3-4 the maid spots me but is frozen in place, 5-6 the maid faints from seeing me

result - 3

Xavier moved around the corner to face her. He slowly moved forward trying to comfort the woman. He held his hands out in plain sight as he crept forward...the maid was standing there shaking unable to speak. She was obviously scared and he did not want her running away. When he was within arms length he lunged at her covered her mouth with his hand. He slowly spoke to her in a very quiet voice...

You are going to go to sleep now...shhhh

Xavier prevented her from breathing from a bit until she fell asleep. He checked to make sure her pulse was okay and when happy dragged her off back into the room he was just in. Turning back he ran down the hall and continued on his way.