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Re: The Big Bravia Storm or was it?

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 7:41 pm
by Eradar
Eradar had arrived Bravia just a couple days ago. Dirty and tired, the cursed man had wandered from place to place and finally ended in the Temple. Hungry and wounded because of his voyages, he started to work there for a couple coins. He desperately needed them. Bravia was very different from the desert where his tribe used to live, a blasted heath, a burning hot wasteland from overseas. Now, he found he couldn't do anything without money. Eradar was no longer free to take what he found on his way, nor to enter any lands or buildings.

Life in the city was hard, and he needed to find a cure to his dark side, the monster he had inside because of black magic. Sometimes, when he turns angry, he loses conciusness and transforms into an enormous beast, a blood-thirsty wolf that can only enjoy violence. That was the reason for leaving his people and his family... He didn't want to hurt anyone when it happened.

That day, he woke up in a shadow corner of the Temple. What's that? He spoke out loud for himself, frightened for a second. The sky was dark and cloudy, and a freezing sensation of incoming danger invaded his hunter-developed senses. Eradar stood up on his feet quickly, and saw many people entering the church to protect themselves. A young woman with dark red hair was running into the forest instead, and that was too dangerous. Hey, you! It's dangerous to enter the forest now! Eradar wasn't the kind of guy a stranger girl would believe, covered with old, dirty clothes, with a dark beard covering half of his face. But she was in trouble, and the desert man had to save her. Wait!

Re: The Big Bravia Storm or was it?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 1:58 am
by Grayson
Grayson knew that it would be easy to find the boy with Nomad around. They headed into the woods behind the boys house where his mother said he had ran towards. Grayson looked at the sky and saw that it was getting worse and big massive drops had started to fall. He ran on harder; he could hear the yips and howls that Nomad was making as he followed the boys trail. Grayson slowed for a second, something told him or he had a feeling that some one close to him had put themselves in danger. Shaking his head he ran on after the boy, Damn that girl will be the death of me! He said aloud as he ran. Nomad howled a long howl letting him know that he had found where the boy was at. As grayson came upon Nomad he looked around and did not see the boy, Where is he boy? Nomad looked at Grayson with a you should know kind of smile on his muzzle. He walked over and jumped up putting his front paws on a tree. Grayson looked up and saw the boy he had climbed up in what seems a small tree fort, he was hanging precariously from it.

Try to hang on, I will be right up! Grayson looked at the tree the boy was in and decided that it would be easier to get the tree to do the work for him. Grayson thought for a couple secs as the wind and rain picked up and starte dto wiggle his fingers at the tree. He joined a couple of the limbs together and had them reach out and gently grab the boy, Hold the limb, it is ok It will not hurt you! The boy looked at the limb as it wrapped around him and struggled some, he was not very sure of the limb and showed it. The wind grabbed at the boy and tried to tear him away from Grayson, This was no normal storm and now he knew it. As the boy reached grayson level he wrapped his arms around the boy and held him close. You will be ok, Lets get you back to your mother! The boy clung tight to him and cried in his shoulder. Nomad find Alex, I have a feeling she is out here some where looking for us! Grayson knew something was wrong he could feel it, She had a knack for getting into trouble and this would be just the opportunity for it to happen.

Re: The Big Bravia Storm or was it?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:08 pm
by Alexandria
Did I really just ask that?; she said out loud knowing anything could and would go wrong when you ask the famous question. What else could go wrong? There she said it again since it was all ready said. Ok I’m done she said stopping to see where they were or more to the fact if they were lost. Looking down she notices Sybil was not with her. Sybil… Alex yelled … Sybil… frantically looking in every direction trying to keep her hair out her eyes as the wind blew it about her face. Alex yelled for Sybil once more but no sound could get through the howling winds. Alex started to panic Sybil was more than a companion she was her friend giving to her by her granddad. You can’t lose Sybil even if you tried plus if she were hurt you would know it so stop panicking and turn around and go back the way you came you nutty girl. Great now I'm talking to myself.

Turning left she ran a small distance when she remembers she had turn around looking for Sybil. Turning back she ran to the right then stop. Not this way either. I can’t keep this up she thought just at it started to rain buckets. There’s your answer to that question… what else … throwing her hand over her mouth making sure she didn’t say it again. Sighing deeply realize she may be lost but she wasn’t going to panic that would make matter worse. Looking around for several minutes when it came to her; just pick a direction and go that way, you can’t stay here. Alex turns and headed in her first direction when wind got strong enough to grab her small frame tossing it in many directions. Oww…. Oww… was ringing air then a thump and a thug… as she tried to grab hold of anything but it didn’t work. How could the wind grab anyone? She screamed feeling the air force out her lungs as her body hit tree after tree. The last thing she remember before everything went dark was the sound her head made hitting something really big and really hard.

Re: The Big Bravia Storm or was it?

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 3:15 pm
by balerion
Seeing everyone start heading into the forest Balerion thought to himself he might as well go too, as the humans were rather easily damaged and with the storm becoming as violent as it was someone was likely to get hurt. Shouting back to Aishe he cried, We have to see if they need help! Who knows what dangers they might find in this chaos? Running forward he swiftly darted through the trees, some larger ones grabbing at him and the smaller ones simply being crushed in his wake. Hearing someone scream to the west Balerion changed direction and ran forward in time to see Alex be thrown against a rock face. Knowing he had no time to lose Balerion rushed forward and picked her up. Her body was completely limp. Why did you have to dash in so recklessly little one? he asked knowing would get no response.

With a sigh Balerion began an incantation knowing that magic was all that would be able to repair the huge gash upon Alex's head. Slowly the wound began to close and then vanish being perfectly restored. Still she would wake with quite a headache but for now she was no longer in danger of slipping into death. Grumbling to himself Balerion said Oh won't Grayson just be so pleased... He will probably try to find some way to blame me for this. I still don't know why he mistrusts me so but I suppose many mortals will never come to understand the ways of dragons. No matter, at least she is safe for now.

Balerion knew he had to think of a way to summon the others that couldn't be mistaken for something caused by the storm. Squinting a bit it came to him. Turning his head skywards he spit a green fireball up a hundred feet before snapping his fingers making the fire explode into a cascade of light. Most of the flame went out but left hanging in the air was a summons. "Grayson" was written in brilliant green for all in the night to see. If that didn't get Grayson's attention then nothing would. Settling down against the rock face Balerion waited knowing that moving Alex so soon after her injury could undo the magic he had worked. There was nothing to do, but to wait.

Re: The Big Bravia Storm or was it?

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:21 pm
by Grayson
Grayson took off after Nomad who started to run in the direction that they had originally came from, as he followed he watched the weather just turn completely chaotic and start dumping rain all over the place. The wind had picked up and grayson started wondering if he would be able to see anything with all this rain and wind blowing around. He called Nomad to him and said, Let me see if I can do something about this! He stood there thinking and then began to wriggle his fingers up at the tree canopy, he began to think of the trees as a big closed top that would stop the flow of rain at least from pouring down. As the spell built up and he was releasing it to thetrees and sky somethig green flashed in the sky above. as the leaf canopy closed up he glimpsed his named in fire in the sky and then it was gonewith the closing limbs.

Grayson stood there in the wind and pondered what that was in the sky. He looked to nomad and said ok get back to looking for Alex. Nomad took off, Grayson followed and realised that they were running back and forth and like some one had been running in circles or backtracking on themselves. Grayson was now officially worried, there was no reason for any of this, doubling back. Grayson got to the end of his spell and the rain was falling in front of him like a waterfall over the edge of his spell. He walked out through the water curtain and the wind and rain struck yet again. He looked up in the sky and saw his name lingering there. Grayson began heading in that direction which was also the way Nomad was heading that way as well. Grayson ran haphazardly yelling ALEX! He made his way towards the signal and hopefully Alex.

Re: The Big Bravia Storm or was it?

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 3:54 pm
by Alexandria
Alex heard many voices in her head. One sounded worried the other warm and comforting. Was this the side affect from her ignoring her empathic abilities then she wonder if she was dead and if this was how death felt. No wait she was aching from head to toe. No not dead now open your eyes you nut; she wanted to laugh but it hurt to much. Alex opened her eyes to see Balerion... what, how.  Alex slowly tried to sit up but her head swam and throb. Ugh! I guess I'm not getting up just yet?; rubbing her throbbing head she gave the dragon a smile. Thank you. So you are a big hearted softy after all. She knew he try to blow it off but it was to late she knew better.  How long was I out? she ask looking out and see it was still raining. Hmm... It's still  raining yet I feel no drops.  Magical indeed.

The town, the people was everyone safe she wonder.  Groaning she realize some might not be because of her running into the woods without thinking. I guess this was a bad idea? Coming into unfamiliar woods in the mist of a storm that is. Sorry I didn't mean to be trouble.  Alex took a beep breath when unnatural lighting zipped through the sky sounding like her name. Lighting doesn't talk does it?  Grayson... closing her eyes she reached out and felt panic. Alex couldn't understand why Grayson was in a panic. Was he lost... no he was headed straight for them.  Grayson coming she said to Balerion. Keeping her eyes close wanting to drifting off to sleep.

Re: The Big Bravia Storm or was it?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 2:20 pm
by balerion
Balerion chuckled softly at the mostly incoherent Alex. No, you most certainly are not getting up just yet. You have been unconscious for at least half an hour now. I am glad you are finally coming around. Hearing Alex say it was a bad idea made Balerion laugh louder. You mortals are always doing things impulsively. I am fairly used to it by now but its always after the fact that YOU realize it was silly. It wasn't trouble, but I would say ill advised. As Alex said Grayson was coming she went limp again in his arms.

At least she is doing better he thinks to himself. Nothing to do but wait, it couldn't be much longer now. The clouds were turning darker and suddenly lightning struck the top of the rock face. Balerion wasn't disturbed until another one struck closer just above his head. They were under attack, it was completely unnatural! Holding Alex close to him he knew he had to get her back to safety though he wasn't quite sure where would be safest when lightning was being tossed about like a toy. A mile to the south was a cave that would not be out in the open and he set off rather quickly knowing that Alex wouldn't be able to take the shock if one of the lightning bolts hit her.

Re: The Big Bravia Storm or was it?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:03 am
by Grayson
Grasyson and Nomad continued through the storm, Lightening began to slam into the ground. Grayson stopped briefly to wipe some water out of his eyes to look around. The green writing was above them almost and he knew he must be close. He began wiggling his fingers thinking of light and a ball appeared above him. It was not bright so he continued and made it brighter. He looked around and found what seemed to be the side of a hill or cliff area. Walking over to it he saw Nomad growling at an area and looked seeing giant lizard like foot prints. He became concerned that some thing dreadful had happened to Alex.

He looked at Nomad, She is not here so where did she go boy? Nomad sniffed the air and growled again and headed off towards the south. Grayson followed him closaely not knowing where this would lead them or into what, it could be a trap for all he knew. They moved on Grayson remembered that he had the kid with hime and looked at him, the boy had a look in his eyes that just seemed different, some fear, excitement and then there was a hint of something else in there that he cold not figure out. The kid shot Grayson a look that seemed a smile yet seemed like an evil grimace all at the same time. They continued to follow along behind Nomad who was headed straight south. Bolts of lightening began to strike the ground where they were running, light flared in front of Grayson's eyes and the ground exploded in front of him. Grayson tumbled to the ground and lay there for a moment looking up in the dark stormy sky. He lay there for a minute and thought about his life and what he knew of it and then what had become of his life since meeting Alex. He shook his head and stood up, something in him felt a little different. Shaking it off he gathered up the boy and headed after Nomad. All of a sudden the hair on the back of Grayson's neck kind of stood up and the rest of the hair on his body di the same. The bolt of lightening seemed drawn to the spot Grayson was standing. One minute he was standing the next he was laying on the ground and his clothes were charred and their was the smell of burnt hair.

Grayson lay there for a minute not understanding what had just happened, He felt energised, he hurt but something in him seemed to tell him that he was ok. He sat up his head a bit woosy. Looking around He saw that Nomad had found a cave. Grayson held his head for a moment trying to clear the webs out of his head and the spots out of his eyes. As he pulled his hands down something caught his eyes on his wrists. There were some weird looking designs on both wrists. What the heck is this? He stood up and looked down things seemed a bit different but he could not tell what it was, he seemed to see things in a different way; it seemed the ground was farther away, they he remembered. Not a whole lot just a little. He looked around for the kid but he was gone. Grayson stood and walked after Nomad.

Re: The Big Bravia Storm or was it?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 1:23 pm
by Alexandria
Alex’s head ached when she opened her emerald green eyes to darkness; I’m blind she thought just as her eyes adjusted to the darkness causing her to giggle. Oww… that hurt she muttered tying to move but felt as if she had been run over by a bunch of Kintapur. Has the storms passed? She ask as lighten flashed and the thunder roared in the sky causing her to flinch. Well I guess that answers that she said looking around and not seeing Grayson. Hmmm… she knew she felt him but she thought it was because he was with them. Thinking of her companion Alex hoped she was ok; something isn’t right about this storm. Turning she glances at Balerion; this storm it isn’t natural is it?; she ask.

Sighing deeply she closed her luminance eyes hoping they wouldn’t worry the big softy of a dragon. Not many knew that she was half-elf or that she carried a lot of elf traits. Like infravision and usually quick healing but something was preventing her from healing the hurt in her head. Not to worry Balerion I will protect you if danger comes near. Alex was trying to lighten the mood and the feeling of worry that pumped through her veins. The old lady she’s ah… she ah… Alex couldn’t think of the words to say. It was as if someone or something was keeping her from thinking of the old lady that talked to her and Grayson. Grayson… Alex eyes flew open; we have to find him Balerion he could be in danger. Alex realizes what every attacked her only did so to keep her away from Grayson. Alex tried to sit up but her head swayed from side to side like she had been in her dad’s homemade brew. Uggh…. Alex leans against the wall giving her head and mind sometime to adjust to the searing pain.

Re: The Big Bravia Storm or was it?

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:46 am
by balerion
Hearing Alex ask about the storm Balerion replied, No, it is quite unnatural. Someone must be very powerful to be attacking us with such force. I think it was their intention that we all get separated from each other so we would be more vulnerable. Of course dragons were very rarely vulnerable to anything but perhaps it would make Alex feel better if he sounded somewhat afraid himself.

When next he heard Alex say that she would protect him he knew he had overdid it a little bit and could not keep from laughing. Alex you are so brave but I hardly think someone so big as me would ever need protection from someone as small as you. He had no idea how much he would come to regret those words. In the thunder Balerion misheard some of the rest of what Alex was saying. It sounded to him as if she had said she's ate... she ate... Grayson... Balerion's eyes grew big and he thought that Alex must have hurt her head even worse than he had known. The rest of what she said he heard perfectly fine.

If you want I could go out into the storm to look for him. I could keep you safe with a protection spell. Balerion grimaced as whoever was at work behind the storm had attacked just quickly enough to have prevented Grayson from having enough time to reach them. Suddenly Balerion saw a pair of eyes staring in from the cave entrance. He wasn't exactly sure what it was but he knew that he wasn't going to let anything happen to Alex. He had already put enough time and energy into making sure she remained safe. With how bad her head injury was he wasn't sure what would have happened to her if he hadn't found her and cast the healing spell he had used. Balerion wanted whatever it was to have a chance to identify itself so he called out Who's there???