(ORP) ..At the Edge..

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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Tuvoria »

It had been a long and interesting day for the elf. His cousin, the half-elf Gawain, had come to town to visit and while in the Orchard relaxing, he had finally met the beautiful being that had so intrigued and dominated his thoughts. The sound of her voice still echoed in his mind as he knew she was also dealing with similar emotions and the thought and risk of letting someone get close and beyond our normal defenses. The next morning, Tuvoria arose about an hour before sunrise, packed a few things into his pack, scribbled a note for his cousin, and quietly sneaked out of the house and disappeared into the darkness. A short time later he neared the shack that belonged to Wyllow. Making sure that all was safe and that he was not seen, he placed upon her doorstep an Orange blossom with two acorns nestled inside. Then quietly and cautiously he made his way back towards the meadow that they had met in as he prepared to listen to the symphony of the new mornings coming.

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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Wyllow »

Before returning home, she needed to make the trek into town to sell her fruits. Her mind was all over the place and she didn't understand herself. Had she changed in such a short time to feel the need to be around people? Or just him in particular? She felt her pulse quicken with the thought of him. How had this all happened? She shook her head in an attempt to clear her head. This wasn't in the plan. Plan? Had there been a plan? Yes. A plan to keep away from everyone. To keep all as safe as possible until control was had. A silent voice tried to convince her.

She was approaching a dangerous time. That time came to her approximately once every 29 days. On that night, she had found there was no control to be had... No memories, no dreams. Only her fears of what she could become. Her thoughts turned dark. She was kidding herself. She couldn't do this. She felt tears sting at the back of her eyes, tears that wanted to come, but she swallowed them away. Her secret was dark and ugly. And it weighed heavily on her mind. She was suddenly coming to terms with a need to have something more.

As she came to the market, the only place she allowed herself to mingle with people briefly, a whiff of something caught her attention. It was something that instantly brought back memories of her sitting watching a woman from a table. A woman that hummed contentedly as she created the golden loaves. And for a moment, it took over her thoughts, bringing her back to a simpler time.

What if she took up the old profession of Baking? She had enjoyed it so long ago... Maybe it was time to attempt to make a change. Why should she be condemned? She had to try. And again, in that instant, a hate returned. The one she had for her brother for doing this to her. She had wept too many times to count. Had hidden away from the world in fear. Damn you Linden! But a light had come to her through her darkness, into the shadows. He had seen her. Tuvoria. She whispered his name out loud, only loud enough for her own ears to hear it.

He was right. There was so much to think about. And all of it was so overwhelming. She did feel their connection. It was strong. So strong that she had never felt anything like it before. It could not be ignored. It offered such hope. And it was that, that was tearing her in two. A war that hovered between hope and reality.

By the time she returned home, it was late in the day. She set to her evening tasks and took a meal by her evening fire. Her thoughts were no clearer by the time she found her way to her bed. She was exhausted though, but of a completely different kind of exhaustion she was used to. The physical kind was easy to fix. This.. not so easy. And as she drifted off to sleep, a vision of him was there with her.


The morning brought a new day, but also a new kind of attitude to be embraced. She was determined to examine what was being offered to her and as she prepared to step out into early morning mist, she couldn't help but to feel alive and hopeful. A light breeze greeted her as she opened the door, his scent, light as it was, greeted her.

He had been there. Immediately she saw the gifts, and kneeling, she retrieved them, nestled in the perfect packaging. She couldn't help but to smile. She held life in her small hand.. two lives.
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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Wyllow »

As she entered her little home, she found herself feeling very light and in good spirits. There were a good many things that needed doing. At first she had been uncertain, but now she was sure this was the right thing to do. She would work from home and bring her wares to the market to sell, but first she decided she needed someone to help out. She was new at this baking thing, and she would need all the help she could find.

Making her way to the library, she found what she needed and spent most of the day there reading. She learned a great deal, but nothing in a book could tell you things you would need to know that could only be found out by getting hands on. Stopping off, she had heard that there was a place for hiring what was called a steward. She wasn't real sure on this, but decided to see what it was all about. Finding someone to her liking, she hired them and was pleased to learn the stewards name was Gabriel. In a way, she was very uncomfortable.. given the circumstances, but she would need someone to heft the bags of flour she would need to make bread and many other things she hoped to make.

She liked the idea of baking, as it was wholesome in its creation. Every single aspect was from the hand, from the planting of the wheat, to the harvest.. to the grind.. and to the kneading, and finally the baking. It came from the earth and nourished those that ate it.

After Gabriel collected all that they would need, she headed home. Once there, the items were unloaded and her steward paid and sent home, where-ever that happened to be. From what she could tell, the boy looked to be around the age of 12. He was fairly well mannered and seemed quite chipper. Least he knew how to chatter, where she had hardly said a few words. A fortnight ago, she would not have believed she would be doing as she was now.

The first loaf came out well burned. She would keep that one for herself. But with each one, she saw vast improvements. There was a rhythm that she began to recognize as she made the breads. And by the end of the night, she was certain she had it licked. Comparing the first loaf with the last, even the taste was greatly improved. Her counters laden down with breads, she readied them for tomorrows market. By the time everything had been cleared, and the fire banked, she was well ready to go out for a hunt.

Taking up her pack, she moved to the door. Closing it softly behind her, she made her way out into the night air. Just beyond the shadows, her body became that of another and she was off to take on the creatures in the night.
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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Wyllow »

The nights hunt was less that successful. Her head just couldn't slip into the calm she was used to when out like this. She couldn't get Tuvoria out of her head so that she could concentrate. And she knew without a doubt, that even if she did encounter Yvyrm, it could be a bit more dangerous than she was prepared for.

The nights hunt turned into something she had needed to do since their meeting. She needed to comprehend what was happening, as she had just let nature take its course between them. It felt like the right thing to do though. To try to fight it seemed to go against every fiber of her being. Being. Now that was a word. Heading back to her pack, she slipped into her shift, and sat at the base of the tree. She didn't feel like going home yet.

Closing her eyes, she listened to the nights sounds. She nearly imagined that it called to her. Raising her knees to her chest, she rested her elbows upon them. Running a hand through her unruly hair, she could feel tension in her shoulders and neck. She worried about the man that she was becoming to know. She hadn't realized she had wanted more from this life. She had come to terms with her life as it was now, not easily, but had found a way. But now it had changed.. the stakes were rising with every glance. Every meeting.. Every time they spoke, her heart melted more. Her guard lowered just a little bit more.. and inevitable, those walls would come crashing down around her in a way that could destroy everything. There was so much risk in what was happening.

Leaning back, she let her head fall back against the tree and let out a sigh. She wasn't sure what to do. Listening to her heart over her head would most likely be tragic, because she couldn't hide this life from him. And the other thing that scared her was that she -wanted- to tell him. She scolded herself inwardly, as that was the craziest notion of all. She wanted him to know before they invested too much into... everything. But on the other side of it, something told her that it could work. That he would at least try to understand. Above all things, she needed honesty between them. If nothing else, she had at least held on to that part of herself before the change had happened.

Her eyes closed for a moment. Soon she would have to return home, as the sun would begin its journey through the sky.

It was then that the blow stuck her, knocking her unconscious. The vicious creature had the upper hand this time, and she had no one to blame but herself. As she lay tossed to the side like rag doll, her pack, with nearly nothing in it, was ripped to shreds by the creature she set out to hunt herself. Attracted to the glisten and gleam of shiny coins, they searched for treasures she simply didn't have.
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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuvoria was up early as usual. However his sleep had been restless, as if someone or something was attacking him. Hoping to clear his mind, he headed out to check on his corn before going off to the meadow. Taking a different route than normal through the Orchard, his thoughts were still plagued by his dreams and his growing feelings for Wyllow. He was list in his thoughts almost before he spotted it. A female form lay under a tree in an unnatural heap. As he got closer his heart fell when he saw that it was Wyllow. Quickly dropping his pack he knelt down beside her. She was still breathing, although shallow. She was bruised up badly and spots of blood had clotted and stained her clothing. Several areas of her hair were clotted with mud and her blood. Panic almost filled his heart. Quickly, Tuv grabbed two sturdy branches, and taking off his tunic he made a stretcher. Gently he lifted Wyllow onto the stretcher. He did his best to hide a tear when she softly moaned in pain. Whispering to her that all would be okay, Tuv secured her to the stretcher and made his way back to his place, hoping that Gawain had not yet left.
Last edited by Tuvoria on Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Gawain »

Gawain had got up and headed to the kitchen. As Tuvoria wasn't anywhere in sight, Gawain assumed he had gone to the meadow again like yesterday. Gawain decided to have some tea first and then go for a walk to join Tuv there. He made the tea, took the cup and went to sit outside again. As he sat silently communing with nature and drinking his tea, he was surprised to see Tuv returning as he had thought he would still doing his morning ritual. As Tuv got closer, Gawain instantly saw that there was something wrong about his cousin's demeanor and that he wasn't wearing his tunic so he immediately got to his feet. "Tuv? What's up?"
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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuvoria was happy to see Gawain outside his house. As he glanced over his shoulder he tried to keep himself composed:

"Quick Gawain, give me a hand. It's Wyl! She has been torn up pretty bad. I found her unconscious and in a heap under a tree. Her bag was shredded to pieces. Let's get her inside and see if there is anything we can do."

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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Wyllow »

Through a thick distorted fog, she heard voices and felt as though she was floating.. carried? she tried to rationalize, then she felt her chest rumble ever so lightly with a soft growl. Her body wasn't stable.. she was entering into a state that only she had ever experienced alone when she was recovering. It was an automatic defense mechanism, and in her current state, could not be halted so easily. Blinding pain radiated at the side of her head.

Trying to open her eyes, everything was blurred. She was disorientated and the pain in her head was almost unbearable. Immediately she closed her eyes again, as it seem to too hard to keep them open. Instinct was to hold her head in her hands, but she couldn't move. A groan that was more in the lines of a whimper, than anything else, escaped her parched lips.

She began panicking trying to remember what had happened, but it hurt to much to even attempt it. Again, she tried opening her eyes. But her vision was not that of her normal self. She recognized the voices. No... no no no.. not like this! And the thought only agitated the situation, making things worse. She could feel the change in her hands, as her fingers began to elongate and curl... her feet, they too began to change. Her mouth, she felt her cuspids as they began to drop. She writhed with not only pain, but discomfort from fighting her changing completely.

She felt tears sting her vividly bright silver eyes and she closed them tightly, hiding them from being seen. She was completely confused and scared and that led her to begin to struggle and fight the hands that would see her well. 'Let me go, please.. please no... let me be! Not like this... Please.....' She begged them. Finally finding her voice, it was too late. Even her voice was not her own. It was a deeper tone.. changed. She was currently stuck in a limbo that had no explanation to people that had never seen someone like this. Except... this time she was fighting a battle with herself she knew she was going to lose. She was injured and that would consume her energy quickly. Fighting it would only take from her needed strength to heal later, making the process last longer than usual.

It was too late, she knew it in her heart. He would know at any minute.

It was normal for her to enter into a near delusional state when she began the healing process. It was specifically why she chose to.... sleep it off, for lack of a better description. Because the actual healing part was horribly painful. The act was quite rapid and thus, caused her to thrash about during. On one occasion she remembered screaming out at the pain. Of course, usually this took place in the confines of her own bed, which allowed her the comfort she needed to regain her strength afterwards.

She continued to fight her would be captors, even though she knew they meant well. She wanted to run and hide, far away, where no one could find her. How could she explain this to him? She hadn't been ready and for that. Her heart felt as if it was shattering into a thousand pieces. The motions had been set, and there was no way to stop it. Tears flowed from the corners of her semi-closed eyes.
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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuvoria quickly opens his door and hearing and feeling the mumbling and movement that Wyllow is attempting, Tuvoria instructs Gawain to help him place the stretcher on his bed.

"Gawain, I hope you remember some of what Katarina taught you about healing plants. I hate to impose upon you dear cousin, but can you take a look about or run into town and see what you can find? In the mean time I will see if I can staunch the bleeding and clean up her wounds a bit until you return."

Not really waiting to see what the answer is, Tuv grabs a bucket of water and some old cloths and heads into his room. Dipping the rags into the cool water he begins to wipe Wyllow's face cleaning away the blood and the mud. Doing his best to to protect her modesty, Tuvoria begins to wash and cleanse her other wounds. Tuvoria is taken back when she begins to moan and thrash about. For Wyllow's safety, Tuvoria grabs an old sheet and cuts it into strips. He then takes the strips and secures Wyllow to the bed hoping to keep her from further injuring herself. When he feels she is immobilized, he continues to cleanse her wounds. As he is doing so, he gently caresses her face and whispers soft words of encouragement. As she groans with a sound that startles Tuvoria, he begins to worry if perhaps she has become taken over by a dark spirit, similar to the ancient tales he once heard. As he is thinking this, he nearly jumps when Wyllow tenses up and clenches her fists. It is then that he notices some small tuffs of hair and the elongated fingers and nails. Shaking his head thinking he is just imagining things, he takes another look. Seeing them again, tears begin to well up in his eyes.

"Oh, Wyl my dear, what have they done to you? Hold on to me and our friendship. I'll do my best to help you out of this. I promise."

Tuvoria, then does his best to cover her up with a light blanket in hopes to keep anyone who may stop by from seeing what has happened to her because of whoever, or whatever, attacked her.

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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Gawain »

Speechless at seeing who it was that Tuvoria had found injured. Gawain had simply nodded, put down his cup and helped Tuv to carry Wyllow on the stretcher inside to Tuv's room and then onto his bed. He stood there, looking down at her and wondering what had attacked her so badly.

He then nodded again at Tuv's words.

"Yes, I think I can remember what is needed, I'll be back as soon I can."

Grabbing a basket from the kitchen and his knapsack, he then left to go and find what was needed... (to be continued)
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