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Re: Viceroy Office

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 5:21 pm
by Serene
"Thanks." Serene looks wide eyed at the large cookie and bucket of milk.
"These are dragon sized!" She starts eating and drinking the best she can.

"Oh yes, I wanted to ask you about chickens..."

Re: Viceroy Office

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 5:59 pm
by balerion
What about chickens my dear? Are they having trouble at the road crossings again?

Re: Viceroy Office

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 7:22 pm
by Serene
"Something is scaring my chickens or doing something to make them stop laying eggs when they are about 7 days old. My steward thinks something is flying over the coop and scaring them. Have you ever heard of such? Or are we raising them wrong? They appear to be in perfect health, but the eggs just dwindle away..." Serene says between mouthfuls of cookie and milk. "What do you think, Balerion?"

Re: Viceroy Office

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 10:34 pm
by balerion
Over time the chickens get better and better at hiding their eggs. I would personally, and do, feed them less so their upkeep isn't so high. When they start being sneakier butcher them and sell me the legs. :D

Re: Viceroy Office

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:41 am
by Serene
"Ah! I see! My steward Juan is lazy some days. He does not watch the chickens well and they lay their eggs where ever they want... I did myself find an egg the other day while I was walking through town. And to think I had believed him about a flying creature scaring them into not laying as many eggs." Serene sits in silence for a few moments pondering this new information. She munches on the Dragon sized cookie.

"And you say don't feed the chickens once in a while? Starve them? Or is it so they can forage on their own? My chickens only have meat on their legs, the rest of them is too scrawny for anything but making broth with a little chicken in it. If I starve them once in a while their legs might become scrawny too?"

Serene drinks some milk out of the bucket. She does not spill too much milk. It is very awkward to drink out of such a large bucket.

"I will be happy to share the legs with you. Well at least if they are not too scrawny to eat. Thanks for sharing your cookies and milk."

Re: Viceroy Office

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 8:01 pm
by Serene
"Thank you for your time, cookies and milk, and advice." Serene
says. She waves her goodbyes, takes the cookie with her, but leaves the half bucket of milk. She figure he would probably want to keep the bucket.
Serene heads on her way out of the office to meet up with her traveling group.

Re: Viceroy Office

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:38 pm
by Grazilda
Grazilda frowned when she received cows that were not a par with her expectations. She wondered what was wrong so she went to the Viceroy Office.

She waited for her turn and when it was time for her to speak, she showed proof of her claim then spoke. "I bought four cows from the Viceroyalty. However, they were not in their fullest health ((not 100% HP)). Were they neglected by the VR? This means that I'll have to spend more for the wheat since my cows were not that healthy. Would I be compensated for the extra cash I had to spend than normal to feed them since they were not at their very best?"

Re: Viceroy Office

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:34 pm
by balerion
Balerion smiles as he sees he has another visitor.

These cows were not neglected, rather bred recently after the other stock was sold. If you wait one day before throwing wheat at them their health typically increases upon the first day as they are still growing up. Baby cows need a little bit of extra love and care is all. The feeding practices of the farmers upon receiving their stock is at the decision of the farmer not the VR. Newly bred cows can have much lower health (in the 70s) so it is clear that these calves have been fed by the Internal Affairs Minister. It is only with the great effort of the Internal Affairs Minister that we are able to enjoy the extreme health that we normally see in our animals. The one we have now is the greatest I've ever seen. She gives daily reports on animal health. ... &start=480 If this matter is of extreme importance to you due to low resources something could be done, however it will not become common practice for the VR to give compensation for animals that are not in extremely low health. Having been a cow farmer myself in the past I can say I would have been thrilled if I could have had a guarantee of such healthy animals as those you have from the VR. Also, would you like some cookies?

Re: Viceroy Office

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 7:39 am
by Grazilda
Grazilda crossed her fingers. "Interesting. I do remember way back that I got extremely healthy cows ((100% HP)). But all right. I'll go and give them the extra love and care that you said. Thanks. Oh and yes, I love some cookies, please? Non-lethal and 100% safe and edible cookies, please?" she said.

((ooc: The cows' health are at 100% now. Thanks! :) ))

Re: Viceroy Office

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 10:54 pm
by balerion
Yes we even have some of those. I'm afraid that variety tastes a bit like cardboard though. All the best cookies it seems can be choked on.

Balerion hands her a few of what can only barely be called cookies.

You sure you don't want the normal kind that are only 99% safe?

Balerion start to wonder if some vandal labeled this the Agricultural Office and decides he will have to check before he went home that night.