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Re: Lost and Found

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 6:25 am
by William
Time seemed to swirl around them and William found that he really missed his family. Yes they could see and talk to each other by means of magic or mundane but the very physical act of touching them was a novel difference, a critical difference really and he savoured the rarity of the event. Inevitably though he ad to let them go and think about the reason why they were here. But before that he could enjoy himself, and with such a thought in mind he pinched a chubby cheek each of his sister and niece. Not hard mind you, just... cheeky (See what I did there!!! :D )
Taking a deep breath he let calm take over his mind and let his hands drop to hold one of each of theirs in case they wanted to escape. No way was he going to let that happen!!!

Turning first to little Callie, William frowned at her as if deep in thought. It probably didnt really work as a grin lurked on his lips everytime he saw the little girl. He had to watch himself or he might just dive in and tickle her or something... Same went for Alex actually... maybe...
Shaking his head a little William began speaking.

“You ask why I never told you Callie? Good question... I'll tell you once I make up a good reason! And the last few times I scryed you were probably asleep so you never saw me... but isnt this better? A surprise!”

Turning to Alex though, William frowned slightly at her. She was certainly growing again... definitely not the little baby sister he remembered so fondly. Oh well.. things change it was inevitable... but what was not going to change and was also inevitable was big brother mode.

“Alex... we need to talk later. There are a few things we need to... discuss here... But before that I think you two need to tell me what is happening and why you are here... this has something to do with our brother doesnt it?

Re: Lost and Found

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 7:43 pm
by Alexandria
"Alex... we need to talk later." Alex took a deep breath when she heard those words. Later? But why she wondered. I didn't do anything wrong she ranted in her head... William sounded just like their dad. But there was no way she was telling him that.

This was good she thought. Having him here being with family. Feeling... she thought but sighed instead. They all lived so far away from each other. William's words about their brother shook her out of her daze. Nodding she tried to smile for Callie's sake. Yes William it does. Alex opened her mouth to speak but realized maybe Callie shouldn't hear what she had to least not yet.

Alex took Callie from William and stood her next to Nodwin and Sybil. Callie why don't you go pick some flowers for your aunt Arilynn? Alex pointed to the flowers growing close by. Don't ... Callie look at me. Alex gave her a stern look; no wandering off is that clear? Alex smiled at the sad look Callie gave them. Kneeling down she kissed Callie's cheek. Alex couldn't bear to lose you Callie. Alex gave her a big smile then used her majic to make a beautiful basket for her to hold the flowers. Have fun she said as Callie called for Sybil and Nodwin to follow her as she ran to the flowers.

Alex watched Callie until she reached the patch of wildflowers. Looking back to William Alex frowned. Yes it is about our brother Arthur and his wife Lynna. It isn't like them to just stop talking to Callie. Lynna was good with using some form of majic to keep in touch with Callie and I. But it's been over a month and not one word. I tried scrying but I get nothing. It's like they're no longer here. Alex didn't want to think the worst but her gut... was telling her the worst had happened. William I can't sense Arthur any more. Alex was trying not to cry but she felt the tears rolling down her cheeks.

Re: Lost and Found

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 5:10 am
by Callie
Ohhh...yew gotted to fink of why yew no tell Callie? Obiekaybie. Callie no know why yew no say either. Callie no feel yew scwy while Callie sweep. Dat no be nice, Callie no feel tickwes then yew know. Callie wikey feeling tickwes wots and wots and wots. Yesh, dis be bedder. Callie wikey surpwises. Unkie ish good supwise too. Yew funny unkie. Aundie ish funny too. Dat be good, Callie ish funny giwl sometimes. Just askeded daddy or mommy. Callie makey dem giggwes wots and wots.

Callie looked from her unkie to her auntie, then back again. That is, until Nodwin nudged her. Then she petted her friend, burying her face briefly in the hairy feathers, or was it feathery hairs? Either way, she rubbed her cheek against Nodwin and giggled some more. Yew ish siwwy unkie. Callie no habing brudders. Yew know dat wite? She started to say more, but then her auntie suggested she go pick some flowers. She didn't want to leave her auntie and uncle, she wanted to find her mommy and daddy and get more huggles...wait, flowers? Callie looked at the pretty flowers and thought about having her auntie helping her make flower wreaths for their hair, and smiled in delight. She had already started to wander and pick a few when she heard her auntie talking to her again. Her lower lip poked out in a decided pout. (hmm...she did decide to pout, so decided pout does work there. Don't question it, go with it. This is Callie remember?) Callie no wander, yew no going to lose Callie. Callie no loseded no more, yew finded Callie remember dat? And so did unkie Willie, him did too. Ohhhhh dat pweddy Aundie Axix, dat for Callie putted flowersh in? Fank yew. Nodwin and Sybil come hewp too. And off she went, skipping and twirling and filling the basket with the most beautiful of the flowers she saw. The two animals doing their best to keep her between them and guiding her so she never got too far out of her aunt and uncle's sight.