Peasants Requests

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Re: Peasants Requests

Post by Bridget »

As town mentor, Bridget felt she should say something to calm the peasants but public speaking was not something she was used to or even wanted to attempt. Give her a pen and paper and she'd quite happily write letters to them all. But she had a feeling that would not do today. The crowd inside the tavern was thick and loud. And while a small group of peasants were looking quite satiated, even smiling while they quickly downed their drinks, most were still on edge. The unnatural heat of the day was intensified by the size of the crowd that had filled the tavern. Bridget felt suddenly very weary and claustrophobic being in the midst of this volatile mob. She needed to get out. She slipped outside and quickly made her way to Queen Victorious speaking to the group that had gathered outside of town hall. "My Queen, I wish to pledge 100 of my own freznics to the cause as well." Leaning closer to the queen, she quietly added, "I will also plan to spend the night here to help ensure that things don't escalate tonight."
Thank you, Aishe!

Re: Peasants Requests

Post by Drydan »

He watched others come in and offered to buy drinks to the peasants. He heard Nahren say something about aquadects but no one mentioned of straw hats then realizes that he could make straw hats to help cool the peasants. He would give them out for free so he stood up and spoke once again.

How stupid of me, I had forgotten I could make straw hats. I will tell you what...I will make some straw hats for all and give them all to you which I believe that will help cool you down some in the this abnormal heat. Plus there must be other shade to sit under when you wish to take a break and plenty of water nearby work sites. Also, I think there shall be a time that we all should not work for a bit like in schedules....first shift work in morning until before noon then stop work until evening when it is much cooler and work for a few hours before bedtime. That may work but I have a feeling that no one would like to work in the evenings but for now perhaps we shall until this heat tide down. So what you all think of that suggestion?

He sat back down awaiting for responses.
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Re: Peasants Requests

Post by Victorious »

The Mayor had received some donations for the peasants and she smiled.
Mar 31, 1654 3:33 pm
Nahren has donated 150 Freznics to the town. Town now has xxxx.xx

Mar 31, 1654 1:25 pm
Drydan has donated 3 oranges to the town. Town now has xxxx.xx

Mar 31, 1654 1:24 pm
Drydan has donated 100 Freznics to the town. Town now has xxxx.xx

Mar 31, 1654 12:32 pm
Bridget has donated 100 Freznics to the town. Town now has xxxx.xx
Thank you Aishe for my new pretties|Married to Katara Zeraria|

Re: Peasants Requests

Post by Tana »

Tana walks up fanning herself with her straw hat. Having heard about donations, she knew she would have to check her purse, but she had been to tavern and purchased some drinks to pass around. "Drydan, that is an excellent idea!"

By golly it was hot. Meltingly hot. Hotter than molten fire. Hmm, if she could get some relief from fanning herself, maybe Dryden had an idea. The straw hats could be used as she was using hers now and wondered if the peasants would understand. Spying a tree, she walked over to it and stood relaxed below it, the blessed shade making it cooler, and fanned. Spotting a nearby peasant, she turned her hat around and started fanning the heat reddened being before it fainted.
Last edited by Tana on Thu Apr 03, 2014 1:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Peasants Requests

Post by Zachrin »

The peasant being fanned thanked Tana and wiped the sweat off. The other peasants seemed pleased with the offerings from the town. The money was given to them and drinks in the tavern bought. I bet Mollie is very happy. A song was heard in the tavern:

"Dryan's great... He saves us from heat... *hips*"

Idunno hands Drydan a tab for 50 freznics.
This world is but just a canvas for our imagination - Henry David Thoreau

Re: Peasants Requests

Post by Tana »

Tana decided to go home to find something else to help cool the peasants down. She knew something would show up or she could find something to use.

She looks into her storage box and finds... Popcorn? Popcorn! What strange things, so she tasted one. It needed butter and some salt, but one should not complain. She takes the sacks of popcorn down to the town center near the large tree. And proclaims loudly "HERE FOR THE TAKING! ANYONE WHO IS HUNGRY MAY TAKE!"

While she waited to see who would partake, she set up some blessed cloths she had on a string of rope. Watered them down and allowed them to flop in the wind. "Oh my, she thought, this is wonderfully cool. Better than fanning!"
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Re: Peasants Requests

Post by Victorious »

The Mayor recorded the last donation.
Tana has donated 100 Freznics to the town. Town now has xxxx.xx
Thank you Aishe for my new pretties|Married to Katara Zeraria|

Re: Peasants Requests

Post by Drydan »

He became surprised to hear singing about himself. He didn't really do anything well yeah helped out but there was no need to be praising him.

OKAY OKAY Umm I am flattered you all are praising me....there is no need to do that.

In reality, he was embarrassed to be the spotlight of them. He didn't really like spotlights that well. He preferred to stay in the shadows and let the events or actions take place. But really it was everyone in Widu that should be recognized.

What about them...they helped too...they should be recognized as well.

He points to Nahren, Bridget, Victorious, and Tana who all helped out.
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