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Re: {ORP} ~The Baptism of Aida~

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:02 pm
by Krail
There were two paths one could take, two potions but only one could be taken. One was clear like water, its content was said to feel like silk always giving a hint of some great or foul taste but truly it was plain. The other was a bubbling green potion, depending on ones tastes this one might be considered bitter and to Karcier it was but it had happened that a few had liked it. He took a moment to look at everyone then back to Aida before speaking again.

"On this pedestal, are two potions.

The clear potion represents the appearance of many to be clear without any blemishes, but lacking any zeal, energy, or desire to improve.

The other potion represents your life in the future if you embrace the path of the Faith. You will always strive to improve, full of energy to do what is right, and the promise of your vows.

These potions should not be drank lightly. For once you have chosen the path, you have admitted your wholehearted decision to accept the Faith. Walking away from what you know to be right is the path to inner destruction.

I give you your choice. Pick your potion and drink."

Karcier took a step back to allow Aida some space, he remembered his search in the taking of these potions and their effects. Truth be told these seemed more of a ritual that held no deciding factor but instead were a symbol. To take the clear potion was to karcier the easier path, you see yourself as you are and have no desire to do anything else for all is well. Whilst the green potion, soar as it was. Is a reminder of the future, that their will be bitter moments and many challenges ahead which would make this path more rewarding to live ones life to its fullest. But these were just his own conclusions, there was no right or wrong. Only opinions which varied from priest to scholar.

Re: {ORP} ~The Baptism of Aida~

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 2:19 pm
by Aida
She stared. From the way it sounded, it was almost as though she was supposed to choose the green liquid, as unpleasant as it appeared to her. Why would she not want to improve, to be full of the energy she could feel coming off the bottles? She could hear a faint humming, what was that sound? It lifted her up and made her feel light headed. The sun was suddenly very bright.

"Well, bottoms up..." She grabbed the green potion and chugged it down as fast as it would go. It was not as unpleasant as she had imagined, but bitter and as it hit her stomach it churned, making her feel quite sick. Desperate not to look like she was about to throw green up all over the place, she righted herself on the pedestal and stood up straight, smiling grimly. A searing pain suddenly shot through her entire body and for a moment everything went white hot, her vision blinded. There was an echo of a voice inside her head. But it cleared and she was relieved to see she had not fallen, her hand still hung to the edge of the pedestal, her knuckles white. Some symbol, she thought.

Re: {ORP} ~The Baptism of Aida~

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 5:19 pm
by Krail
Karcier smiled at the choice and at her reaction. Watching Aida drink, and watched as the potions effects echoed within her with clarity. "Know that there was no wrong or right choice, this was a choice. One that only you could make..." he leaned forwards "Even if the green one tastes horrid" he said quietly to Aida with a chuckle. He paused as he straightened himself, he could hear the echo of the potion its aura small but there. He clapped his hands togethor and made a circular motion with his hands in the air.The circles begun to pulse with life, one covered in flames and the other in ice. This was Karciers own inherit magic coming into play. They circled around Aida, never hurting her but leaving a warmth and gentle breeze as they connected with the potion.

"By the power of the Mages, I hereby declare you to be a follower of the faith. May your days be blessed and your path clear. You among many have made such a choice, for better or worse such is yours to decide. You will not be the last. I,hereby declare Aida's baptism to be fulfilled. Serve thy faith as you serve thy self, and its light or darkness shall guide you in your journey." the circles slowed as they began to dim and eventually fade from reality. "Aida you Baptism is complete." he said with a respectful nod. "Short and sweet." he said with a smile.

Re: {ORP} ~The Baptism of Aida~

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 6:22 pm
by Nocturne
Nocturne watched the curious ceremony and perhaps even more curious potions. He was a bit sad he didn't get to eat them both, but then, that was a horrid reason for a baptism, wasn't it? He calculated that it would be taken as such even though to him it seemed perfectly reasonable. He had seen faiths of a plethora of topics, but one thing most seemed to have in common was that each felt theirs was the 'right' way and that others were wrong. Truly, it was one of the things that pushed him away from the faiths, but luckily no one had ever gone that depth in conversation about it with him to find what lay within his mind.

He rose and smiled, "Congratulations, Aida. I am sure your faith will serve you well in life. Knowing that which is out there is a large step in ascension."

Re: {ORP} ~The Baptism of Aida~

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 8:04 pm
by Aida
Ice and fire, it was very fitting considering how she felt inside. She smiled, spreading her arms out as the circles faded and looked to Karcier, "Thankyou for doing this. It means so much to me to have someone from the family. I'll do my honest best to fulfill this path and I hope you will be around now and again to give me guidance." She grinned and went to try to give him hug before turning to Nocturne and attempting to give him a hug too, not to mention everyone else. She still felt a little light headed, but supposing that it was only the lack of food and water since yesterday afternoon, she brushed it off and gazed up at the sky for a moment, the brilliant sun warming her face even as it was cold. The air, she thought, could not be more full of magic. Her fingertips itched to use some in a way they had not before and thoughts of many spells glided through her mind.

"Thankyou for being here, all of you, honestly. I'm so grateful." Aida beamed, coming back down to earth and edged towards the food slightly, picking up a whole shepherd's pie and tucking in, "And now, to the tavern!" She exclaimed, with her mouth full, "Drinks are on me."