A Gypsy arrives in Paz

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Re: A Gypsy arrives in Paz

Post by Willow »

"What be yer orders cap'n?" he asks in his best pirate accent. When nothing happens he adds, "that's you Max, whaddya wanna do boy?"
Max barked once, hoping it was the right thing. He wasn't so sure about being leader if it meant making all these decisions.
Adonair stirred to a flurry of activity, "Low'r the mizzenmast! raise the oars! hard to starboard! then full ahead! aye-aye sir!"
Max wasn't sure he had said all that, but he didn't have any better ideas so he just kept quiet.
Willow was trying not to laugh at the conversation between Adonair and Max. And she wasn't doing a great job of it :lol: - she had a hand over her mouth to try to hide the giggles.
Adonair steered to the right to bring the boat back to the right heading and then began heading for the opposite shore... and lunch
Willow said to Adonair would you like me to row too or are you fine? - I have no idea how we could swop sides though - we could end up having a dip with our clothes on. :D

Re: A Gypsy arrives in Paz

Post by Adonair »

"I should have brought my liniment," Adonair reflects, "We can't switch places, if we capsize all our luggage will be ruined and its really hard to uncapsize even a small boat. I'd have to use magic."

Where before Adonair rowed rhymically and confidently, now it was shaky and jerky. Nevertheless they did reach the other side. Adonair runs the boat aground on a beach of small rocks and pebbles.

Max dashes off to check the new surroundings. Adonair tries to help with the luggage but is too clumsy so he sits on a rock and rests.
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Re: A Gypsy arrives in Paz

Post by Willow »

Willow watched Adoniar rowing, he started out wonderfully but was starting to get jerky and shaky and she was getting worried that he might be getting tired or sore doing all this rowing. When they arrived, she breathed more easily.

Seeing him sitting on a stone, she said to him you stay here and rest while I gather up our luggage and set up the blanket for our picnic. She carefully found a nice spot for the blanket with a little shade to keep the sun off them. She glanced up when she heard barks and spotted Max in front of Adonair with a stick so he could chase it once thrown for him. Willow smiled :D and carried on setting up. Once she was finished, she had the blanket, shade, some umbrellas nearby just in case the sun moved while they were sitting there. And had also pulled out the food and drinks Adonair had purchased from the market.

After she was set, Willow headed back over to Adonair to see if he was alright. Kneeling down beside him she smiled :) and asked Are you alright? :? (giving him a cuddle) Would you like to join me for the picnic? I have some relaxing lotion for sore muscles, if you would like a massage? Willow hoped his muscles weren't too sore after all that rowing and she was glad she came prepared with her first aid kit.

Re: A Gypsy arrives in Paz

Post by Adonair »

Adonair rubbed his fingers and tossed sticks for Max while Willow set up.

After she was set, Willow headed back over to Adonair to see if he was alright. Kneeling down beside him she smiled :) and asked Are you alright? :? (giving him a cuddle) Would you like to join me for the picnic? I have some relaxing lotion for sore muscles, if you would like a massage? Willow hoped his muscles weren't too sore after all that rowing and she was glad she came prepared with her first aid kit.

Adonair brightened when she mentioned a massage. "You have lotion, i really should have brought some! And I didn't have my regular celery tea this morning. I could give you one too," the wizard makes an exxaggerated clumsy pawing motion with his currently twisted fingers. "...Or maybe I'll have to owe you."

Adonair turns so that Willow can help him loosen up.
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Re: A Gypsy arrives in Paz

Post by Willow »

Adonair brightened when she mentioned a massage. "You have lotion, i really should have brought some! And I didn't have my regular celery tea this morning. I could give you one too," the wizard makes an exxaggerated clumsy pawing motion with his currently twisted fingers. "...Or maybe I'll have to owe you." Adonair turns so that Willow can help him loosen up.
Willow first goes back for her first aid kit (remembering to cover any food containers that were left open) and then she returns to Adonair. She smiles when she gets back to him - let me help you, Adonair. :D Putting the lotion on her hands, she carefully rubs and kneads the sore muscles in his shoulders, arms and finally his hands. While she is massaging him, she is humming to herself and she notices that he has shut his eyes and is looking very relaxed. When she has finished, he looks very sleepy and she asks How do you feel? Have I missed any spots? Do you want anymore? :D

While Willow had been massaging Adonair, Max had got bored, so he ran off and started playing at the water's edge. He found lots of things to chase including crabs and birds which both ran or flew away from the playful dog. Later when he got hungry, he ran back to Adonair and Willow (who were busy talking and didn't see his return) and shook his wet coat dry all over them. Max laughed at the funny looks they gave him :lol: .

Re: A Gypsy arrives in Paz

Post by Adonair »

How do you feel? Have I missed any spots? Do you want anymore?

"I want a whole LOT more. But I'll bet the stones here would be uncomfortable." He kisses Willow deeply to confirm his intention. "I feel great, like a new man. And that's really good news because I was getting a little tired of that old one dottering around."

It was at this point that Max gave them both a cold shower.

Adonair gave him a sharp glance and then smiled, "You're right Max. We should have our picnic before the birds get to it." He hadn't realized that Willow had thought to cover the containers of food. Max lead the way, while hand in hand Adonair and Willow went over to the blanket she had set up and got settled in for lunch. Sitting next to each other, they can both watch the small waves lap up on the beach. The sound of the waves is rhythmic and soothing.
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Re: A Gypsy arrives in Paz

Post by Willow »

Adonair gave him a sharp glance and then smiled, "You're right Max. We should have our picnic before the birds get to it." He hadn't realized that Willow had thought to cover the containers of food. Max lead the way, while hand in hand Adonair and Willow went over to the blanket she had set up and got settled in for lunch. Sitting next to each other, they can both watch the small waves lap up on the beach. The sound of the waves is rhythmic and soothing.
Max did you have to do that Willow said to him (after he shook his wet coat over them) but she couldn't hide her smile :) .

After the kiss, Adonair and Willow walked back to the picnic site (hand in hand). I covered the food earlier, so its quite safe :) she said. When they arrived, they sat down together and Willow reached and opened the containers. She carefully make some sandwiches and handed a plate to Adonair with his sandwich and then gave a dish to Max since he was hungry too. Sitting back (against the tree they were sitting under) to eat her sandwich, she glanced at the waves lapping onto the beach. Its beautiful here, if it wasn't so cold we could have gone for a swim. :D

Re: A Gypsy arrives in Paz

Post by Adonair »

Adonair enjoys his sandwich, and enjoys sitting next to Willow even more. He passes her the corkscrew to open the wine, he does not wish to tempt fate with his rheumatism; he felt fine now, but was afraid of a relapse.

Its beautiful here, if it wasn't so cold we could have gone for a swim. :D

"We used to dive from up there," Adonair points to a bluff that jutted out over the lake. "It's a nice view, even if we don't wind up swimming."
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Re: A Gypsy arrives in Paz

Post by Willow »

Willow takes the corkscrew and opens the wine. She finds the glasses and pours some for Adonair and herself and then hands a glass to him.
"We used to dive from up there," Adonair points to a bluff that jutted out over the lake. "It's a nice view, even if we don't wind up swimming."
Willow looks where Adonair is pointing and repeats what he said you dived from up there?????

I guess it would have nice view but its a long way up :o But if you feel up to it, we could go for a walk and have a look (thats if its not too steep)? If it is, I'm quite happy sitting here with you (giving him a kiss on the cheek) :D

Re: A Gypsy arrives in Paz

Post by Adonair »

I'm quite happy sitting here with you (giving him a kiss on the cheek)

Adonair sighs with pleasure and squeezes her close. He supposes that he is the happiest man in Secfenia.

The companny, the beautiful scenery, the wine, the food all combines to make Adonair feel like he is floating on a cloud.

"Willow," he begins seriously, "I love y-y-y- :oops: er, i love wine; this is a tasty wine don't you think?"

Adonair immediately feels like an idiot for chickening out on telling her how he felt :roll:

"I really, really, um, want to tell you, um ... oh look!" Adonair points at an egret as it dives for a fish and carries it off.
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