[RP] Thorn - Fire and Ice

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Re: [RP] Thorn - Fire and Ice

Post by Edward_Spike »

I suppose.. I would have asked Telsa, she accompanied him, but sure she wouldnt speak of the Kings affairs unless he told her otherwise.... edward runs his fingers through his hair, something he did often while in really deep thought, before dropping his hand to his side as he heard footsteps
Project LVI

Re: [RP] Thorn - Fire and Ice

Post by Project LVI »

The King's ears twitched a little as he reentered the room, an envelope in his hand as he kept his right arm close to him. He did not wish to ruin any of her furniture. He smiles at Edward and Thorn both

"I have finished with the letter Marchioness."

Re: [RP] Thorn - Fire and Ice

Post by Thorn_Bracken »

Thorn stood as the King entered and moving towards him took the letter and went to the door of the room and called a maid over. She quickly gave instructions for it to be delivered to Imperius and turning back to the King and Edward she smiled.

Would you like me to show you to your rooms so you can freshen up?
she asked pleasantly, thinking the King might be tired, wishing she had had time to reassure Edward.
Project LVI

Re: [RP] Thorn - Fire and Ice

Post by Project LVI »

He watches as she gives the letter to one of the maids to be delivered with a smile
Thorn_Bracken wrote:Would you like me to show you to your rooms so you can freshen up?
"Eh.. I am not tired actually. Thank you for the offer though. I might go sit in your garden though to collect my thoughts if you do not mind though."

He smiles before turning to Edward

"Baron, do you wish to be shown to your room?"

Edward runs his hand through his hair once more before replying

"I will have one of the maids show me, thank your Marchioness for the accommodation."

Edward gives a quick bow to both the King and the Marchioness before following a maid who stopped after hearing him

The King nods to Edward...

"Rest well Edward."

... before turning back to the Marchioness

(OOC: I have permission to god mod Edward :))
Last edited by Project LVI on Sun Nov 28, 2010 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: [RP] Thorn - Fire and Ice

Post by Thorn_Bracken »

Have a rest Edward, she said as he left with a maid.

Thorn smiled at the King as he turned back to her and stepped over to him, slipping her arm through his arm.

Let me show you the garden Sire, she said quietly, thinking fresh air would be most welcome, glad Edward was going to have a rest. She felt much more worry and the poor man would make himself ill.
Project LVI

Re: [RP] Thorn - Fire and Ice

Post by Project LVI »

Thorn_Bracken wrote:Let me show you the garden Sire
He nods and walks with her

Re: [RP] Thorn - Fire and Ice

Post by Thorn_Bracken »

Thorn led the King out of the sitting room and down the hall to another door that led straight out near the rose garden. She led him along the path and as they reached the opening of this large part of the garden she turned smiling to the King.

There is a bench over there Sire?
she said pointing towards the one on the right side. We could sit a while and talk...
Project LVI

Re: [RP] Thorn - Fire and Ice

Post by Project LVI »

He continues to smile as she leads him through her home
Thorn_Bracken wrote:There is a bench over there Sire? she said pointing towards the one on the right side. We could sit a while and talk...
"Hmm. Sure."

He smiles and moves to the bench to sit with her. It had been quite some time since they last spoke in person.

"Was there something on your mind Marchioness? Anything troubling you?"

Re: [RP] Thorn - Fire and Ice

Post by Thorn_Bracken »

Sat beside the King Thorn looked at him and nearly giggled at his questioning if there was something on her mind.

There is nothing on my mind Sire, she started to say, thinking. Well maybe a little... concerned. Is all well with you Sire? You went on a trip Edward was telling me... Where did you go if you don't mind me asking... How did it go? As her words gushed out, her questions, Thorn blushed.

Re: [RP] Thorn - Fire and Ice

Post by Edward_Spike »

Edward quietly walked through the hall before pausing to slowly open the door just a little. he spies the Marchioness and the King talking and smiles and whispers to himself While you help here.. Edward slowly closes the door and takes a few steps back before heading to the entrance of the manor I will look for what troubles my King myself...
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