(RP) Tower of Adonair: Season Three

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Re: (RP) Tower of Adonair: Season Three

Post by Adonair »

"Adonair, what happened?"

"Well, you fainted, but I'm not sure why. The fine print of the potion recipe does mention as possible side effects: headache, dizzyness, chillblains and nausea, but I've never had any trouble with it. It might be all this dust in the air or the low pressure around Sir Dusty, how do you feel now?"
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Re: (RP) Tower of Adonair: Season Three

Post by Grayson »

Grayson had felt good then his stomach felt funny. He had felt this way once after he had ate a bunch of green apples. holding his stomach he looked around the room as Alex came over to him! Grayson! Alex said loudly as she moved to his side. She Knelt next to his chair and looked at him are you ok, by the way you know I can see you she said. Grayson looked at her and smiled, My stomach feels queasy, think it is something to do with that potion! He smiled at Alex, Thank you for asking!

While Grayson sat there one of the Kits trotted over to him and Alex, and hopped onto his lap. The white kit wagged her tail and parted her jaws in a cutesy vulpine grin, then reared up on her hind paws, planting the front paws on his chest. She licked Grayson's nose. Grayson watched the kit wondering what she was doing when a sudden cold spurt caused shivers down his sine and along his arms. As this happened the funny feeling in his stomach disappeared. He looked at the kit and then back at his stomach, rubbing it, back to the kit, Thank you! That feels better! He shivered briefly once again and asked, How did you do that, I am Grayson by the way, Pleased to meet you!

Re: (RP) Tower of Adonair: Season Three

Post by AuroraKiye »

"I'm.. feeling better now. Though the room could use some stability, and not weave so much." She wipes her hand across her forehead and holds her forehead, as if to hold it together. "I think I'm ok now, though. If I can have a bit of cool water, I think I'll be alright."

Looking around makes everything tilt and weave, she suddenly not only sees the color of magiks around everyone in the room, and their auras, she sees a swirling mass of majik seeming to wrestle with a lady's handkerchief. Her eyes close, then her brain registers and analyzes that last information. It seemed to her that there was a being totally of majik moving or causing to move a handkerchief across the floor.

Arkie opens her eyes, and looks to see if she was really seeing what she thought she saw. She did. She spends some moments watching a creature made of majik use it's majik to create a change in it's environment. She wonders who made the majik being and if the majik being will exhaust it's energy, power and majik, and how long before that happens.

Re: (RP) Tower of Adonair: Season Three

Post by Shion »

Kasumi wagged her tail and lifted a paw to shake. "You're welcome. I am Kasumi. And i did it very well, obviously." Her tail wagged proudly and a glint of mischief twinkled in her eye. She sat, illusory spectacles appearing upon her muzzle as she imitated Mom's "professor" look. "Oftentimes magical potions and artifacts can interfere with one's natural flow of mana. Such was the case with you, and thus this caused a disruption in your energies. As a being of Spirit and Arcane, I simply channeled my own energy into you and used it to renew your own and correct aforementioned flow." Cocking her head, she added "Put simply, I cleaned the rest of the potion's effects out of your system. And ate it."

Turning with a chirp, Kasumi hopped down from Grayson's lap and trotted over to Arkie, looked her over, then gave her the same healing lick she had given to Grayson a few minutes before. The energy of Kas would travel through Arkie and gather the final traces of the potion's magic, then return to the kit where she would consume it. A small burp escaped her, the puff of air passing over Arkie's face. "Scuse me," the kit giggled before scampering off to pounce on Blaze.

Re: (RP) Tower of Adonair: Season Three

Post by AuroraKiye »

As the slight weight of the kit lands on Arkie's body, and Kasumi draws the toxins out of Arkie, there is a shift in the queasiness and lightheadedness that Arkie is enduring. "Thank you, I feel the difference already," she says to Kasumi, just as the vulpine breath hits her face. "Ugh."

Arkie waves her hand in front of her face for a moment, and moves to an upright position. She rises off the floor and looks around. The colors of majik and the auras surrounding everyone, both two legged and four legged, again assail her senses.

She smiles.

Re: (RP) Tower of Adonair: Season Three

Post by Adonair »

Adonair was going to get Arkie a drink of water, but got distracted.

Sir Dusty, oblivious to everything else, was still trying to return miss malan's handkerchief. He could get it airborne and going in the right direction, but like a golf slice, it always started going amiss due to the air current he was constantly creating. There was a loud crash as he bumped into one of the labratory tables and knocked everything off of it onto the floor.

"Curses!" Sir Dusty said, "Fear not fair maiden, i shall return thy token or die in the effort."
Miss Malan

Re: (RP) Tower of Adonair: Season Three

Post by Miss Malan »

Malan was a little confused when some people started changing color in her 'infra-red' view. But when both Arkie and Grayson recovered she relaxed and went back to watching the valiant Sir Dusty retrieve her handkerchief. It certainly seemed to be giving him a great deal of trouble. But he had figured out how a way to blow it towards her and predict the direction in which it would go. He looked up at her from a distance and gave a brave but exhausted 'Huzzah! I shall not fail you lady!' Not at all bad for an animated bit of dust. When he bumped the table Malan, feeling responsible, immediately went to clean up as best she could. Poor Sir Dusty. He looked quite upset. Malan stopped at Arkie and Grayson to check on them, then carried on picking up broken glass.

She apologized to Adonair, 'Zz I'm zorry Zir, zis mezz iz myzz faulzzt. Zz I zope zzeze zzingz zare not zoo exzzpenzzive zor difficulzt to zeplaze.'

With a last final puff Sir Dusty managed to get the handkerchief near enough to Malan's feet that she could bend down and pick it up.
After all the effort the poor creature was quite worn out but he stood bravely next to the handkerchief and bowed to Malan. 'Fair Lady, please accept this small token. I have at last succeeded in my que ... oh.' When he bowed he had created a small movement of wind which had blown the handkerchief a short distance away. Seeing that the exhausted knight was about to start his energetic and erratic movements all over again Malan quickly stooped to retrieve the handkerchief. Who could not be gracious after such a great show of effort? She thanked him as best she could, 'Zzir Duzzty, you zz zare z bravezz zzand zonorable zzero. Zz I zam zever graztezul to youzz for zz returningzz to mezz my prezziouz handkerzzchiezz.' She knelt down carefully and blew him a gentle kiss which caused the animated dust bunny to blush - something which should be impossible for dust.'

She blinked a bit, her 'fly-vision' seemed to have faded though she was still slightly green. The other members of the class were also becoming more visible. It was a relief to be able to see everyone again.

ooc: sorry for the delay

Re: (RP) Tower of Adonair: Season Three

Post by Teide »

It was hot. Heavily covered by a blanket the strange small figure walked up the long winding pathway to the tower of the top. She'd been told to come here some time ago but for a long time she'd been afraid to. She stopped and looked from under her blanket. It loomed in the distance and she wondered a great many things...some practical like was a gray complexion worth the hassle of a covering on a hot day. Night or day it was hot. She wasn't sure what time of day it was or even the weather under it at times due to the thickness of the fabric. Unaware of the commotion inside as she came up the front steps. A small hand tapped on the front door.

Re: (RP) Tower of Adonair: Season Three

Post by Callie »

Callie saw Adonair finally appear. Running over, she quickly touched him. Callie finded yew majik man. Yew hewp Awkie. But he had already started, much to the tiny toddler's relief. Once she saw that not only Arkie had help, but that her auntie Alex was helping Grayson, she turned her attention competely towards Miss Malan and Sir Dusty, the most noble dusty dust knight whirlwind that she had ever had the pleasure to meet. The dimpled darling giggled and clapped when she saw Sir Dusty on his quest to pick up the handkerchief, though she didn't move to help. Even at such a young age, she recognized that this was something he felt he should do, and she would not interfere. Instead, Callie continued to move closer, loving the feel of the wind as it whipped and whirled her dress back and forth, her curls bouncing up and down and side to side the entire time. So intent was she on her new friend (she considers him one, even if he doesn't know...thats just how Callie is), that she never noticed the knock on the door, and totally missed that a new friend might appear.
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Re: (RP) Tower of Adonair: Season Three

Post by Alexandria »

My stomach feels queasy, think it is something to do with that potion! Alex loves Grayson smile, so when he smiled at her she felt warm. Thank you for asking! You’re important to me Grayson, why wouldn’t I ask. Come let me look at… but it was too late. Kasumi had jump in Grayson lap. Hmm, what is she up to Alex wonder while she watched her then heard Grayson, thank you, that feels better! Alex looked a bit surprised as she held onto Grayson arm. I am Kasumi. And I did it very well, obviously. Alex shook her head realizing giving the kits praise isn’t always good. Nice yes, good no. Watching Kasumi leave Alex glances back to Grayson and shrugged her shoulders and giggled. I guess we ask for that didn’t we.

Alex glances towards Arkie to see her up and looking a bit better. Then her glaze was move to Callie as she chase granddad, Callie finded yew majik man. Yew hewp Awkie. Alex giggles some watching the little ball of energy they called Callie not missing a beat when she heard a small knock at the door. I wonder who that could be she said to Grayson.
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