Home for Thorn

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Re: Home for Thorn

Post by Athnal »

"It's going to be alright Thorn, it must be" Athnal said polishing cursed runes on his helmet's sides. He put it on and made evil face "I will eat your heeaaarth" he cried in funny manner to cheer her up. Then he scratched his back and said "alright, let's get going"

They left the house quietly.


(Athnal and Thorn returns home after whole group had a struggle with zombie king)

Re: Home for Thorn

Post by Thorn »

Thorn laughed softly at Athnal at his attempt to cheer her up.

We'll be fine, I'm sure,
Thorn said, finishing her bread and standing. I'm ready.

They left the cottage quietly and went to join others at the castle. It was later that day that the two returned back to her cottage, Athnal supporting Thorn who had been injured. Her left shoulder hurt badly, a direct hit having knocked her sideways by its force. Now as the reached the cottage Thorn looked at Athnal, embarrassed that she had shown weakness.

We need to see the extent of the wound, Thorn said as she opened the door and went into the kitchen, her bag where she had left it earlier. Going to a chair she sat and reached her right hand to touch her shoulder, moistness seeping through her clothing, and pulling her hand away she saw blood. Oh... Thorn looked at Athnal in surprise.

Re: Home for Thorn

Post by Athnal »

Athnal helped Thorn to return from the Castle and a combat with Zombie King Orakio. Who's black magic was moving cold limbs of the cadaver? What sick creature used it's necromancy to make Orakio a living dead man...He was mad and hate prevented him from seeing the truth in first moment. When they reached home his eyes were still red with boiling blood but Thorn was wounded during the assault. She looked surprised with a discovered wound on here shoulder just like kids who see blood for the first time or are surprised how easily they can be injured. "Thorn..." he rolled his eyes angry with whole situation then he felt sorry and madness left him. In a first moment he didn't know what to do but quickly he found a piece of white, clean cloth he moisten it with a water "Here..." he gently wiped blood and impurity from the wound, it wasn't enough but he thought it may be a relief in a pain "I'm sorry Thorn it happened, does it hurt a lot?" he knew she'll be alright, in the past she went through worse pain. He touched wound with a cold compress only for a second "Let me..." he pressed cloth to injury and quickly "bandaged" her shoulder. "Let me do it...it should be fine for a moment, it's only temporary but I think it should tame the bleeding, does it hurt? When did this happen?"

Re: Home for Thorn

Post by Thorn »

Thorn saw Athnal's anger as she looked at him in surprise at her own blood, not remembering at which point of events she could have been wounded thus. It had all been a blur of activity. She opened her mouth to speak and he said her name, and she saw the anger leave him and the next thing she knew he was tending her wound, his touch gentle, careful. She flinched as Athnal touched the moistened cloth to her shoulder, and looked away to hide her pain, breathing slowly, concentrating. As he tended her shoulder, applying a compress and then bandaging the wound Thorn listened to his words, heard his concern and looked up at him.

It hurts... a little Athnal,
Thorn answered carefully, her eyes avoiding his as she kept from him the truth of the pain, not wishing to worry him. I'm not sure when this happened. It was all so fast. I don't remember being cut... just felt a thud as something, someone, hit me. Everything was all a blur.

Thorn stopped and smiled at Athnal.

Thank you for taking care of me. What do we do now?

Re: Home for Thorn

Post by Athnal »

When wound was bandaged, Athnal poured her a glass of water to freshen up. He had sat on a chair and stared nowhere, lost in his thoughts. Battle with dead king and unsuccessful revolt seemed to be another failure of his plans. Thorn was wounded but it never should happen. Walking toward the window he had murmured curses he learnt from the Black Book. Revolt agains the King changed into manifestation of his frustration. What do we do now, she asked. "This place became miserable shadow of what it used to be, Thorn."

Re: Home for Thorn

Post by Thorn »

Thorn watched Athnal, hearing his curses and waited for him to speak. When he did so she nodded, agreeing things were not as they once had been, and she felt saddened by this. Sipping the water he had given her Thorn thoguht about what to do, but shook her head to herself at the hopelessness of things right then. A King that was dead, a council that needed to come together and work as one, and then herself... She looked at Athnal again and took a deep breath.

Do you think it might be best just to go back to Fenia City? Its not as if we can do anything here,
Thorn said quietly, putting down her drink and standing up, pausing as she felt a lightness of head, the blood loss she guessed. Then making herself smile she stepped over to Athnal, glancing at the window by which he stood.

Come back to Fenia City with me please Athnal. Let us put this behind us.

Re: Home for Thorn

Post by Athnal »

Athnal sighed watching Thorn walk around the room, it was unecessary effort. He offered her an arm as she approached to him. She must have had hard time he thought, past events were dissappointing at so many levels. Thorn should recover and build mental strenght in benevolence of Fenia City and her manor. Athnal's life was anarchy and instability since death of Eira but while he cultivated hate, Thorn fought her melancholy. That's how life looked in his human eyes. Short, absurd life of humans determinated them as creatures of extreme feelings and inexplicable emotiones. Athnal, though slow and quiet, made ill decisions and nervously tried to subject enviroment to his will. Thorn was completly different person and somehow he felt responsible for her. He didn't want to drag her down into his depressions.

"No, Thorn. I am as much guest here as in Fenia City. I can either escort you there or stay with you in Imperius for few days. I won't put anything behind me, it's not the end, it's the begining." he smiled to cheer her up and break seriousness of the moment. "We can't back off everytime something goes different than we wanted. This way we always lose."

Re: Home for Thorn

Post by Thorn »

As Thorn reached Athnal's side she gently took his arm that he offered and smiled at him, the pain she felt from her shoulder showing in her face and eyes. Despite that she smiled softly at him. Thorn could feel the tension in Athnal and knew from previous talk how he worried, or felt responsible to a degree. She was grateful to him for caring and enjoyed the company that he had been recently, and she had fought with her own feelings of displacement, and felt able to relax with Athnal. Looking at him Thorn knew they were from different backgrounds, and she did not know much of his past, but knew enough to know of his loss and he knew her past.

I would like it if you would allow me to travel with you Athnal,
Thorn said smiling back at him, leaning slightly on his arm. That's if I wouldn't be in the way? I would need to collect food from Fenia City, but after that I would like to travel...

Thorn paused a moment thinking about what Athnal had said and knew he was right. She knew that despite the failure this time that there were other ways to help Fenia. Thorn had been asked to do various work for the VR and this she would do irregardless where she went. It was a start for Fenia to move forward.

Since coming back Athnal I have wanted to help Fenia, but not once have I thought about what I wanted, or needed. Right now I think it would be good to get some space between me and the restraints being imposed by beaurocracy, and allow myself time to breathe and think, she said looking at Athnal, looking him directly. I know there is a call for workers elsewhere...

Re: Home for Thorn

Post by Athnal »

Athnal laughed "I felt same way after serving LVI and Maria, politics is exhausting, I am done with it. People should see through barriers and act. We need to act otherwise Fenia will fall. Everyone needs to realise it but I won't do everything here." he wondered if travel will really help Thorn, it couldn't hurt her anyway "I find your company pleasant and see no problems in travelling with you. I need to ask you to return to Fenia City and rest there though. We'll meet in Diamus and then head toward Spirus, capital of Kiene. I've never been there, new experience is what we need"

Re: Home for Thorn

Post by Thorn »

Thorn smiled at Athnal, glad to hear him laugh, even if his words echoed how she had felt at times also, but the chance to travel made her eager for a new day. If Thorn was honest with herself travelling would not solve things for herself, but a chance to do something totally for herself, to see a town that she had never seen, and to take time out from events that had left her wondering would not harm.

I will return to Fenia City, see to my fields and rest, Thorn said thinking there was not much really for her to do there. I would like to see Spirus, and to have your company on the trip would be a pleasure. I have enjoyed your company too, Thorn added quietly, looking at him and smiling slightly. This is possibly what we both need... a new place, new experiences and time to think.

Thorn thought a little, and releasing Athnal's arm moved to the table. There would be nothing preventing her leaving Imperius the next morning for Fenia City and from there she would head to Daimus to meet Athnal, and on to a new adventure.
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