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Re: The Soul Bonded (CRP)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 12:10 am
by Ferris
Ferris considered Rhoswens words, I think I know how to change you back, you must hold the image of yourself in your mind and
sorta step into it or maybe think yourself dragon again that is what I do to change to my elf form. That is what I do I think of the self I wish to be in and it is like stepping mentally into my form elf or dragon.

Re: The Soul Bonded (CRP)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 9:34 am
by Rhoswen
Rhoswen sighed and shut her eyes envisioning herself in her dragon form. Her blue scales, her long tail, and then her mighty wings. She envisioned down to every detail. Then she felt something insider her shift and her body began to expand. Once she felt the change stopped she opened her eyes to her much small sister now excitedly she said I did it! I did it, I'm dragon once more! she then looked at her sister Thank you my dearest sister for you very much needed help.

Re: The Soul Bonded (CRP)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 10:06 am
by Ferris
Ferris smiled toothily up at her now much bigger sister, humming her happiness to see her sister back to normal.Just remember not to change back and forth to close together, I can tell you it is very painful and exhausting.Of course, you can always learn the way I did. Now, if I remember correctly we once discussed soulfires and recharging them and how it is done.They still needed to go to the village, but not today Ferris thought, now that Rhoswen was back to herself they had the time to take care of their mother first. The trip was now less urgent.Though they both still needed to purchase cloth and have clothing made or at least get some softened hides, Ferris was a fair hand at making her own clothes from the leather. Buying the leather saved a lot of time, though she would still need to have boots made for herself if not both of them.

Re: The Soul Bonded (CRP)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 5:32 pm
by Rhoswen
Rhoswen returned her sister's toothy gin with one of her own. She then began thinking on a way to restore their mother's soulfires. Sapphire-Wing had discussed it with her once but it was hard to remember something when she was so young. She dug through her head for the memory. I believe to restore the soulfires of another one must be built up by two other close dragons By blood, or By mating. Of course, we are by blood but the thing is I can't exactly recall what the steps are... her features scrunched up in annoyance and she sighed.

Re: The Soul Bonded (CRP)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 6:31 pm
by Ferris
Maybe we should just ask Sapphire-wing? I just remember you saying it was possible.Ferris did not want to lose their mother she had many questions that she needed answers to.She also would like to fly with her mother and sister together.

Re: The Soul Bonded (CRP)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 7:28 pm
by Rhoswen
Rhoswen thought about it but what if Sapphire-Wing tried to stop them, or didn't want them to. But she didn't care right now and nodded Let's go ask mother. I'm sure she will know how. she stated and began back into the cave to their mother who lay tiredly her eyes closed and head laid down on the cave floor.

Re: The Soul Bonded (CRP)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 9:25 pm
by Ferris
Ferris followed Rhoswen back into the cave to their mother.Where she blurted out without thinking.Sapphire-wing you do not look well your soulfire is weak and almost colorless.We wish to help.

Re: The Soul Bonded (CRP)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 10:50 pm
by Rhoswen
Rhoswen looked at her sister. She then looked at her mother who still lay down. She opened her golden eyes dull from age looking at her young ones, My children, there is nothing for you to do... Rhoswen huffed, you lie mother. I know there is a way to help you.
It takes to dragons of blood or mating and I and Ferris are blood so we can help!
Sapphire-Wing looked at her two very determined daughters and sighed raising her head off the floor and slowly got up, Rhoswen helped her by being a prop so she did not fall. Fine, there is a way but it is ancient and dangerous...

Re: The Soul Bonded (CRP)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 10:57 pm
by Ferris
Rhoswen and I still need your wisdom and guidance mother. There were too many things they still did not know about themselves that only Sapphire-wing could answer.Not to mention the fact Ferris only just found out she was Sapphire-wings shell daughter.We wish to do this for you, and I would be lying if I did not admit it is also for us as well.

Re: The Soul Bonded (CRP)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 11:04 pm
by Rhoswen
Sapphire-Wing could see the honesty and love in her shell daughters eyes. She nodded and rubbed her muzzle gently against her daughters. Alright, this way, there will be things you need to gather before you are able to do the ceremony... Rhoswen stood on the right side of their mother. The scale of another dragon, given by the dragon. The talon of a wyvern. And last but not least a drop of blood from a hydra. Rhoswen thought the first two should be rather easy. But the last one would be rather difficult.