Fright Night Tournament Registration

This is where the Kingdom of Fenia's main Inn is.

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Re: Fright Night Tournament Registration

Post by Nikola »

Nikola was somewhat apprehensive as she approached the arena. Her opponent, Anessen, had arrived in Fenia City at first light and the duel would be fought today. She was not sure why people thought she was stronger than she was, but so many seemed to think that they would have a difficult time defeating her. In truth, she lost one in three of the duels she fought. Although she had no magic and no spells, because they were allowed, she had agreed to Anessen's request to use them as he felt he would need them to defeat her. She suspected he could likely defeat her without their use, but as the rules stated they were allowed, she saw no reason to deny him. After all, it was for fun, wasn't it?

She nodded to Aingeal, guessing she was there to cheer on her husband. She had no one in particular to cheer her on so she approached the arena in full armor, and settled into a corner to check her weapons. Aingeal had encrusted her dagger and the diamond dazzled brilliantly in the lights of the arena. Her backup weapon was a plain sword. One day she hoped to find a good unencrusted sword and upgrade it with a worthy gem. But today, the plain sword would do.

She had already done her stretches and loosened up prior to donning her armor, but as she waited for Anessen, she did a few more nervous stretches, hoping to calm her nerves as she waited.

Re: Fright Night Tournament Registration

Post by Constance_de_Vere »

Her disdain for duels was almost as strong as it was for going to sit in the tavern. Not only was she stuck in this dainty, weak body, her equipment was in a deplorable state. She would accept a duel, if challenged, but had other interests. Whim more than anything else saw her enter the competition. She didn't count on winning, but it was always interesting to see what the other creatures and people could do.

She was not surprised that Johnstone overwhelmed her, though she put up a long fight to let him know he wouldn't win too easily. She shut off the pain from her puppet's body, her annoyance flaring as weakness in it led to almost immediate infection. After the match, she lay on a bed in the cathedral medical wing, moaning and playing a lady-like fit to get attention and faster healing so she could go about her own business.

Re: Fright Night Tournament Registration

Post by Mazork »

The duel had been neither brief nor one-sided, but in the end Mazork prevailed with but minor injuries. As expected, the dragon had been a tough opponent, against whom he couldn't afford to hold back much. He had expended nearly a fourth of all the magical power he had painstakingly gathered in reserve over months. In nearly a month spent hunting xanthareels, he hadn't used much more than this. Although the duel hadn't been to the death, the true reason why the two of them had held back as much as they had, was because they had needed to watch out for the audience. Had they truly gone all out, the dragon and the orc sorcerer with nearly unmatched mastery over the arcane, half the city could have been in ruins by now. As it was, the ground was scorched by dragonfire and scarred by magically enhanced strikes of Mazork's heavy axe, but it was all limited to the dueling ground.

Balerion, while somewhat slow due to his great body size, was able to inflict great damage even with a glancing hit. The reason why the orc had finished the match with only minor injuries was not only his ability to evade and the high quality of his armour, but also his powerful healing spells. He would have to improve his prediction when fighting this sort of an opponent, in order to increase his chances of evasion, Mazork thought while cleaning and sharpening his axe and sword after the match. He had lost both weapons during the match, and by the end he had been fighting primarily with his magic (fists were a poor weapon against a dragon's hide), but both of them had been bathed in dragon blood. The large creature had soaked a lot of damage before finally yielding.

While the duel had been exhausting, that was just what Mazork had wanted. He was looking forward to facing his next opponent, hoping they would provide him with an even greater challenge.
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Re: Fright Night Tournament Registration

Post by Nikola »

Anessen had come on strong when the duel finally started, overwhelming her from the first blast of magic that blinded her before she could even get in a strike. He had continued to fire off his Psyonic blasts, keeping her blinded throughout the duel. She did manage to get in one lucky strike and from the feel of it, she had done some small bit of damage, but Anessen owned this duel for certain. He had decimated her completely and won easily. It took some time for her sight to return once the duel ended, but she nonetheless congratulated Anessen on his easy win. Some day, once she had completed all the other things on her very long To Do List, she would have to start studying magic.
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Re: Fright Night Tournament Registration

Post by balerion »

Round 2

Tier 1 (this tier will end up using triple elimination, ie 3 loss = eliminated until winners apparent)

Mazork - Aingeal
Annessen - Johnstone
Nikola - Constance

Tier 2 (easy enough for everyone to fight everyone)

Rannek - Jandar
Misty - Cathrina
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Re: Fright Night Tournament Registration

Post by Aingeal »

After watching her husband dispatch Nikola, she went to get ready for her own match. She had heard that Balerion and Mazork had a good duel, but Aing didn't want to watch that one. She had dueled the dragon before, so she knew his style. Had she thought about it, she should have went to watch to get a handle on Mazork's style so she knew what she might be facing. So here she was, getting ready to face an challenger she'd never faced.

She was going to go all out this time, polishing her armor till it shone. Rings, orbs and weapons, she was ready to go. A fleeting thought was that she should wear her tiny shorts to try to distract him, but she decided armor was safer. Mazork had been the King's general for a reason, and she knew she was almost evenly matched with him.... she hoped....
Mother to Amara, Wife to Anessen, Guard of Fenia

Re: Fright Night Tournament Registration

Post by Mazork »

While the destruction in the arena was much more limited this time, Aingeal had turned out to be an even tougher opponent than the dragon had been. Mazork was still reeling from all the blasts of magic he'd taken, and his sight hadn't completely recovered from all the blinding spells yet. His woulds were also considerably more severe than after the last match, despite his healing spells. Of course, he'd given as much as he'd taken, and the orc would have liked to think that it was his superior constitution that gave him the victory this time. But the truth was that what had most likely tipped the scales in his favour was that he had managed to completely disarm her, while he still had his sword in hand at the end of the match.

Human women may look weak, but they are not to be underestimated, Mazork concluded. This had been his first time meeting Aingeal in the dueling ground, and the mere memory of this tough match made his blood surge with excitement. The orc was glad to have entered this tournament: these tough fights were, in some ways, far more rewarding than hunting xanthareels.
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Re: Fright Night Tournament Registration

Post by Johnstone »

Annessen had agreed to meet in the arena in full amor gear. Since John had not studied any form of magic, Annessen agreed to fight him without. After a long grueling fight of going back and forth, John was finally able to win the battle.

Re: Fright Night Tournament Registration

Post by Mazork »

Are we ready for the next round yet?
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Re: Fright Night Tournament Registration

Post by balerion »

To speed things up I'll duel the winner of Nikola & Constance's duel.

Mazork - Johnstone
Aingeal - Annessen
Balerion - Nikola

Rannek - Cathrina
Jandar - Misty
Last edited by balerion on Mon Nov 20, 2017 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Shaker of Castles
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