Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by balerion »

Don't mind her, she's still upset about having been dethroned via gross incompetence.

Bravia has a real proposal to consider and we should work to see that things improve. *Balerion smiles as he twirls a crown about his finger.*
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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by Wyllow »

Rannek, no, I don't know you other than someone that now has an agenda. Over the years, people change. How long ago was I on council with you? Nothing, I would consider recent, so no, I do not know you. I do know that a boat load of you all left Bravia for greener pastures. Then ride in here as if you mean to do us some service? Yet... suddenly we have a poll for a new government?? Where was any discussion about this with Bravians? Just straight to a poll, hmm?

Hearing other voices, she dismissed any voices from Kiene as no-one of any importance, however Balarion made her chuckle a tad at his comment.

She continued though, Or maybe I missed that enough Bravians ran on split councils to make up one council. What is it to you all what our business looks like? You don't live here.

I rarely pay attention to people that can't vacate a residence fast enough. I am glad you all are thriving in your new homes, but you mistake that the people that live her thrive as well. That is why we are still here. So why come here to sit on our council? What are you getting out of it???

Just to anyone that seems to think they know better than anyone else, I have served many times. I served recently to no leadership, which I left for hearing myself talk and no one else but the walls. So maybe we should question the leaderships going back... how far? There is more to leadership than sitting in an office. So don't sit around pointing fingers as if you are all deserving, when in fact, instead of making Bravia Better, you fled.
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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by balerion »

I came because to my great surprise Nocturne's joke council list won the election. Please join our council as an auxiliary member and read all we've said and done and then make your decision as to what our aims are. I've said it before and it remains true if I wanted to do you an ill turn I'd already have done it, and I've had ample opportunity. Nocturne ended a stalled election. The preceding council hadn't done their duty. Bravia needs help and we've done all we can to provide it. Even now Rannek is filling multiple offices because it has been necessary. Applaud his work, or at the least don't disparage it.
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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by Mateo_Umia »

Scrolls of the discussion taking place in Bravia reached its sister of Paz. While passing the town hall, Mateo paused to read over the notice board as he often does to stay aware of any goings on in the capital city. It is not often that much is posted there so it rarely takes much time. The scrolls posted this day were numerous so it took some time for Mateo to read them all. After reading all there was he returned to his fields to finish his tasks of the day. While preparing his evening meal he pondered on all that he had read. All while he ate his 'sup he thought about responding. He felt that he was a relative newcomer having only come to these lands last summer, and being involved in the affairs of the town hall let alone the castle had before this day simply not crossed his mind. Mateo has been content these last months making friends with his new neighbors, participating in the odd social, trading in the market, working his fields, and training. He's stood vigil, and patrolled many a night in the town militia or helping around the cathedral when he could.

This morbid notion of a funeral for the land he now called home and fallen in love with disturbed him. While he was finishing his meal he noted that another who had arrived even after him had stepped up to offer his help with civic duties so perhaps doing so as well was not such a premature notion as he had thought. After cleaning the table he sat down with some parchment and thought about what he might say to the others.

(( I know well the pains of burnout for volunteering ones time in service to others, the sacrifices, the often thankless work for the sake of the greater body. So I've had no rush to write such a letter and does not come easily or hastily. ))
Greetings esteemed elders,

I am a mere citizen Bravia, and resident of Paz, holder of no past office or title in these lands but I feel compelled on this day to speak. I've had no thought of getting involved in politics or the goings on of the castle as I've felt it was for others more senior of me in residence to attend to. Perhaps this notion was in error. Since arriving in this nation and becoming a citizen I have enjoyed my new home, have fallen in love with her, and find pride in her. The thought of a funeral for this great land I have just come to call home a mere seven months ago disturbs me greatly and compelled me to offer these words to the discussions at present.

The average being will not take up the yoke of leadership easily because it is hard, thankless work, that often requires much sacrifice. I can understand why many are content as I have been to go about their daily lives, socializing with those of their town, working their fields, or working in their shops with little thought cast towards the goings on of other towns let alone the castle or even another nation. It is easy to think that all is well when little is posted as to the status of affairs of the nation or various offices. It is easy to become complacent when little is being said.

I know not of what I can offer yet offer of myself I do now. I was not aware of the need so grave or so great.

Of activity, I will say this, and mind you this is no critique of the current administration. It is not easy to draw beings to a state of activity but seeing little in the way of reports from leadership be it the council or other departments breeds apathy. To see activity if even to say "nothing much to report but work or services continues" is more likely to draw beings out of the rhythm of their routine to heed a calling for help than with none at all.

I have said recently having foreigners running the nation at first made me uneasy. But when none stand up, little thought can be made of it providing their intentions be true. I have yet to see ill cast upon this land by those presently here and thus much cast any uneasy notions aside. Those that offer to serve when they need not deserve this humble man's praise.

Warmest Regards to all,
Mateo Umia
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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by Grayson »

Grayson listened to his wife as she spoke and then listened to the rest of the folks speaking as well. He understood well the concept of being burnt out on politics. He had went off to learn more about his life and his family to help himself get away from it for a while. "We are all at fault for how things have been run here! Yes we have foreign councilors on our soil, and yes they are former Bravians that may have left for greener pastures, but they stand here now. They are filling positions that we should have filled. More people should be running for offices and filling offices. I remember a time when there were 2 or even 3 lists up for the castle. Now we are lucky if we can get just one. That's not the fault of the people in the office at this moment, It's our fault!" Grayson shook his head and looked at the assembled crowd, "If we want things better then we are going to have to do it. I want to thank those that have been working and burning themselves out to keep the Viceroy running and those that have stepped in now to keep it running. Thank you to those that toiled to help out any where that they can, could, Thank you to those that will be here when things continue on and a new set of people move in and take over yet again. Something that we as a whole do not do a lot of around here is talk with one another, we hardly know one another as well!"

Grayson sighed and smiled, "With that said BAA Bravians Against Apathy needs creatures to fill out it's list!" Grayson looked around "Any one willing to step up and help make things better? Willing to get their hands, paws or claws dirty to make life better or continue it as we see fit, better would be the plan, but we will do what we see fit doing to make things better for all!" Grayson looked around meeting the eyes of the folks around him, He would wait and see how this turned out.
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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by Nikola »

FYI - Up until a few days ago, any change requested for a style of government, whatever change that might have been, had to be approved by the Administration. That is no longer the case. That gives Bravia more freedom to either keep what they have or try to change it to something that may be more workable.

Government = Update as of Feb 20, 2019.
Amaryllis wrote: Wed Feb 20, 2019 12:47 pm Government Style Change

Effective with 3.1.005, new code will be put into the game that will allow the Viceregal Leaders to change the style of government directly via the IG interface. This will no longer require a poll and interaction from the Administrative team. It should be noted that only one government style change will be permitted per council and that there may be additional ramifications with peasants and towns. If the election clock is over 30 days, it will reset to 30 days.
I know I've joined this discussion a bit late, but I have been following it. I have a few observations to make and then I will leave you to it.
Tuvoria wrote: Tue Feb 19, 2019 7:18 pm nay. the people need more input and reasoning for the change and not from outside agents recently relocated to this area
There have been a number of calls to action over the years and even recently right here in Bravia from Bravians to Bravia. They continue to go unanswered, hence why there are so many foreigners on the current Council. You want to keep Bravia as it is? Then step up and actually DO something. Put feet to your words and they will mean so much more.
Tuvoria wrote: Fri Feb 15, 2019 6:50 pm For too long I have tried to stay away from politics. I would rather work behind the scenes working to uplift and support this great republic. It is one of the reasons that Wyllow and myself left Widu to move here. However, pf late, it seems that the power only rests in the hands of a few. There is none, if any, communication from the elected officals to the people in the streets. I have never seen a financial or overall status report on the health of Bravia. I can;t even recall the last time a mayor gave an update on their town. I'm currently on a trade mission and tried for weeks to see if I could get something from the Council or ideas on what to keep an eye out for and never got word back. The issues at hand go both ways. transparency is need and we the people need to hold creatures accountable.
“Power only rests in the hands of a few.” Those few are the ONLY people willing to serve the Republic of Bravia. They do it term after term after term because no one else is willing to step up. As I said before, put feet to your words and DO something. Then they will mean more than just so much noise decrying whatever the current state of affairs happens to be.

This is precisely why so many formerly active Bravians have chosen to leave this wonderful country. We were exhausted and quite simply tired of being told we either wouldn’t share the power (one can only share if there is someone willing to take it) or that we were too old to know what we were doing anymore. So, we took you* at your word and left. This is the consequence of too many words accompanied by too few actions.

* - for clarity, the use of the word “you” is in in a collective sense here rather than singling out a single creature.
I hope that Bravians will finally realize that the power to save this country and make it truly alive again is in your hands - all of Bravia. You cannot sit idly by and expect someone else to do all the work and then raise a stink when change is suggested. Bravia needs all of her citizens to act and not just speak. I wish BAA the best in their endeavor. Remember that although you may feel that you have been invaded by outsiders, we are only here because Bravians failed to step up. We are here because we care enough about Bravia to try to keep it going, even if we have suggested a different form that would make it easier to keep the government of this country productive and moving forward. Almost all of the non-Bravians on your Council once lived here in Bravia, and all of them have served her in one way or another for years before choosing to find another path. If you don't want "foreigner" on your Council, then join BAA and get to work. The work of Council is not hard, but it has to be done, and when all are active, the work of government can be both easy and fun. It's when people promise to be active then drop off the planet once they are in office and cannot be replaced so that only a few must do the work of 10 that things become burdensome and wearing. Band together, do the work and find enjoyment in working together for the betterment of all.
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Re: Here Lies Bravia - Address to the Republic

Post by Grayson »

Thank you Nikola! For your words and the things you have done in the past for this town and VR. Thank you to everyone that is willing to help and has stepped up and to those that are willing if the need arises to help where help may be needed.
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