ORP: Bravia Temple

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Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Sandra »

It had happened so fast. Sandra had asked to be a Deacon and she found herself a Baptized and then a priestess while the Priestess Wandress was busy. She was not sure how long it would last or how long it would be... The overseerer Almadris had asked her to fill in as Priestess for a while. Not specifying how long....

Sandra fluttered through the church happy and nervous about the mass. She hurriedly wrote letters to people in town asking them to come to her first mass. She hoped they would be delighted and enjoy her first mass. Such an imposing building intimidated her.
She hoped for good attendance... It would be terrible to flop on her very first day. She hoped that people would like the mass and donate to the temple. Faith points were needed and money for the beggars who requested sustainance.

She was hoping that someone would want a blessing! That would be so fun to do her first blessing!

She watches as people enter the mass and have a seat.
She smiles so happy!

Sandra donated 10 faith points to the temple. She hoped others would too.
She was amazed at the generosity of Rifilais! PhilipTheGravedigger was very generous too. She hoped to be able to thank them personally.
Tana had given a donations even before she heard the mass. What a blessing to live in such a beautiful town.
So much is new! This is fun!

Seventeen people had come to mass. Sandra fluttered and smiled filled with joy that she could help out the people in town. She had received a few letters, letting her know she had done ok! :)

Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Sandra »

Sandra was a flutter with excitement.
She had been asked to do two blessings!!!
She blessed Hawksmoor and PhiliptheGravedigger!

She was quite nervous with it being her first time. But she could see the sparkling magic working to improve their alignment!

Fluttering about she noticed that Grayson, Hawksmoor, MaidrinRuah, and Ring_Genie has also made donations to the temple.

Sandra felt blessed that she could help others. She is very grateful for the people who donated to the temple ensuring that people who wanted to be blessed could be! This is why she wanted to be a priestess to help others out.

Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Sandra »

Today was her lucky day! Sandra received two more requests for blessings.

Smiling she blessed Grayson and MaidrinRuah. Swirls of sparkles filled the room. She could see their alignment aligning.... "MaidrinRuah wow! Look at that!! The blessing resulted in an alteration of 52 alignment." I was in the swing of things. Sandra thinks.
"Grayson it is incredible! The blessing resulted in an alteration of 50 alignment." The temple filled with 102 sparkles of alignment!"

Sandra is dancing and flying amongst the sparkles! So beautiful! She hopes the blessed are happy with her work. It is a good day!

Sandra received a letter confirmation that her blessing the day before had been a good one! She actually had brought Hawksmoor into perfect alignment!!! :D
Jul 06, 1651 12:15 am: Sandra (Priest of the Temple) has accepted your request (blessing) (Your alignment was altered by 22 bringing it to 1000)

Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Sandra »

July 10th,

Mass was going well, Sandra thought. She was happy that Philipthegravedigger had requested another blessing this week. The blessing resulted in an alteration of 42 alignment. She love the magic sparkles the blessings created. 42! That was great!

Sandra makes an entry in the temple log.
1:36 pm, Jul 10 1651 Sandra (Priest of the Temple) has processed a request (blessing) by PhilipTheGravedigger
Another blessing!!! :) Sandra joyfully Blesses Cherish

The blessing resulted in an alteration of 25 alignment.
3:15 pm, Jul 10 1651 Sandra (Priest of the Temple) has processed a request (blessing) by cherish2627
Hawksmoor requested a blessing too! He already had perfect alignment. The blessings so improve the mood!
The blessing resulted in an alteration of 29 alignment. 29 more sparkles in the temple! the temple is glowing today!
10:15 pm, Jul 10 1651 Sandra (Priest of the Temple) has processed a request (blessing) by Hawksmoor

Sandra was very happy that 18 people had come to mass! :)

Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Sandra »

Sandra fluttered about the temple cleaning windows. She noticed that the aura of the temple was a little dim. She cleaned the windows hoping others would help her so the temple would sparkle.

She only had one blessing this week. A bit of a dissappointment but she was grateful that she was able to bless Hawksmoor. Maybe next week more would request a blessing.

Ring_Genie donated to the temple. Thank you!

Only 15 people had attended mass... Sandra worried if her sermon had bored people. She was hoping for increased attendance this coming Sunday. She wrote to a few people who missed mass in hopes that they might come next Sunday. She was impressed and nervous that the mage Zachrin himself had been in the audience!!! She wonders if maybe her nervousness had shown too much...

There were more workers at the temple this week!
GuyFox worked at the temple twice
Cassian worked at the temple once
Ember worked at the temple once
Mausie worked at the temple once
Aeron worked a the temple once
Wishing for more social points to give Sandra gave these newer citizens some social points.
Maybe if they cleaned the windows they would get a random social point!

Sandra sits at her office desk to work on the next Sunday's mass.


Aura has been added to the temple and ours is kind of low. Cleaning the windows helps the temple's aura and raises your alignment. A higher aura means that our temple is less likely to be attacked by rouge armies or others trying to take the temple over. (this is only partially implemented so we have time to raise our aura before it can be attacked. However things happen fast here so we may not have that long....)

Zachrin wrote:Temples now have an Aura around them. This is the level of protection they have against those who might want to take over the temple. (Not active... yet!) Aura will be able to be improved by people working in the temple (full day job) as well as by cleaning the windows (doesn't count as a full day job). Aura can be made worse by breaking the temple windows. More details will be announced as portions of the new temple code are released.

In addition, we have added an "Autosuggest" feature to the "Compose a New Message" feature in game to help you find the person you wish to send a mail to and avoid spelling errors.

Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Sandra »

Sandra was so happy. Cassian came by the tavern and said hello. He made a donation to the temple and requested a blessing. It was a good one!
The blessing resulted in an alteration of 51 alignment.
9:51 pm, Jul 19 1651 Sandra (Priest of the Temple) has processed a request (blessing) by Cassian
A few people had shined the windows and the temple was starting to look cleaner. The aura was up to 67%! good progress for one day! Sandra was sure she lived in the best town in all of Secfenia!
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Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by balerion »

Balerion flew over to the Bravian temple and patiently knocked on the door outside.
Shaker of Castles
Order of the Pillow | Sunspear

Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Sandra »

Sandra was fluttering about the temple, so much work to be done!
She was glad that Cassian and Miran worked at the temple today! "Thank you for your help!" she said as she fluttered by. She blessed Cassian. A faithful came by and told her that Ring_Genie had cleaned some windows.

She noticed that with all the help about the temple was starting to glow nicely. It was a nice shade of pearl now. (86%)

Saraphina made a donation to the temple today. Things were looking good. "We are a temple of the light! We are here to make the world a better place." Sandra says happily.

Looking up from her work she hears a knock on the temple doors. Wondering who would be knocking instead of coming in, she gets up and goes to answer the door.

Opening the door she sees the dragon Balerion. "Hello Balerion. How are you today?"
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Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by balerion »

"Oh you know me... hungry." Balerion smiles big showing all his teeth. "It seems you have spruced up the place quite a bit."
Shaker of Castles
Order of the Pillow | Sunspear

Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Amladris »

Amladris walks in the Bravian temple.He looks arround in search of the priestress.He looks and see a uge form .Balerion it was he look at the dragon and see not far Sandra .He greets the dragon and walks twers Sandra holding a book in his hand .

Greetings Sandra ,

I have come to deliver the news of the One .Follow the one faith as it represent all that is growing and living in this world .Why choose whats good our whats rong .The one shows you everything .Ballance that keep this all in one .
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