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Re: Bittie's Keg and Snack's Tavern

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:56 pm
by Adonair
"Ah thanks." Adonair takes the hot sauce and puts it in one of the many pockets inside his robe.

"lesson saturday if the two of you can make it, and tell the Fox if you see her. I think we're having haussenpfeffer. I have all the things we'll need to practice teleportalation."

Adonair says his farewells, pays for his meal and departs for the mayor's office.

Re: Bittie's Keg and Snack's Tavern

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:18 pm
by Logo
"Saturday and telepotalationing! I'll be there, maestro. Thank you!" Logo called after Adonair. He watched the psychedelic rainbows following his hand as he waved goodbye.

"Really, AuroraKiye, AuntieFae Sauce is amazing stuff. Thank you for the gift.
I must be going. There's special work to do building my meat-butching shop.
" he called to his hostess while placing neighbor's cat onto Snack's back.
"See you Saturday" he waved as the trio walked out of the tavern and into the gathering twilight.

Re: Bittie's Keg and Snack's Tavern

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:50 pm
by AuroraKiye
After cleaning the tavern, the kitchen, and the dishes, AuroraKiye sits alone in the tave for a while. Deciding that it's too pretty a day to be spent indoors, she calls up a Construct which very closely resembles her, and she and Bittie go out cloudchasing, skylarking and in general terrorizing the flying birds, as well as causing leaves on tall trees to quiver, whether in fear or from the breezes they stir the trees are keeping their counsel.
The Construct works in the tavern, sweeping and cleaning, as well as peeling potatoes.
If Arkie had any business acumen, she'd most likely patent the construction of the Construct and sell it to the military as Private First Class, and to the private sector as a lad named Manual Labor.

Re: Bittie's Keg and Snack's Tavern

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:26 pm
by AuroraKiye
Arkie spends the morning in her tavern, going over the books. This should be easy, because there haven't been a lot of customers for the last several days, but the numbers on the page are dancing, moving with alacrity and energy. She drops her quill, closes her eyes and rubs them, sighing. Maybe a running a tavern is for a different place, or a different type of person. Maybe she's got the wrong menu. Maybe she's just tired.
Maybe the next being that walks through the door will be here next week. She sighs, knowing that opening a new business can be discouraging and slow. And she needs to just try some more and be patient.
She thinks about an additional item on her menu. Fried fish, with fried potatoes seems rather tame. Perhaps there should be a new way to prepare fish that would be appealing and yet easy. She spends some time thinking.

Re: Bittie's Keg and Snack's Tavern

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:22 am
by homersonofsimp
Homer stops in, ravenous from chopping wood. He sets his axe down on the floor to avoid any appearance of being a menace. "I'll have... the lot!!" he says pounding on the table and then laughing. "Seriously, I'm starving, anything you've got ready or can get ready in a hurry, I'll take it. I had a loaf of bread this morning, but it wasn't nearly enough."

Re: Bittie's Keg and Snack's Tavern

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:23 pm
by AuroraKiye
"Good day to you, sir! It's good to see you!" Arkie brings a tall glass of cool ale to sit in front of her customer. "I have some excellent beef stew and some fresh yeast bread, some fried fish with some fried potates and coleslaw, or there's about a serving left of the chicken and broccoli. What do you wish to start with?"

Re: Bittie's Keg and Snack's Tavern

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 9:14 am
by homersonofsimp
"stew and bread sounds hearty, i'll start with that! Just keep bringing food until i run out of money." Homer empties his pocket onto the bar, then returns his housekey to his pocket. The motley collection of coins adds up to 23.16 freznics, but Homer hasn't counted them.

Re: Bittie's Keg and Snack's Tavern

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 12:50 pm
by AuroraKiye
Arkie brings first a large almost Troll size bowl of stew, and a good chunk of bread, placing it in front of Homer. She adds the bottle of Aunt Fae's hot sauce and says, "If you like hot and spicy, this hot sauce is very good, but just use a drop until you find out how hot it is. I've seen someone use about a teaspoonful, but I don't. I can't. I'll be back in a while to check on you. Do you need anything else?"
She looks at the money, and nods, "I'll be back with some ale when you wave your mug at me." Arkie waits to see if there's anything else Homer needs.

Re: Bittie's Keg and Snack's Tavern

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 11:53 am
by homersonofsimp
Homer savors the stew and the bread. It was the largest bowl of stew he had ever seen. His ravening hunger slowly dissipates and is replaced by a feeling of well being and a desire for a nap. He has one more ale for the road and then departs leaving his money on the table.

Re: Bittie's Keg and Snack's Tavern

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 3:11 pm
by AuroraKiye
The last customer has left for the day, and Arkie and the Construct are busy cleaning up and tallying up the intake.. "Gee, this is hard.. hmm.. 1,2,3,13,23.00, 23.10, 23.15, 23.16." She grins, "at least that part is easy. Now to get that to cover the expenses. That's going to take a fair amount of the majik Logo was speaking of, the Accounting Majik."
Looking at the Construct, Arkie instructs, "After you finish putting the chairs upside down on the tables, scrub the floor from side wall to side wall and from that back wall to the front. I'll be back before I leave with more instructions." She watches the Construct for a minute, furrowing her brow, thinking, hoping that she made herself clear, then turns on her heels to return to the "Accounting Laboratory" to work on those books, trying to mend the break in the Financial Realm, where Income and Outgo don't meet anymore.