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Re: [Rp] Datron and Maria's House

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 1:48 pm
by Maria
Maria has listened to Datron talk about the darkness he feels has swept over the town and she remains perplexed by what he says.

She has been mayor for a week now and all seems well. The market is stable, many people are leveling up, the new council is active, the other mayors are engaged and helpful. From what she knows, things are looking well for all of Bravia. But she is aware of how intuitive Datron is and she respects him enough to know that he wouldn't express these concerns unless he felt strongly about them.

Holding him close she whispers, "I am here for you always Datron, and I will remain alert. But I cannot see this darkness you speak of. Look! The sun shines as brightly today as it has ever shone."

Re: [Rp] Datron and Maria's House

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:25 pm
by Datron
Datron was coming home from his workshop when he heard a cry from nearby. After a little investigation he found the source. It appeared as though a troll had found the mother of the little guy and made lunch of her. Datron spoke to the little fella "Don't worry there little one I believe we can take you in and see that you grow to be happy and healthy" I just know Maria will take as good a care of you as she does everything else"
With that he stroked the little ones head and said
"come on then follow me"

The Kit seemed to understand and ran along beside me as I walked on home. After reaching the house I opened the door and called to Maria
"Maria can you come out here for a second I have a friend I want you to meet?"

Re: [Rp] Datron and Maria's House

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 12:39 am
by Maria
Datron wrote: "Maria can you come out here for a second I have a friend I want you to meet?"
Hearing Datron call for her, Maria goes outside expecting that he will introduce her to someone who might need help from the town or have questions about a field or profession. Opening the door she steps out into the lovely evening, the sun setting behind her.

"Welcome home love. I thought you..."

Expecting to find Datron with another person, she pauses for a second when she sees the little kit beside him. "Oh, how sweet he is!"

Approaching slowly so not to scare him, she smiles and makes some silly baby talk. "Y'er such a cutie, yes you are. I bet your mama is wondering where you are, isn't she? Yeah, I know that Datron probably gave you some steak, didn't he? And you followed him home, yes you did."

Holding her hand out, the little fox sniffed her and she started scratching him behind his ears. That was all he needed. He nuzzled her hand and seemed to lose any sense of caution. Maria chuckled softly, "He's adorable Datron. Where did you find him? Where's his mother?"

Re: [Rp] Datron and Maria's House

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 12:50 am
by Datron
Hearing Maria say
Maria wrote:" "Y'er such a cutie, yes you are. I bet your mama is wondering where you are, isn't she? Yeah, I know that Datron probably gave you some steak, didn't he? And you followed him home, yes you did."

I chuckle, to myself thinking I always have to be guilty. The joy in Maria's face says it all though.
I watch as Maria befriends the kit seeing right away that this was a good idea. When I hear her ask
Maria wrote: "He's adorable Datron. Where did you find him? Where's his mother?"
I look to her with a frown and tell her
"Oh hun he has been orphaned. I heard his cries and found him near some fresh troll tracks. I looked around and he seems to be the only survivoir of his family. I told him we would take him in if he wanted, and he followed me home from there."

I can see the caring in Maria's eyes as I tell her the story and I know then that he will be with us until such a time he decides to leave. Which at this time I am hoping is never.

Re: [Rp] Datron and Maria's House

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 4:47 pm
by Datron
It seems as though my feelings about the darkness have come true. It has finally taken over the one thing that matters to me. I then turn to Maria for a kiss good bye but she is gone.

Re: [Rp] Datron and Maria's House

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 5:11 pm
by Maria
Maria picks up the little kit that she has affectionately named Shortbread, and stares at Datron as he mutters on about the darkness. Not knowing what more she can do, she turns with Shortbread in her arms and goes inside, leaving Datron to work through his issues as best suits him.

Inside she pours some milk in a bowl and puts it on the floor. With Datron headed to Cork today to get some wood for the town, Maria sighs sadly,
"I guess it's going to be just you and me for a few days, Shorty. We'll have to make the best of it."

Re: [Rp] Datron and Maria's House

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 2:04 pm
by Maria
Weeks passed, Datron returned home and things seemed to get better. The earth warmed and new growth was springing up everywhere. Maria loved this time of year, with all it's color and brightness.

As the days got longer, she made sure she didn't spend more time than needed in the office. She focused on learning about some family history by spending time in the forest and listening to the lore of her ancestors. This lore was contained in the essence of the trees, in the earth that made up the forest bed, in the streams, in the wind and even in the bright flashes of lightening that sometimes cracked the sky.

The elemental magic that was a part of her blood had taken a back seat to many things in life over the years; her relationship with Datron, raising a family and even politics. But she always had a strong innate talent for it. And as the fragrant spring breeze swirled around her, she knew it was time to tap into those natural talents and use them to her advantage.

Re: [Rp] Datron and Maria's House

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:54 pm
by Phillerpuff
Looking down at the hard to read note, he thinks to himself is this the right house? could this one be it?
The youngster approaches the house hopeful this is where his older sister lives, and hopes even more that she is home to tell him.
He gets to the door and knocks, merely a tapping at first, but as time moves on he knocks louder. then waits to see for what welcome will he get showing up so unexpectedly.

In a small voice he calls "Maria... are you home, are you here?"

after an eternity or so it seems..

Re: [Rp] Datron and Maria's House

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 12:41 am
by Maria
Maria approaches the house and sees a man by her door, knocking. Is it.... could it be???? Running to him she cries out, "PUFF!!!"

Re: [Rp] Datron and Maria's House

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:28 pm
by Phillerpuff
Puff hears the cry behind him and spins, could it be he has found her? Yes it is her, his big sister!

"Hi Sis, I was not sure I would find you, I tried to follow the directions in the letter to find your house, I had tried three before this as I think the words smudged some from my tears of joy in hearing where you were, I presume this is your house? It is quite nice from out here, I have moved to town and wanted to see where my big sister lived.."

Puff holds his arms out for a hug, as he has missed his big sister so much.

"I have missed you very much Sis."