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Re: The Big Bravia Storm or was it?

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 5:04 pm
by Grayson
While Grayson was getting his self back together after getting hit from a bolt of lightening Nomad had continued on following Alex's scent. He worked his way through the forest a little farther and came upon a cave. Her scent was inside along with something that made Nomad's hackels rise. What ever it was, was big. Nomad growled a bit not really loud but enough to let Grayson know if he was closer that something was bothering him. He sat down and watched in the cave, sending Images to Grayson of Alex and this cave. He waited hearing movement inside and then a Who is out there Being a wolf he could not speak so he howled loudly for Grayson to know his location.

grayson was finally up on his feet, he shook His head and cleared his mind as images came to him from Nomad. His head snapped up and he looked around trying to figure out where Nomad was that he saw this. He wiggled his fingers again and the ball of light reappeared above him, he made it bright, really bright so the light illumed alot of the area around him. Grayson looked around and did not see Nomad when he heard a howl ahead of him. Grayson took off at a run; jumping over trees and ducking under limbs. As he came out to a clearing he saw Nomad staring into a cave. Whats wrong boy, is she in there? Nomda laid down and looked at the cave and whuffed a couple times, something had him spooked but just enough to be leary. Grayson looked at the cave and wondered was she in danger, hurt or safe he did not know.

Grayson charged the cave and used the light; throwing the very bright ball of light in to the cave to temporarily blind what was i there to save Alex. As the light went in he and Nomad ran in after. As he entered he dimmed the light and stood there looking around the cave area.

Re: The Big Bravia Storm or was it?

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 11:11 pm
by Alexandria
Alex shook her head; it’s best we stay in one spot. That way we aren’t chasing our tails sorta speaking. Alex would have laughed at her own words if it not for the splitting pain in her head. Maybe next time I’ll let you men do the saving while I stay my butt put. Hearing more sounds she wasn’t sure if they were in her head or really happening that is until she heard Balerion ask “Who’s there???” Alex opened her eyes in time to here a loud pain howl. Nomad… come she said wanted him to stop the blasted howling. Uggh… could this be how people that drank too much feel; she thought trying to get Nomad to enter the cave and stop his loud howling. Somehow his howling was ringing in her head like an unwanted bell. Kill me now she said trying to stand so that she can let Nomad see she was ok.

Moving slowing she walked up to Balerion; this isn’t going to be good she said just as a bright light enter the cave blinding Alex casing her to scream. My eyes… Grayson!!!! She knew it was him for a while she felt some kind of connection growing between them. Using the connection she felt she moved towards him bumping into something big. Oww… reaching up she felt arms then shoulders. Grayson... Alex’s brow arched while she kept touching… Oh my, she said smiling at him. I’ve heard of physical changed but … you’ve gotten… gotten… well taller. Alex still could not see but she could feel something was different with her Grayson. Punching his arm with her hand; ow… you could have frighten Balerion you know dragons frighten easily. Alex gave a small giggle as she shook her score hand trying to lighten the mood in the cave. Leaning against Grayson she sighed; we are stuck here aren’t we.

Re: The Big Bravia Storm or was it?

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:21 am
by balerion
Balerion was glad that Grayson had finally managed to find them. He wasn't all that fond of playing nursemaid. The light had been blinding but Alex's scream of Grayson had kept him from casting a stunning spell in retaliation. Hearing Alex say that dragons frightened easily made him wonder what silly bedtime stories she had listened to. Very few things had the ability to hurt dragons and as thus there wasn't much that could inspire fear in them. Dragonsbane was the most deadly to a dragon but only cowards would resort to using such. It would take much more than a bit of rain and lightning to make me fear little one. I was merely concerned with your own safety.

Turning to Grayson who did indeed look somewhat different he said Did you have any luck chasing people out into the forest? The only one that I found was Alex here after she got herself scraped up rather badly. She is lucky I was there to repair most of her wounds. Balerion was glad that Grayson did seem mostly unharmed as well as he certainly didn't want to have two hurt people to look after. One had been enough for his tastes. Balerion looked then to Nomad and sent him thoughts of thanks for leading his master to the right place.

Outside the rain became even worse to the point that Balerion even began to have difficulty to see. I think Alex might be right and we could be here for a while. I wouldn't want the two of you washed away trying to make it back to towne and Alex still needs her rest regardless. Thinking that the pair of them might be cold Balerion spit a fireball at a pile of rocks in the back of the cave turning them red hot. That should help you dry off and hopefully also make it more comfortable so you can rest for a little while.

Re: The Big Bravia Storm or was it?

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:55 pm
by Grayson
Grayson had waited when all of a sudden he heard Alex yell, Grayson! Then she was there in front of him, she was still some what stunned from the light he figured. When she started to feel his arms and shoulders he smiled, I’ve heard of physical changed but … you’ve gotten… gotten… well taller He looked down at her and realised that she was right something seemed different, she seemed a bit further down on hium than normal. But that was fine for him, he had found her. Then his eyes took in the other creature there as it spoke to him, Balerion was in the cave as well. She punched him in the arm and pulled her hand back, ow… you could have frighten Balerion you know dragons frighten easily. She giggled as she shook her score hand. Leaning against Grayson she sighed; we are stuck here aren’t we. Grayson looked at her and then leaned down kissing her tenderly on the lips, Yes for now we are, but I think we will be ok. He wrapped his arms around her giving her a hug as well.

It would take much more than a bit of rain and lightning to make me fear little one. I was merely concerned with your own safety. Was the respnonse to Alex's little tease at the dragon, Grayson chuckled, Did you have any luck chasing people out into the forest? The only one that I found was Alex here after she got herself scraped up rather badly. She is lucky I was there to repair most of her wounds. Grayson looked at Bale, I found the boy but as we drew near here and I was struck by a couple lightening bolts he disappeared as if he was never there. I looked and could not find him again, His tracks just vanished! Grayson was actually shocked at that thought, I am not sure how that happened either!
He watched as Balerion heated up the rocks in the back, He looked at Alex and slowly walked over, So she had been hurt badly huh. He looked at Balerion and said, Thank you for everything! Especially taking cae of her, I do not know what I would do with out her! He guided Her over and sat down as Balerion actually agreed that they would probably be there a while.

Grayson looked sown at Alex and said, You know you will be the death of me one of these days, Dropped in a cave, attacked by changlings and now struck by lightening trying to find you! I wouldn't change a thing though. I feel complete with you! He recieved images from Nomad of Bale thanking him, he smiled. Nomad whuffed a couple times and went and laid at Alex's feet. Grayson looked at her and wondered a bit, she looked a little faint was not sure if from the rain or the accident, Are you ok Alex? He looked at Balerion, This is not normal, what do you think is causing it?

Re: The Big Bravia Storm or was it?

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:33 pm
by Alexandria
Alex tried to listen to Grayson and Balerion talk but her mind was on her blindness. Over and over she blinks but nothing happen. The magic words came to mind (what else could go wrong) but she didn’t say them. Lost in the dark with an excruciating headache Alex wanted nothing more than to be in her bed and sleeping while wishing some of this was a nightmare. Leaning against Grayson chest when she heard him speaking; you know you will be the death of me one of these days, dropped in a cave, attacked by changelings and now struck by lightning trying to find you! I wouldn't change a thing though. I feel complete with you! What he said made her smile as she gripped him tighter not wanting to let him go; it’s my job to keep you on your toes she said with a smile.

Alex felt the warmth from the flames as Grayson guided her to sit when she remembers Balerion's words; I was merely concerned with your own safety. Smiling Alex stop next to the dragon. Reached out and hugged him; thank you for taking care of me. Leaning in she spoke kindly; you’re a softy but your secret is safe with me. Alex begun to shake when she return to Grayson arms so he guided her to the fire so she could rest. Alex knew she was looking at Grayson she just couldn’t now see him. Sighing deep she realizes she was still blind as a bat. Reaching out she felt Grayson face. Speaking not a word she touched his cheek as she thought her feelings; there is no world without you in it. So where ever you go I shall follow without question. Alex cough several times trying to speak but nothing came out. It was as if someone had taken her voice. Getting frustrated she tried again; what’s going on she thought trying to find the words to let Grayson know she lost Sybil, her healing potion and her bow and arrows once again. Growling in frustration she tried to move when her head did a spin then a flip causing her feel sick. Giving up she closed her eyes but her thoughts were if someone could hear her and help with the fear she that she losing her mind or slowly dying which she didn’t know. Please help me she thought as she closed her emerald green eyes.