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Re: [orp] house of moser and amanda

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 7:57 am
by Moser
Moser grinned to himself as he listened to Amanda roll out her words one after the other, he chuckled softly, and wondered briefly should he tell or or not....he hadnt been in his carpenters shop for probably at least half a year now, so addicted was he to the lake and the harvests of the lake, he had not bothered to do any woodwork, he hated to admit it, but he even had bought boats several times....and he could not possibly tell her that the last boat he had gifted to her, was not made with his own hands, but purchased from the market, smirking to himself when he thought of her saying what a good job he had made of that boat.

Yes my sweet I think its time we moved out into the world a little and mixed a little more also, a picnic sounds good
, he smiled at her, We shall go wherever you wish my dear, Im sure I will enjoy wherever you choose to take me, a thought briefly came into his mind, he hoped they would find some lakes and rivers along the way, fishing to him was almost as precious to him as gardening was to to her.

Re: [orp] house of moser and amanda

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 8:02 am
by TheGardener
amanda smiled and kissed him softly. "i enjoyed our last picnic. it's nice just to be able to spend time with you without having to worry about being mayor for a little bit. i know sometimes i am married to the town. i just don't want to see anything bad happen to our home," she said hoping he'd understand. there appeared to be a secret somewhere in his mind that he wasn't saying out loud. maybe he was just picturing her free of shackles of the mayor spot. the image made her giggle a little.

Re: [orp] house of moser and amanda

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 6:25 am
by Moser
Their travels had been all over way too soon and Amanda was mayor once again, he didnt mind really as he knew her to be at her best in that role and she did a mighty fine job at it too, however he was happy to be back at the lake, boats were becoming a slight problem, they has been leaking with quite a consistency lately, still as long as the fish were biting all was good.

You go be mayor and do what you need to do my love, I will take care of all here for you, nothing is going to go wrong with our home, have no fear, he smiled and pulled her into his arms and held her close, dont worry your pretty head about anything.

Re: [orp] house of moser and amanda

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 5:14 am
by TheGardener
she kissed him softly. "i never worry about our home or you. home is where my heart is. the flowers of our love seem to grow strong as the crystal rose," she said looking into his eyes.

Re: [orp] house of moser and amanda

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 5:17 pm
by Moser
As she looked at him, he became lost in her eyes yet again, she had a tendency to always do that to him, he smiled, as he felt her lips on his he pulled her close, now was as good a time to tell her as anytime.

Darling, I do need to go back to visit my homeland for a short time, I shall return when my business there is complete, take care of you for me till I return?

Re: [orp] house of moser and amanda

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:23 am
by TheGardener
amanda smiles. "of course, i will dear. take care of whatever you need to. i'll be here with the garden and the town hall. not sure which i tend more to" she laughed and gave him a kiss goodbye

Re: [orp] house of moser and amanda

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 8:38 am
by TheGardener
a courier knocked on the door and dropped a note off there. it was sealed with the red wax stamp that was representative of amanda. it read:
dear moser,

i don't know why you were acting so odd the day you returned and learned that i was going on a journey with aingeal and her husband. we invited you, but you turned away cold. i'm not sure what is happening between us. i was giving you space, but it doesn't seem like you wanted to write me. i'm traveling and the local courier has been told how to find me if you wish to write back.
