(ORP) ..At the Edge..

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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Wyllow »

She pulls at her restraints, and finds herself fully immobilized. In a way, this is a relief to her. If only she could explain... She swallows hard, but her throat seems closed off. Her body is stiff with fear of what will come next.. or what should come next. This isn't something that is sprung on just anyone. Most would want her killed immediately. But somewhere deep inside, she feels as if a life-line is being tossed out for her to grasp.

Concentrating ... she feels a light sweat break out all over her body, but knows that she has been successful in halting her shifting to complete form. Her body will of course, still be able to regenerate, but at a much slower rate.

As he cleanses her wounds, she senses a tenderness she has never known from anyone else. And as her vision stabilizes, she is able to see much more clearly. His voice is soothing and warm. Not harsh. A caring and kind hand tends to her, offering her comfort. As her body works to heal its self, she feels her muscles become more relaxed, and with that, her ware attributes retreat. Her breathing and heart rate even return to a more normal level. There is concern in his voice that makes her feel a sadness, yet also make her want to give in to the happiness he has begun to offer her, without even realizing it.

When she finally finds the courage to speak, it is in a raspy low whisper. 'A drink of water...' She requests finally, and a means to break the ice. She doesn't wait for her request to be fulfilled before she begins. 'Tuv, I can explain... I just need the chance to... please.' Tears again sting her eyes. She feels a dread that has begun to fill her. But she is so tired. 'I am not what you think... I am.. but, different..' Her voice trails off and her eyes close lightly. 'I can't lose you. Not now. I didn't realize I had been searching... ' To him it may have seemed that she meant she thought she may die, but that simply wasn't the case. It was more complex than that. She was asking for understanding.. and an open mind. Before exhaustion claims her once more, the last thing she is able to get out is the full truth. '... I was bitten some time ago...But I must sleep...Forgive me.'
With words too difficult to form, she feels herself slipping into a much needed sleep.

As the darkness moves in around her once more, she can only leave her life in his hands and hopes that he is willing to offer her a small amount of patience so that she may tell him everything.
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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Gawain »

... Meanwhile, Gawain had wandered through the meadows and trees for quite some time searching for what he needed. Eventually finding all that he thought was needed, he then ran into town to purchase some needed items - a mortar and pestle, some glass jars and some other needed items including some dried herbs as of course time was of the essence and he didn't have the time to dry them himself to make some of the powders that were needed for some of the preparation.

Returning to Tuv's home with everything, he stuck his head briefly into Tuv's room to let him know he had returned. He took everything into the kitchen. He set some water to boil which he would need to steep several of the items to make the required preparations. He then entered Tuv's room and he could see that Wyllow was asleep so he looked at Tuv.

"Sorry to take so long, how is she?"

(edit for spelling)
Last edited by Gawain on Sun Jun 09, 2013 8:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuvoria was caressing Wyllow's hair and trying to help her relax when she cracked her eyes open. He was still trying to make sense of her injuries and his feelings towards her when she attempted to speak. When she asked for water, he was about to get up, but her words kept him in the room. He listened carefully, hoping to know who to go after. He was happy that she felt similar in spirit to him and that she also did not want to lose him. When she said she had be bitten long ago, he wasn't quite sure what she meant. He could see she wanted to get up, so he loosed her restraints a bit, leaned over and whispered:

"It's okay Wyl. Just work on allowing your body to heal. Gawain has gone to get herbs to help things. We can get through this if you wish. This changing you go through is still a part of you. I am enthralled by all of you. If i am to have you in my life, that means I have all of you, warts and all. For now rest. it sounds as if Gawain is back. Let me go help him, and when you have your strength back we can talk more indepth. Your secret is safe with me."

Tuvoria then gently kissed her hand, got up and help Gawain.

"Hi Gawain, she is getting better, I think. She did regain some consciousness not to long ago and tried to talk. I think her mind is settled now as she is not trying to thrash about anymore. How can I help with the herbs?"

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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Wyllow »

Her dreams were filled with a mix of reality and her minds imagination. From time to time she believed she heard voices telling her that it would be alright. Had she dreamed that he had accepted her? As the monster that she was? She couldn't help to want this so deeply, that she was afraid that it wasn't real. The fog she found herself in was mostly likely a fabrication of her hearts desires.

Most times she saw her secret life as a hindrance. But recently, she had found a way to co-exist with it.. To find the good in it so that she may help those around her, in her own way, whether they knew about it or not. She wanted the best for her town.. and any of the people that resided here. Before the accident with her brother, she had had a giving nature. She still remained that way, but had to distance herself from people for the sake of safety. For their safety. Wanting to be close to Tuv went against everything she had worked toward. And she wasn't afraid of him, but more-so of herself. Soon the moon would call to her, and she would have to answer the call. There was no choice in the matter when it came to that.

Her dream state shifted, letting go of her thoughts, the darkness becoming a comfort as it enveloped her. It offered a place that she could be free from her minds torments, be them good or bad, and allowed her a certain kind of freedom that kept her sane during the process of healing.
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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Gawain »

Gawain nodded as he listened to Tuvoria. He turned and picked up the pieces of dried willow bark and gave them to Tuv.

"That is good to hear. Thanks, you can help me by breaking up and then grinding this willow bark into a powder with the mortar and pestle. Once you have done that I will tell you what to do next. I'll start by steeping this arnica once the water has boiled."

Gawain then turned his attention to preparing some of the arnica ready for steeping whilst waiting for the water to boil.
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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuvoria took the mortar and pestle and vigorously began grinding down the willow bark. He kept looking up at Wyllow as she lay there on his bed. Seeing her bruised and broken was beginning to take a toll upon him. He was still pondering over what see had said in those brief moments when she was coherent. it was a mystery to him all that had happened, yet he some how knew that his future would be forever tied to hers. Looking up again at Wyllow as Gawain went out to get the water going Tuvoria gently says to Wyllow:

"Wyl, I felt my heart yearn for you before this happened. This changes nothing. If we are to be together then it means warts all, fangs and claw. Everyone has a past, I can't have all of you if I can't accept your past. Don't fret over that now. Just concentrate on healing so that we can walk side by side for a long time yet to come."

Hearing that Gawain had put the water on to boil he takes the mortal and pestle over to him.

"How does this look Gawain. I hope this is ground up good enough. Let me take a quick break, wash up finally, and get a shirt on. Then my cousin, I shall be more clear headed and ready to assist you in administering these agents to Wyl."

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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Wyllow »

His soft voice beckons through the dark of sleep to wake her, if only a little. Confirming everything that she could ever want, offering a calmness that can only be found between two people that have a connection with each other. Her lips try to make the effort for a smile, but fail miserably.

She moves to a more comfortable position, now that her bonds have been loosened, settling back into her much needed slumber. Her wounds are more exposed now. Deep bruising has erupted at the side of her face, from the corner of her jaw and up to her forehead, though the initial cuts are not as deep as one would think. Her shoulder had taken the brunt of the force nearly crushing it. The beasts weapons being mostly blunt, somehow worked in her favour this round.

A restful sigh slips past her lips as her body does what it does best in a place much more comfortable than her own.
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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Gawain »

Gawain looked into the mortar.

"Thanks Tuv, that is well ground up. Willow bark can be used for pain relief, it can be mixed with hot water to make a tisane which we can start giving to Wyllow to drink once she wakes up again."

He emptied the powder into one of the glass jars he had bought so that he can re-use the mortar and pestle for the next item.

"In the meantime, you go have a break and get cleaned up whilst I get this arnica steeping, its extract is a kind of antiseptic so we can use it to clean those wounds further. I also need to get some other items ready for use, so you go do what you need to now as the resulting extract will need to cool before we can use it so I can keep an eye on Wyllow in between preparing other items if you like."

Gawain then turns to get the now boiled water, pours some of it into a large bowl and begins to add the prepared arnica to it.
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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Tuvoria »

"thanks Gawain, let me step into my room real quick and grab a new tunic. I'll also see if Wyl is coherent enough for the tisane. Give my just a minute."

Tuvoria then quickly slides into his room. He pauses as he sees that Wyllow has turned a bit onto her side. He is happy to see her resting a bit more comfortably, but saddened to see that there are a few more wounds to clean up. Stopping by the bucket of cold water, he grabs a washcloth, wipes his face and neck down, then dips the cloth back into the water and gently washes Wyl's face and some of the new cuts he noticed.

"Sleep peacefully Wyl and heal yourself. Gawain is here with a few things. We have a tisane for you to drink when you are ready."

Tuvoria then drops the rag back into the bucket, leans over and gently kisses Wyllow's forehead, before grabbing a clean tunic and slipping it on. He then steps out of the bedroom and back into the main room of his place.

"Well Gawain it appears she is a bit more comfortable now. She is not thrashing and has rolled over onto her side. However that has revealed a few wounds that I did not notice earlier. If you don't mind I'm going to take some of that water from the kettle for myself to make some tea and I'm going to have some bread and cheese for breakfast. I still haven't eaten anything. Feel free to go ahead and start with your antiseptic. I'll be in just as soon as I get something in my stomach."

Tuvoria then heads over towards his kitchen area to begin to get some breakfast and some tea.

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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Gawain »

Gawain nodded as he listened to Tuvoria.

"I can't give her the tisane until she is awake but I can start with the arnica antiseptic as soon it is cooled. I'll get the next item ready whilst waiting for it to cool."

He then turned his attention to another herb, putting it into the mortar and pestle and started grinding it up.
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