The Elf of a Land from Far Far Far Far Away

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Re: The Elf of a Land from Far Far Far Far Away

Post by Zahara »

"My family has caves in Imperious."

She smiled softly, avoiding the understood question. "Perhaps someday, you will have a chance to meet my brother and my sister."

Re: The Elf of a Land from Far Far Far Far Away

Post by Drydan »

Caves? Like where you can mine ores, gold and stuff? How? I mean How can you make a home in that? I am curious.

He stopped quickly and thought for a moment then looks back at her.

Well me, I came from another continent.

He grabbed a bigger bag pulling out a map opens it to show her then points to the continent.

This is the Land of Elves I came from, took me many months to get here to Fenia. I suffered scratches and bruises well I mean when I came to Fenia. I got banged up by the wind lifting me up and throwing me everywhere. Surprisingly enough, I made it in one piece.

He paused and sighs. He kept thinking about what he found out when he arrived to Fenia.

That was when I found something out about my family......

His voice trailed off sadly.

Re: The Elf of a Land from Far Far Far Far Away

Post by Zahara »

"My family has been sworn to Fenia for some time. "

She then listened to him as he explained a bit where he came from. She found it quite interesting. She smiled when he joked about making it in one piece, as she was extremely happy he did. Then she saw his face droop, and moved herself so she was encircling him in a hug.

Re: The Elf of a Land from Far Far Far Far Away

Post by Drydan »

He heard her about her family sworn to Fenia. He remembered his family sworn their allegiance to the homeland and their promise to protect it at all cost. But now no more and he looked down at the ground.

My family, in the homeland, are no more as well all the others. I did have cousins in another land and have heard they sent a couple of them to this land. I did find them. But it is my family whom I miss and the rest. They died mysterious from some kind of disease.

He sighed but smiles. He took this as a challenge not to give up.

I see this as a challenge for me not to give up. I have my two cousins here, Liliana and Tananda whom came over to Fenia as well.

He lowers his voice not to speak so loud about this next subject, taking a book out showing her the book not opening it.

This book is of Elfish information to guide me as to what I need to learn as I grow. There are more than this I believe. I must find other scrolls and transfer them in this book and others books. It has Elfish language both old and new. Looks to me that they had specifically prepared this for me.

He looks up at Zahara and smiles.

Re: The Elf of a Land from Far Far Far Far Away

Post by Zahara »

She listened to him intently, very interested in what he was saying.

"I'm sorry about your family. Although, it's good that they left you something to look through for guidance."

She smiled softly at him as she looked at the book he was showing her, then looked back to him with a smile.

Re: The Elf of a Land from Far Far Far Far Away

Post by Drydan »

He closed his book then looks at her wondering what to do next. He could ask her if she would like to do something. But what.

Umm *looks down at the ground swinging his feet at the ground* you want to *talks lowly* do something umm I do not know what. Any ideas?

He felt a small fluster rising in him not sure what she would say.

Re: The Elf of a Land from Far Far Far Far Away

Post by Zahara »

"There's always dancing or singing... or perhaps exploring. But dancing is more fun!" She chuckled as she spoke..

Her youthfulness showed through as she began to do a small tap dance around the ground she was standing, then looked up at him with a smile.

Re: The Elf of a Land from Far Far Far Far Away

Post by Drydan » he has not danced in a long time. Sure he would love that. But where can they get music? He knew the Elves love music. He pondered a bit.

Know a place where we can dance? I mean we need music do we not?

He looked right in her beautiful eyes and smiles hoping she would know where they could have music and dance. She sure look like she could dance as well as he could.

Re: The Elf of a Land from Far Far Far Far Away

Post by Zahara »

"We do not need music to dance."

She found a spot that seemed relatively packed down and began to tap her feet around in a rhythm as she laughed and looked at him softly.

"Make your own music... it's more fun!"

Re: The Elf of a Land from Far Far Far Far Away

Post by Drydan »

He laughs when he saw her tapping her feet then he starting humming a tune then takes her hand started dancing with her. A tune he was familiar with but he does not know if she did. It was a song that his family and friend sung in remembrance of coming back home.

I am not sure if you know this tune...but this is a tune that my family and friends had sung when we went to a war and come back home. Would you like to hear the song?

He returns humming the song as they danced.
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