[RP]Petal's Place

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Re: [RP]Petal's Place

Post by Petal »

Startled Petal opened her mouth to reply, then snapped it shut. She leaned up and kissed his cheek as they paused next to Niveus. That had more to do with your good care than anything else. The only magic here is in your hands, she told him with an innocent smile.

After checking the Pegasus's leg, Petal watched Toxic head towards home. A feeling of despair and loneliness washed through her. Tox.. Tox! she called to him without thinking, already missing him. She ran to catch up to him and slipped her hand into his. Would you.. ummm... she swallowed, suddenly shy and unsure. Perhaps their night together had changed his mind about her, and he was anxious now to be rid of her company. She blushed and dropped her eyes. Biting her lip she timidly asked him, Would you like some breakfast? I have some muffins, as well as some corn meal I could f..fry up into fritters... Petal's words trailed away and keeping her head down she looked up at him through lowered lashes, her bottom lip still caught between her teeth and her heart hammering in her chest as she waited for his response.

Re: [RP]Petal's Place

Post by Toxic »

Turning round after hearing her call out to him and then feeling her soft hand in his he smiled, i thought you would never ask, would kill for a muffin right about now, squeezing her hand tight he kissed her beautiful face, and they set off to Petals place with Niveus following behind who was also very hungry, arriving at Petals place they all went in and he sat down at the table, he looked around at the little bare house, thinking it was time to start on the new house after they had eaten, looking at Niv who was in his normal place in the corner waiting for his food, he went outside to fetch his water bucket, he filled it up and placed by his feet, after patting his neck and taking off the makeshift bandage, he went and sat back down and watched as Petal made their food and he smiled, thinking things could not get any better than this.

Re: [RP]Petal's Place

Post by Petal »

Petal smiled in relief as Toxic kissed her and followed her back to her home. While he tended Niv, she hunted through her cupboards and came up with a few strawberry muffins and cornmeal. Mixing the cornmeal with some water and adding a bit of syrup, she waited until Toxic left to fetch Niv's water then quickly started a fire in the fireplace. When he returned, she was busy heating a frying pan over the flames. She poured the batter into the heated skilled and watched it carefully as it sizzled, turning it once or twice. Satisfied it was a golden brown, she brought the pan to the table and shared it between herself and Toxic. After placing the rest of the syrup and the muffins on the table, she seated herself across from him and picked up the muffin, nibbling at it as she asked about the new house.

What do you think we should do
, she asked as she poured some syrup over her fritter. Build onto one of our places or start from scratch? She looked up at him with a smile. I've always wanted a large kitchen, with a cold pantry and an herb room, and a cold cellar. And a sitting room where we could relax at night around a fire. And bedrooms for guests. She colored a bit, thinking of what would almost surely be their bedroom. Not giving herself time to begin stuttering again, she rushed on. And a garden just off the kitchen where I could grow my herbs and spices and veggies. And a flower garden out front with lots of roses. She laughed and reached across the table to take Toxic's hand. I know you said you were good at carpentry, and I believe you, but can we manage all that with just the two of us? Thoughts of how she could help flickered through her mind but she shoved them aside. This house would be built with their own two hands and lots of love, she needed no magic for that. She smiled again at Toxic and brought his hand to her lips to kiss softly before releasing it to pick up her muffin again.

Oh, I forgot, she cried as she suddenly sprang up from the table. Going back to the cupboard she pulled out two mugs. She hurried outside and around the back to a corner of the back yard where she had dug a hole in the ground. Reaching in she pulled out a jug and took the cork out. Smelling it to make sure it hadn't gone bad, she brought it inside, pouring them each a mug of the fresh, cold milk before seating herself once again.

Re: [RP]Petal's Place

Post by Toxic »

As he finished his food and then drank his milk he thought about the house plans, you have a lot of fine plans but what ever you want, you shall have, i will start with felling a few trees then we need to build the outline first and i think near by the river will be a great spot, that way we can have our weekly bath, nearby just outside, lets hope some of that magic luck we are having shows itself again, first thing i need to do is make a huge bed i cant see either of us having a happy time on your tiny little cot, laughing he looked at the tiny cot that looked ready for the scrapheap, finishing his milk, he stood up, taking Petal in his arms he kissed her not wanting to let her go but knew this house wouldnt build itself, thanks for a great breakfast, i must go and make a start and sharpen my axe it has a lot of work to do today, come Niv, i am sure i can find a way that you can help, smiling at Petal once more he left quickly before he found a excuse to stay longer.

Re: [RP]Petal's Place

Post by Petal »

Once alone, Petal busied herself with her chores. She cleaned up the dishes from breakfast, washing and putting them neatly away. Next she turned her attention to the floor, sweeping the debris that Niveus had tracked in out the door. As she did, she glanced up at the woods where she could hear the distant ringing of Toxic's axe. She stood daydreaming for a moment before calling herself back to the present. There were chores to do, no time to stand around woolgathering. With a small smile she returned inside, leaving the door open to catch the morning breeze.

Finished with her work, Petal opened the cupboards and took stock of her remaining supplies. She frowned, realizing that she had never made it into town yesterday. Still hearing the sounds of the axe and knowing that Toxic would be busy for quite some time she quickly grabbed a basket and set off, making a list in her mind as she hurried down the path towards the market.

Re: [RP]Petal's Place

Post by Toxic »

After spending a full day chopping down plenty of trees for all the wood they needed to build with, he went back to Petals cottage to see if she was around he needed feeding and her hot kisses, as he neared the little cottage he could smell baking smells, smiling at Nev, they hurried on to the house and burst in the door as the smells hit them fresh pies and cakes, grabbing hold of Petal he kissed her and looked at the food, pulling a bit of cake off he avoided a slap and went to sit down eager to start on the food.

Re: [RP]Petal's Place

Post by Petal »

Petal set the last of the cakes to cool on the counter and wiped a hand across her brow with a weary sigh. She glanced out the window when she noticed the lack of noise coming from the forest and smiled to see Toxic on his way back. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear she hurried to the door to greet him. She wrapped her arms around his sweaty, hot body and kissed him heartily, then giggled as she slapped his hands away from the cakes. Those are for later, she told him. You need a meal first. And a wash, she laughed, pointing to the wash basin in the corner. Ignoring his glare but grinning as she turned back to the counter, she began to set the food out for their meal, warm fresh bread, a bowl of potatoes she had mashed and mixed with a bit of cream, and a plate heaping with chicken fried to a crisp. She had gotten lucky at the market earlier and her cupboards were now stocked with enough food to feed them for days to come.

As she set the table, Petal gave into temptation and paused to slide her arms around Toxic's shoulders from the back as she passed, hugging him and kissing his cheek softly. I love having you here, she whispered in his ear. She pulled back before he had a chance to respond and feeling her cheeks flush with her boldness, she turned and quickly busied herself finishing the food, a smile happy smile on her face.

Seating herself across from Toxic she helped herself to the food as they chatted about the new house. When do we start building? she asked. Before he could argue, she rushed on. I know I may seem fragile, but I'm much stronger than I look. And I have a few ways I can help. She gave him a slightly mysterious smile before looking back down to her plate.

Re: [RP]Petal's Place

Post by Toxic »

Finishing the food he smiled at Petal, rising he went over to her and kissed her, that was a great meal, the best i had in years, how about the pegasus does the washing up and clearing away and we go and lie down and rest somewhere, tomorrow we start to build our house and our great new future together,
taking Petals hand he helped her up and kissed her again, pointing to the table and dishes he gestured at Niv to sort them out, turning to Petal he winked, your not the only one with magic powers, laughing he took Petal outside to a nice spot in the field, where they could rest and relax.

Re: [RP]Petal's Place

Post by Petal »

Petal laughed as she glanced at Niv. Casting a sideways glance to Toxic, she smiled to herself. Putting her hands on his chest she gently pushed him towards the door. I'll be right there, she told him. Let m...me just show Niv where things go. Giving him a wink as he left she turned back to the room and looked around, her brow wrinkled in concentration. With a few flicks of her wrists and some mumbled words, she used her own small brand of magic to straighten up. Patting Niv she left the cottage to join Toxic.

Petal slipped her arm around Toxic's waist and lifted her face to the sky, breathing in deeply of the fresh, crisp autumn air. A happy, contented smile crossed her face and she hugged Toxic, brushing her lips softly across his throat. She tilted her head back to gaze at his handsome features, her breath catching as it always did. Raising on her toes she placed her lips against his. Her hand crept up to cradle his head as she moved closer to him, pressing her body to his. She deepened the kiss until her head spun with the intensity of it. She pulled back, dazed, amazed once more at the effect this man had on her. Slipping her hands lightly down his arms, she took his hand and with a deep breath to master her emotions, she turned towards the field.

As they entered the field Petal glanced at Toxic, smiling mischievously. She dropped his hand and skipped forward, calling saucily over her shoulder to him. Catch me if you can! Laughing she ran quickly across the field and darted into the nearby trees. Knowing he would be right behind her, she grabbed a low-hanging branch and swung herself up, pulling her skirts quickly up and tucking them under her. Covering her mouth to stifle her giggles, she sat still as she waited for him.

Re: [RP]Petal's Place

Post by Toxic »

Seeing her dart off quick he soon lost sight of her, going up to a huge tree he stood underneath and listened, hearing a rustling coming from above his head he looked up and saw her,

ok i see you come on down, i will catch you, catching her safe in his arms, he kissed her and put her down, there was something else as well i want to ask you, since that first day i saw you, i knew there would never be anyone else that could match your beauty, your kindness and your passion for life, and i never want to to be without you ever, but by my side always,

getting down on one knee he took her hands in his and looked up into her beautiful face and soft green eyes,

Petal, i love you, i always will, make me the happiest man alive and marry me,

as he waited for a answer, he squeezed her hands and smiled anxious for a answer.
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