~ORP~ The Parade of Mad Mayor Karcier

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Re: ~ORP~ The Parade of Mad Mayor Karcier

Post by Rebekah »

The guardsman saw a white wolf approach the castle and suddenly realized this was no ordinary wolf so one of the Guardsman ran to get Rebekah. The other guardsman put up their swords together to block the wolf from getting any further. They watched the wolf intently.

Rebekah came running to the entrance of the castle and knew instantly who it was. She knelt down petting the wolf gently. "Katara believe it or not I'm happy to see you. The Queen needs you right away. She is very ill. Please follow me and I will lead you to her." As this was out of character for Rebekah but she was getting accustomed to the Queen and Katara's relationship so she decided for the sake of the Queen she would allow her to enter the castle.

"Guardsman, please move aside this is the Queen's love. She is safe." The Guardsman put their swords back in their sheaths and moved aside for the wolf to follow their boss. She kept looking behind her and the wolf was intent in following her every step. She could tell the wolf was on a mission which she welcomed. They fnally arrived at the Queen's bedchambers. "Move aside guardsman this is the Queen's love and it might be good for her to see her. The guardsman did as they were asked. As the door opened, you could see the Queen laying in her bed looking pale but asleep.
Last edited by Rebekah on Sun Jun 29, 2014 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ~ORP~ The Parade of Mad Mayor Karcier

Post by Katara »

Katara followed Rebekah to Vicci's chamber and watched as the guards opened the door. She looked through the door and felt her heart ache when she saw how pale her soulmate was. She entered the chamber and walked up to the bed not acknowledging the fact that the guards might be watching. When Katara reached the bed she whined softly and placed her snout on Vicci's bed. She nudged her soulmate's hand gently and closed her eyes as a wave of sadness swept over her. Katara gently leaped onto the bed and curled up next to Vicci. She laid her head across her soulmates stomach and waited for her to wake up.
Banner made by Aishe/Katara Dalakoi/Member of the Dalakoi Family/Married to Duchess Victorious/mother to Jasper Dalakoi, Natalia Dalakoi, Aurora Kulash-Dalakoi, and Amarice Kulash-Dalakoi
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Re: ~ORP~ The Parade of Mad Mayor Karcier

Post by Victorious »

The Queen was asleep but it was very disturbed. She dreamt of all the people she had lost and tears could be seen rolling down her cheeks not realizing she was still in the dream. She groaned and tossed and turned. During her sleep she cried out for Scalet, Faia and her mother. All that could be heard was "Come back, please come back. I miss you"

The tears and pain showed it evident that she was in pain emotionally and physically. If she was touched the extreme heat could be felt on her body. The stress was pulling it hard on her body now. She was crying more evident now but couldn't not wake up from her dream or nightmare as she would call it. She was lookig more pale as you looked at her.

Her dream switly changed to seeing Katara's wolf running to her. "She called out to Katara to help her but from the fever she ws getting delisious. thinking she was seeing things so she shook her head back and forth moaning.
Last edited by Victorious on Sun Jun 29, 2014 12:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ~ORP~ The Parade of Mad Mayor Karcier

Post by Katara »

After seeing the tears in her soulmates eyes Katara transformed back to her humanoid form. She sat up and gently pulled Vicci into her arms. She held her close and moved a lock of hair out of Vicci's face as a tear fell from her eyes. "I'm here my love...Come back to me...Don't let your sorrows take control of you" she whispered softly as her hand began glowing. Katara placed her hand against Vicci's cheek and held her closer sending calm healing energy through her. She could feel her soulmates heartache and she wished with all her heart she could make all the pain go away. "Come back to me darling...I need you...I've missed you so much...Let us heal together" she whispered as another tear fell from her eyes.
Banner made by Aishe/Katara Dalakoi/Member of the Dalakoi Family/Married to Duchess Victorious/mother to Jasper Dalakoi, Natalia Dalakoi, Aurora Kulash-Dalakoi, and Amarice Kulash-Dalakoi
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Re: ~ORP~ The Parade of Mad Mayor Karcier

Post by Victorious »

As Victorious dreamt she heard her soulmate's voice in a far distance. She started to come closer to her emotionally and opened her eyes and cried like she had never before holding her tight to her. "It's really you Tara. "Ive been sick for some months now but the doctor says all the loss I've felt I pushed it away but my mind can't keep it hidden any longer but I don't know how to get through it. I miss them all. Why would the Mages take them from me? I don't think I could take another loss Tara."

She began to feel despair thinking about the a pain she had hidden for so long and just didn't know how to get passed the pain because it was so great. She just wanted it to end. I don't know.... Tara. She hoped she didn't feel her despair.
Last edited by Victorious on Sun Jun 29, 2014 12:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ~ORP~ The Parade of Mad Mayor Karcier

Post by Katara »

Katara looked into Vicci's eyes and wiped her eyes away with her thumb "We'll get through it together darling I promise...I know it's hard losing the ones you love and I wish more than anything that I could make all of your pain go away...I'm sorry that I've been away for so long sweetheart...Now that I'm here with you I don't think I could bare being parted from you again" she whispered as a tear fell from her eyes. She could feel the sadness in her soulmates heart and knew it was nothing compared to the sadness in her own heart. "With you at my side we both can heal" she whispered as she placed a kiss on Vicci's forehead.
Banner made by Aishe/Katara Dalakoi/Member of the Dalakoi Family/Married to Duchess Victorious/mother to Jasper Dalakoi, Natalia Dalakoi, Aurora Kulash-Dalakoi, and Amarice Kulash-Dalakoi

Re: ~ORP~ The Parade of Mad Mayor Karcier

Post by Maerwyn »

Maerwyn awakened with a start, her normally silent letterbox had clanked open and shut with a loud bang. Curiosity overcame her desire to go back to sleep, so she pushed back the rough hemp coverlet and stumbled over to pick up the envelope. Whoever had delivered it had made a lengthy journey outside of town; out of respect for such an effort she broke the seal and opened an invitation. ..to a parade for a mayoral celebration! She hadn't even realized there was an election, living so far from town made information hard to come by.
She shivered, a parade meant people and people always made her feel tongue-tied and terrified.
But still, she did need a few items from the local market and it might even prove entertaining, no one had ever thrown a parade and claimed to be mad! No, she had to go see what this was all about. If things did get too crazy, she could always make for home ..at a really fast pace!
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Re: ~ORP~ The Parade of Mad Mayor Karcier

Post by Victorious »

Victorious held on to her soulmate's arms as tight as she could expecting this was just a dream but it didn't feel like one. "My darling it is so good to be with you. I've had such a hard time and the doctors are trying their best but it fails them so Rebekah has been watching me like a hawk to make sure I eat and get lots of rest."

She felt her soulmate's pain also which intensified her own but she had to be strong for her. "I know we can heal together if only you would let me in Tara. You are so closed off sometimes and I never know what is happening until weeks later. I know this musn't help my health but I cannot help but worry where we stand. There is no doubt I love you. I just miss you all the time. Scarlet taught me the teleport spell so I can go anywhere and its quite neat because Rebekah has a hard time figuring where I teleported to."

She let go of her and just held her hand in hers. "Now tell me what's wrong?"
Last edited by Victorious on Sun Jun 29, 2014 12:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ~ORP~ The Parade of Mad Mayor Karcier

Post by Katara »

Katara closed her eyes as the tears began to stream from her eyes. "It's my brother...I tried so hard to save him but it wasn't enough...The troubles that my uncle had put him through prove to be too much for him to handle...I was forced to watch as he faded away before my very eyes...I had a second chance with him and I lost him again" she cried as her pain from the past months came breaking free. She held her soulmate closer and buried her face in the crook of Vicci's neck as she completely broke down. Knowing that she would never see her brother again hurt and she was thankful that her brother had finally forgiven her before his death.
Banner made by Aishe/Katara Dalakoi/Member of the Dalakoi Family/Married to Duchess Victorious/mother to Jasper Dalakoi, Natalia Dalakoi, Aurora Kulash-Dalakoi, and Amarice Kulash-Dalakoi
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