[ORP] A Bard of Life and a Lady of Fire

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Re: [ORP] A Bard of Life and a Lady of Fire

Post by Misty »

After hearing Zahara say her vow to Stewart, Misty smiles and nervously speaks "Oops, I apologise, it seems that I have rushed things and before I ask Stewart to pledge his vow I must ask...Who gives this woman to this man?"
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Re: [ORP] A Bard of Life and a Lady of Fire

Post by balerion »

*Thank you Misty*

Seeing as how its a formal event Balerion sees no need to be modest. "I, Balerion Sunspear, Viceroy, Founder of the Order of the Pillow, Head of Reflections Guild, Shaker of Castles, Terror of Temples, Manipulator of Mines, do hereby solemnly give this woman to this man. May the fires of their hearts never turn to ash."

Thus placated Balerion takes his seat next to the other most lovely woman present, his wife.
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Re: [ORP] A Bard of Life and a Lady of Fire

Post by Misty »

Misty then turns to face Stewart "would you now like to pledge your vow to Zahara?"

Re: [ORP] A Bard of Life and a Lady of Fire

Post by Finlay »

As was usually the case when Sebastian attended something, he ended up far later than he should be. He always wanted to be on time, he just didn't care much for keeping track of time. When he noticed the time he dashed to the venue, with the ring in pocket. He was to be the best man. He stuck to the shade, and when he arrived he noticed that vows were already being said. At least he didn't miss the entire thing. He moved over to Stew, and shoved his hands in his pockets and grasped the box with the ring in it. He never payed attention at weddings, so he wasn't sure what exactly he was supposed to do as best man. He just stood there, waiting for somebody to ask for the ring.

Re: [ORP] A Bard of Life and a Lady of Fire

Post by StewartLongfellow »

Nods, exhales, clearing his mind, then starts:

"Love, with you, I pledge to be with you, until I no longer exist. For with you, I dwell with you, close to the heart, and tight as a hug...and I will be by your side forever. I share my pillow with you, gladly, knowing we will be together, snuggling, resting and enjoying our time together, be it reading quietly, enjoying stories or while doing my sketches...without you, the pillow would not feel right...you help make the times with the pillow, so much better."
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Re: [ORP] A Bard of Life and a Lady of Fire

Post by Misty »

"Wedding rings are an unbroken circle of love, signifying to all the union of this couple in marriage." Looking at Sebastian Misty asks him to pass the ring to Stewart so he can place it on Zahara's finger.

Re: [ORP] A Bard of Life and a Lady of Fire

Post by Finlay »

Sebastian fumbles in his pocket for the ring with the box, pulls it out and hands it over to Stew.
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Re: [ORP] A Bard of Life and a Lady of Fire

Post by Suu_Nee »

Sitting quietly on the bridal side, she watches the proceedings, the people, the pageantry. Suddenly, she sees... no, rather feels, the presence of Balerion in her vicinity, and turns to see him striding down the aisle with the bride on his arm.

Maybe it's wrong to be so proud, but alright, she'll be wrong, she supposes. Bal has to be the best looking male in the universe, but more than that, the lass on his arm has not only a beatific, joyous smile, and glow about her, but is also one of, if not THE, most beautiful girls Suu has seen, ever, in any of her lives. (How exactly the combination of a father and mother spawned such a lovely girl, would no doubt be due to some "heavenly" influence.)

She smiles, happy, knowing that this day will be remembered by not only the bride and groom, but all those here. The visit by air sprites adds ambiance, as do the flowers, the lovely petals which seem to fall all around the place.

Quickly, very subtly, she opens her purse to find a lace handkerchief, and surreptitiously dabs at the tears in her eyes. Must. Not. Be. All. Weepy.
Thanks: Drazenka Kimpel, Aida (& balerion)

Re: [ORP] A Bard of Life and a Lady of Fire

Post by Bremelano »

Brem postponed getting dressed for as long as he could. In fact, he deeply regretted promising Evan he'd show up well-dressed. He was looking forward to attend an actual wedding for once - and not just the preceding bachelor parties - but shirts and shoes just weren't his thing.
He flew to the wedding location and hid outside to get dressed in a neat enough shirts and pants, and even the dreaded shoes. He frowned and wondered how he was going to get through the whole wedding with those things on. Horrible! He didn't understand why so many people wear them.

It seemed ages before Evan finally showed up. Brem sat down in the mean time waiting for him, but quickly got up when he noticed Evan. He didn't want a speech from him about messy clothes or anything. Some moments it was hard to believe Evan's a demon and not some fancy human being.
He rolled his eyes when Evan complimented his stupid outfit and fixed his already perfectly styled hair, but smirked, as he secretly liked the attention. He took Evan's arm and went inside with him to take a seat.

He looked around at the other guests arriving and when he saw the lady Aida going over to the gift table, his face broke into a wide grin. No shoes!
He moved his hand to nudge Evan and point out that glorious fact to him, but then thought better of it. Better not get him all worked up again, not right now. Later, of course, but not right now.
Instead, he quietly worked his shoes off with his feet and hid them under the chair, wiggling his freed toes gratefully. He smiled at Evan when he gripped his hand and leaned against him to watch the ceremony. When the priest lady spoke and Stew and Zahara pledged their vows, he was unsure if he should cheer them on, but seeing as everyone else was quiet, he managed to follow the example.

Re: [ORP] A Bard of Life and a Lady of Fire

Post by Aida »

Aida smiled as Zahara was given away and the vows were said, shifting slightly in her seat to get a better view of the bride and groom. Everyone looked very smart, and she couldn't help but stare at those with fine clothes on. She looked down the row of chairs to see Bremelano and Evan and tried to catch their eyes to give them a warm smile, before noticing as she glanced down Brem's bare feet. She wiggled her own toes, sighing with relief she wasn't the only one that evidently couldn't afford shoes. She turned back to the bride and groom who were both looking wonderful, and Aida imagined they were fair glowing with love.
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