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Re: [Yule Game] Scavenger Hunt

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 12:59 pm
by Ella
The snow was melting slowly, surely there must be something nearby. Ella burned a new pathway in the snow in perhaps vain hope of finding something

(R-1, S-1, and T-1)

Re: [Yule Game] Scavenger Hunt

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 2:28 pm
by Petunia
It seemed very quiet today, with only a couple of people searching. Petunia was a bit sad about that, but on the other hand it meant that it didn't take her long to mark up her chart. And there was the excitement of prizes being found, of course. She clapped her hands happily, and then made her announcement. "Both of today's searchers have found a prize each! Texas Knight has found 100 freznics, and Ella has found a cream of broccoli. Very well done to both of you!"


Winners so far:
(Apologies, Texas Knight, for not noticing your correection earlier. You're right, and I've amended it now.)

Ella: 1 Shepherd's pie (Q-4)
Texas Knight: 1 cup of beef stew (A-1)
Lavinia: 1 cup of chicken stew (J-7)
Foxeon: 1 cream of broccoli (B-14)
Texas Knight: 100 freznics (O-7)
Ella: 1 cream of broccoli (T-1)

Re: [Yule Game] Scavenger Hunt

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 8:35 am
by Texas_Knight
Rejuvenated by his find of 100 freznics TK surveyed the map carefully before choosing his next targets. M-5 I-5 G-5 Are the lines TK chose to look at today since nobody had been in that line of numbers as of yet.

Re: [Yule Game] Scavenger Hunt

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 10:57 am
by Ella
The snow had largely melted away now so she moved further south in the hopes of finding more.

(R-4, S-4, and T-4)

Re: [Yule Game] Scavenger Hunt

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 11:37 am
by Izara
Izara decides to move further down the tree in the hopes of finding something.


Re: [Yule Game] Scavenger Hunt

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 11:48 am
by Lavinia
Lavinia returned after several days and picked a new spot (C7, D7, E7) to search in hopes of finding something interesting.

Re: [Yule Game] Scavenger Hunt

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 2:25 pm
by Petunia
Petunia cheered up a bit when a few more people returned to join the search. She carefully marked her chart and clapped her hands happily as she made called out. "Texas Knight has struck lucky for the second day! Well done, you've found another 100 freznics!" She grinned at the others. "But keep going, everyone, please, because there are still loads of prizes - lots more freznics, and plenty of food still to be found."


Winners so far:

Ella: 1 Shepherd's pie (Q-4), 1 cream of broccoli (T-1)
Texas Knight: 1 cup of beef stew (A-1), 100 freznics (O-7), 100 freznics (G-5)
Lavinia: 1 cup of chicken stew (J-7)
Foxeon: 1 cream of broccoli (B-14)

Re: [Yule Game] Scavenger Hunt

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 10:13 pm
by Foxeon
Cheered by his success, however low he thought of broccoli, Foxeon moved more quickly through the next section (C-15, D-15) of forest. The snow seemed less dense here, but that just made searching faster.

Re: [Yule Game] Scavenger Hunt

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 9:47 am
by Texas_Knight
Encouraged even more by his fortuitous find the last couple days TK searched over the map and chose J-1 K-1 L-1 Are the places TK chose today with the Yule being right upon the day.

Re: [Yule Game] Scavenger Hunt

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 1:07 pm
by Petunia
Petunia watched the searchers, and called out to one of them. "Foxeon, if you can do it before I announce today's results, you may choose another spot in addition to the two you have already searched. I extended the search to three spots, so you have one remaining for today."