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Re: Fall Festival

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:37 pm
by Project LVI
Walking around and looking at the festivities he cannot help himself. He sniffs at the air continuously marveling the smells of sweets the vendors have brought. He clutches his abdomen, his wounds still not healed fully healed but wrapped away.

"I wonder where Melusine is.. hm."

Mr. 56 begins looking around for his fairy friend

Re: Fall Festival

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 10:35 pm
by Cordelia
She spent most of the time in the woods, avoiding people, as she had for as long as she could remember. It had been easy in the past, as few had ventured this way. But now, now a town was appearing and more people were arriving. She had heard the sounds of a festival for some time now, and curisoty had gotten the best of her.

She approaches, and her eyes widen at all the people and the activity. Her muscles tense, wanting to flee. But she stands her ground. She keeps to the edge of this festival as she observes, trying to convince herself to walk through it.

Re: Fall Festival

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:59 pm
by Chimera
Chimera nods to Ayshara and to Lyskard and Louisa, graciously she points them to her table of wares.

"I will be happy to help you all as soon as I have finished here. Please take your time to peruse my stall while you wait"

She then turns her attention to the Gardener and pulls out a deck of cards for her, and shuffles the deck while concentrating hard on the question. After a pause, she draws the first card and lays it face up on the table, the centre of the cross of this cross and triangle spread.

"Your first card, the significator, represents the prime energy manifest in your life. In this case it is the Nine of Cups, representing happiness. You will gain contentment and satisfaction from your garden. I see you achieving your deepest desires and savoring the beauty of your creation leading to a state joy and abundance, radiating fulfillment and bliss."

Chimera smiles, this is a very positive and restful first card and will set the tone for the reading. Chaimera draws the next card and places it above the first card, the apex of the cross.


"The second card represents Air and it describes your spirit, process of thought and the influence of reason. This card is the Magician, representing a mastery over word, mind, and matter. You have the ability to turn ideas into actions, handle problems, and control your own life life. I can see you starting a new project, great work or a new way of life. I see you using arcane and eldritch technologies to create an eloquent and moving communication."

Another positive and happy card, how fit for the young lady sitting opposite her right now. Chimera draws a third card and places it to the right of the significator card.


"This card represents Fire and is used to describe motivations, creative energies and the influence of passion. In this case, the Queen of Wands symbolises the essence of fire behaving as water, such as a rainbow. In your garden you find the natural embodiment of passion and sensuality that is always the center of attention. Others can see their desires and ambitions reflected there and it inspires them."

Chimera grins and nods, then draws the next card, placing it below the significator. She frowns as she looks at this card, for it indicates a change in fortune.


"This card represents Water describing your emotions, meditations and the influence of love. The five of cups has appeared reversed here and this usually shows the need to accept a loss. It is not clear what, but I see the need to overcome sadness and grief so that you can get on with your life. The first step towards this is in realizing the value of what you still have, and once you do this. dissatisfaction will give way to a new hope and understanding. I see this as alluding to something gained that may have fallen below expectations."

Chimera looks reassuringly at Gardener, this may have been a bit of a low card, but it has a positive learning experience attached to it. The next card that she draws goes to the left of the significator.


"The fifth card, placed to the left of the significator represents Earth and it describes a physical presence, your position in life and the influence of the material world. The Chariot, when reversed is representative of an ineffective use of force. In relation towards your question, it shows a battle against something that is actually necessary. If you continue with this lack of discipline and poor direction you are in danger of fanning the flames of a situation already out of control."

How many times has the best intentioned gardener fought against a garden "pest" only to discover they were actually an ally? This is the sort of thing that Chimera is starting to see in the cards. Maybe it is a little bit of trying too hard to erase imperfection without realising that often beauty is found in the imperfections. Chimera draws the next card and places it to the bottom left, beginning the base of the triangle.


"This represents one of two opposing forces, the Page of Wands, when reversed is the dark essence of fire behaving as earth, such as dry wood. Here it is showing me the surprising appearance of a new passion. Beware of a trickster who may unexpectedly ignite a dangerous situation. It mighy even represent a person outwardly timid, but harbouring unexpected inner fury. This is a card telling you to be cautious of advice and weigh up things carefully."

From a very positive beginning, this reading has taken on a very cautionary turn, nothing too negative, but certainly a warning to be careful. Chimera draws the next card and places it at the bottom right of the triangle.


"This is the force that opposes the bottom left card. These forces may be external, but they are frequently one's own inner archetypes in conflict. The Ten of Cups (Satiety), when reversed tends to represent dissipation, debauchery, and stagnation. In this case I see it as taking one's good fortune for granted which can lead to problems in domestic and social matters and may lead to a lack of fulfillment."

So, a conflict between advice and complacency, a very difficult balancing act and one that will take a great deal of care to navigate. Chimera draws the next card and places it in the thrid vertex of the triangle, touching the bottom of the card at the base of the cross figure.


"The eighth card is known as the reconciler card and it is is the force that will help to resolve the conflict between the bottom left and bottom right cards. By meditating on this force and bringing more of it into your life, you can bring the matter at hand to a swifter conclusion than would naturally occur. This is the King of Cups, reversed and shows me the dark essence of water behaving as air, such as rain clouds in a gray sky. This shows me that something you see as being strong and stable, is in fact weak and false. Don't succumb to exterior beauty and charm, but look deeper, look into the essence of all growing things and you will see the true heart."

Chimera smiles, seeing rain and water in relation to a garden and growing things is always a good sign. Chimera draws the final card and places it so that it completes the triangle.


"The ninth and final card represents the final outcome unless you change course. The Knight of Cups, when reversed is the dark essence of water behaving as fire, such as a flash flood. Don't give in to feelings of insecurity but don't allow idealism to become divorced from reality. Keep yourself grounded in your garden, feel the essence of the soils and experience all the aspects of growing things and all will be well with you."

Chimera looks kindly at the Gardener and takes her hands into hers for a brief moment. Then she hands Gardener a small hessian sack, that is moving and pulsing slightly.

"Plant this in your garden when the moon is full, it will bring you luck, but don't look at it until the planting or it won't work."

Satisfied that the mandrake will serve as a guardian, Chimera smiles at Gardener before beckoning Louisa and Lyskard over for thier reading.

Re: Fall Festival

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 11:04 pm
by TheGardener
I take the Mandrake and thank Chimera.

"You are most wise. May the mages bless you always."

Seeing someone on the outside of the people, I walked up pulling a flower from my pocket and offering it to Cordelia.

"Lovely day for a lily"

Re: Fall Festival

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 11:09 pm
by Cordelia
She blinks as the woman appears before her. She had not been paying attention. She accepts it. "Thank you. I'm afraid I do not know your name to properly thank you. But I am Cordelia.

Re: Fall Festival

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 11:15 pm
by TheGardener
"Most call me The Gardener. I love plants."

I looked her over and I probably scared her. I forget sometimes that I can come off as... strange.

"Cordelia. A pretty name. I wonder if there's a plant named after you. If not, there should be"

I laughed a little.

"Are you new here?"

Re: Fall Festival

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:21 pm
by Project LVI
Having watched this Lady "Chimera" perform some sort of thing with cards.. he wonders what if that is her real name, and what exactly those cards do..

"I need to learn these little things..." He whispers mostly to himself

"Sir, are you going to buy something or not?!?"

He turns to the man whose stall he had been scanning before turning his attention elsewhere

"Oh, yes. I'll take some of.. these..."

Re: Fall Festival

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 6:12 pm
by Chimera
Chimera watches Gardener leave and turns to Louisa and Lyskard who have been waiting patiently.

"Please come over now. I will read for you both what the three fates have to say."

She waits for them and shuffles the deck in her hand, drawing on the power of the three fates, the powers that govern our past, our present and our future. We cannot have one without the other and each one shapes our lives and guides our path through life.

"Louisa first, please keep in your mind the questions you have, don't speak them, just send them out to the fates."

Chimera draws the first card and places it to the left hand side.


"This first card represents an important element of your past. It is the Five of Pentacles, representing something that has been a worry for you. It seems to suggest that you have gone through some hard times brought on by addiction, wasteful spending, ill health, or an outside event. You have experienced rejection, loneliness and the need for comfort. It may suggest unemployment, a catastrophe in personal finance, or a turn for the worse in business. This past experience is making you cautious about future decisions"

Hardly anyone goes through life without experiencing hardship, in fact, this hardship often helps us to grow as people as long as we are able to learn the lesson that it can teach us. Chimera draws the second card and places it to the right of the first card, in the centre of the spread.


"This centre card represents a deciding element of your present. This one is the Page of Cups, showing us the essence of water behaving as earth, such as a wellspring and it speaks of an unexpected new relationship that is playful and spontaneous. It shows us a romantic soul who embraces compassion and imagination with childlike joy. There are plenty of gentle reflections on love, spirituality and the importance of personal relationships in business and material affairs."

Chimera smiles because this is a very positive and vibrant card. She draws the third and final card and places it on the right hand side of the first two.


"Here we have a card representing a critical element of the future. The Page of Swords is the essence of air behaving as earth, such as a steady wind. It shows the approach of an unexpected challenge, which is to be met with clear thought and just action. I see a need for the use of reason or eloquent speech to penetrate the veil of confusion and cut to the heart of the matter."

Chimera looks at Louisa, realising that he young woman before her was facing a decision that was going to shape her future. She knows that the other woman was going to make the right choice, but she cannot tell her what choice that was going to be. Leaving her to contemplate the reading, Chimera turns to Lyskard, thinks for a bit and then draws out another deck, shuffle s it and then draws the first card, placing it beneath the first card that she had drawn for Louisa.


"As before, this is an element of your past, this is the Two of Tomes (De Vermis Mysteriis) and stands for an established power and influence over others. This cards shows someone who is good at setting goals and has a clear vision for the future. There has been a lot of coming to grips with the impact of past decisions, considering the current state of affairs and developing a plan of action."

Chimera can see from his eyes that this is true, but not necessarily a good thing. It is possible to exert too much control on a life and then it is so much harder if things go wrong. He may need to learn to accept that fate always has a hand in everything we do. She draws the second card and places it in the centre.


"This now represents a deciding element of the present. The Knight of Sites (EOD Temple) is the essence of earth behaving as fire, such as molten magma: one slow to action, but decisive and unrelenting once set in motion. A force of nature whose methods are as predictable and dependable as they are unstoppable, representing the voice of duty, honor, and responsibility. The will to the change the world, not through bold action, but through the thorough and unwavering application of proven means."

Yes, he is a strong person and does possess the will to proceed, she sees that the fates are pleased with him. She draws the third card and places it on the right hand side.


"Now we move on to your future, the Hounds of Tindalos: The path of destiny.This card shows Karma on a grand scale, an unexpected turn of good fortune. A link in the chain of events giving you success, luck, and happiness."

Chimera grins, it seems that fate plans on rewarding hard work and patience.

"I hope that these readings are helpful to you both."

Re: Fall Festival

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 9:20 pm
by Cordelia
She fingers the flower nervously. At the compliment she says "Thank you."
TheGardener wrote: "Are you new here?"
"Not really, I have lived in the forest there since I was small, but with this town, and the people, I felt I should become more... sociable..."

Re: Fall Festival

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 1:35 am
by TheGardener
"you welcome. Come, maybe I can help you meet people or if you prefer, we can chat"

I put the flower behind my ear smiling at her.