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Re: NotJack's Mudhut

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:34 pm
by Bacchus
Kitiara had asked me to go an introduce myself to Notjack the imp. As if I could be so 'nice' as to siply make an introduction!! Now, what do imps like as presents? Hmm... how about a mirror? something in silver and ancient. I quickly teleport to the bedroom of the Winter Fae Queen and hunt around the dressing-table, ye Gods but this woman was sooo messy! I grab the simple silver hand mirror and teleport near to NotJack's palatial( well, it is for an imp) home and sit down beneath an apple tree as I think what magic to put on the mirror. Giggling to myself I name the mirror 'Spmi!' and leap up to run to NotJack's house!!!! (it's a hole in the road but no accounting for taste.I change into a spider and crawl into the hut to find the imp!

Re: NotJack's Mudhut

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:00 pm
by Gideon
((OOC: Human enough :P ))

Gideon chuckled and grinned at the imp
"I am pleased to meet you too notjack, and I have indeed come by for a visit, it's not often you find imps living this close to human habitation without calls for chasing them away"
Gideon looked about
"So, where is your home? I would hate to be caught out here if it were to rain"

Re: NotJack's Mudhut

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 11:41 am
by Bacchus
Bird move, tree move, ma move, imp move, sound, sound, sound. Web to floor and across floor to chair leg, up chair leg, up to imp.

Re: NotJack's Mudhut

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 5:47 pm
by NotJack
"I can make it rain candy!"

Ummm... Hooray for Jack? Imps sometimes get confused when they're trying to impress people.

"Oh, my house, is here, it is this hut, you can come in, I have some water."

He walked into the house and began arranging the folded leaves about the table as water cups. A talking badger had taught him how to collect rainwater since his first guest had come, so he did have clean water to offer, something the badger had been pleased about.

Upon entering the mud-hut he spied a spider. Various thoughts passed through his mind instantly, but settled to the fact that this spider should not be disturbed. He welcomed Giddeon in and bowed, uneasily to the spider.

"Welcome to you, too, Mr. Spider."

Re: NotJack's Mudhut

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 6:31 pm
by Bacchus
Jump floor, change man-few-eyes. Back in my Bacchus man shape I smile. ' I do hope I'm not imposing Mr Notjack. I have brought a bottle of sasparilly for your pleasure. A friend told me that imps like the stuff!'

I get two bottles of dark brown frothy liquid, pop the caps from both of them, hand one to Mr Notjack and take a long cool draught from my own. ' Cheers!'

Re: NotJack's Mudhut

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 5:20 pm
by NotJack
Jack is surprised to see the spider transform into a man. He tries to recall if he has met this person before.

Jack takes the bottle and sniff, savoring the delicious flavor.


he says before taking in the delicious and refreshing flavor of the beverage.

"Hello," he says to the new-comer, at last.

"Welcome to my home," he gets a feeling there is more to the stranger than meets the eye, especially since he has appeared inside of NotJack's home.

"You seem to know me, I am NotJack, this is Gideon, the mayor," he says, introducing Gideon, "I'm not sure if I have met you before."

Re: NotJack's Mudhut

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 1:37 pm
by Bacchus
I put on my best Mary Poppins cockney accent( which means it is a terrible accent!) ' I am Bacchus,I am trees, I am hunting, I am blood.' I grin to the others in the room. {b]' I like making mischief and beer.'[/b] Bacchus reaches into thin air, pulls another bottle of the dark frothy liquid out of nowhere, pops the cap and handles the bottle to Mayor Gideon. He stands tall like a meerkat ad whispers ' Can you hear that?'


Re: NotJack's Mudhut

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:21 am
by NotJack
Jack grins at Bacchus, that was an excellent introduction.

"That was an excellent introduction!"

Yes, we've been over that.

He watches in awe as Bacchus pulls another sasparilly out of the air, and claps.

"Nice trick! Nice trick! NotJack can do magic, too, watch!"

Jack stretches his hands out and begins to bring them together...

...and I, your faithful narrator, sincerely hope someone will discourage whatever is coming next.

Re: NotJack's Mudhut

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:30 am
by Kitiara
A voice can be heard outside the hut calling. Bacchus? Bacchus? SOMEbody wants their Daddy! A small crying sound can now be heard.

Re: NotJack's Mudhut

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:59 pm
by Bacchus
I grin and bow to the gentleman and gentle-imp, ' a lady requires my attention, I will be but a moment.' I step out through a door and return carrying a gurgling, squirming baby with a wild mop of brown hair and green gossamer-thin wings. ' Gentlefolk, this is my daughter Willow!' I grin with pride as I look at her.
