(rp home)Jon the Fire demon's Cave

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Re: (rp home)Jon the Fire demon's Cave

Post by Awena »

Awena sets the food on the table for Sarah and Jon. She brings over some plates and eating utensils she found in the kitchen. Awena smiles as Jon kindly pulls out a chair for her. Awena is impressed by their manners and civility. She had not realized how much like humans the fire demons were.

"Thank you," Awena smiles accepting Jon's invitation. Sitting down, she waits for them to begin. She does not know if fire demons give thanks before meals or have some other kind of ritual they follow, and she does not want to embarrass herself by doing something they find strange.

Re: (rp home)Jon the Fire demon's Cave

Post by JonathanDailey »

Sarah mumbles "thank you duck sperit for giving up your body for us to eat... may you live forever in the heart of the land"

Jonathan nods hearing his sister thank the animal for it's meat and then slowly begins to eat.

Re: (rp home)Jon the Fire demon's Cave

Post by Awena »

Awena is unable to suppress her giggles as she listens to Sarah thank the duck spirit. She covers her mouth with her hands. After Sarah finishes, Awena apologizes, "Forgive me Sarah." It seemed Awena managed to embarrass herself after all.

Awena quietly looks down at the table after her outburst. Awena is used to being quiet at the table, no talking. The Warden at the orphanage didn't allow talking during meals. Seeing Jon begin to eat, she eats too. Gathering some courage she says meekly, "Thank you, Jon, for hunting this duck for us."

Re: (rp home)Jon the Fire demon's Cave

Post by JonathanDailey »

Jonathan smiles softly "your welcome...." he grins hearing the giggle "it is a fire demon custom to thank the sperit of the animal we are about to eat for giving us the meat"

Sarah smiles "no worries human lady i know human's no give thanks to the animals they eats"

Re: (rp home)Jon the Fire demon's Cave

Post by Awena »

Seeing a soft smile cross Jon's face, Awena relaxes, knowing everything is alright. She listens as he explains their customs.

She hoped the rest of the dinner would go smoothly, but again giggled at Sarah's comment. "It really is a nice and thoughtful custom," Awena said to make up for her giggles, and she really meant what she said.

"Do either of you need anything else?" Awena asked, offering to get it for them.

Re: (rp home)Jon the Fire demon's Cave

Post by JonathanDailey »

Jonathan smiles "no thanks Awena.. sit relax with us... no need to serve all the time.... my home is freely given to you as a place of rest along with a place of work"

Sarah giggles and nods "yeah! a place of rests"

Re: (rp home)Jon the Fire demon's Cave

Post by Awena »

"Thank you, Jon," she smiles at him, "You too, Sarah," she says as Sarah pipes up. Awena finishes her meal, chatting through it with Jonathan and Sarah.

They are so charming, she thinks as she takes the empty plates to the kitchen sink to wash them. Afterwards she is very careful to dry all the water off the plates. "I will be back to study," she tells Jon before she leaves their cave to go retrieve the clothes she had left outside to dry.

Bringing the clothes inside, she quickly folds them, then goes to sit next to Jon, so he can teach her. "Thank you for the lessons," she smiles to Jonathan.

Re: (rp home)Jon the Fire demon's Cave

Post by JonathanDailey »

Jonathan offers to let Awena sit closer beside him as he pulls out the paper he wrote a list of words on and waits to start pointing at words and saying what they are to try and teach the lovely lady how to read and write.

Sarah runs off to her room to sleep thinking she should leave the adults alone for a while.

Re: (rp home)Jon the Fire demon's Cave

Post by Awena »

Awena scoots over just a bit. "Thank you, Jon. It will be easier to read if I'm looking at the letters from the right direction." Awena smiles at Jon, noticing how much warmth he gives off. She doesn't say anything, as it'd probably be a bit impolite, but the warmth was comforting during the winter.

Awena looks up from the paper as Sarah runs by. She wonders what Sarah is doing and supposes this would probably be boring for the little girl. She hopes it's not boring for Jon as well.

Awena wonders what words she'll learn first and if she'll learn to spell her name. She also wonders how Jon spells his name.

Re: (rp home)Jon the Fire demon's Cave

Post by JonathanDailey »

Jonathan smiled and took out a paper with the entire alphabet on it and began to point to each letter saying the name of the letter.

Sarah sits on her bed in her room and reads her book that Awena had given her.
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