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Post by Ruza »

I have split off the OOC posting that were here. This thread has stayed IC which is a good thing. As far as the Elders/Mages interaction, we try to keep good interaction with our players. We don't want just to be the ones to sit and hand out warnings and bans, but rather invoke part of a community.

Idra, Coffee and Freyja have all butted heads before. If they players behind any of the characters have issue with this they can always direct it to me.
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Post by balerion »

How was my post OOC?

And yes I obviously know this one is.
Shaker of Castles
Order of the Pillow | Sunspear


Post by Athnal »

I would feel like protecting subjects of Fenia from you? Don't make me laugh, who are you anyway? Another lazy creature comin here only if problem appears? With no solutions or ideas but with empty criticism? What makes you think you have rights for such criticism? What did you for the kingdom? Nothing? What a surprise! Explain please, what exactly can you do? Attack fenians with fresh fruits? Or maybe charge Imperius walls with a pointy stick? Please elaborate how can you be dangerous?


Post by Melusine »

Dear Sinister,

I hope this letter finds you well however I am jotting down these words to invite you to have a little holiday. It's far from a secret that I myself have in the past had many a words with Fenian's over their system especially during the time in my life it was my residence however there are things I have learnt during that time. This are, but not limited too:
  • ~*~ I learnt not to give up who I am, to walk tall and not to allow things to get to me.

    ~*~ I learnt that getting away even for a short while can do wonders for your inner spirit, even the almighty pillows are much happier now.

    ~*~ I learnt that most of those that move or live in Fenia prefer the system, orders or whatever they prefer them to be called and it will be an endless battle with no result.

    ~*~ I learnt that there are places to go if the system doesn't suit and with that much happiness can come.
As such I have learnt to love the freedom in Spirus as it suits my being very well, so if you would like to come for a holiday, see the sights or even steal someone's crop seeds with me/us while they sleep then your more than welcome to come and forget the troubles for a while. Normally I would offer to come and escort however unfortunately at the moment with the tasks I'm completing I'd prefer that only if it was necessary.

There are few rules, lots of freedoms and lots of fun... but remember, juggling cats eg: God-King Kitty that is just mine and I don't like sharing that but I suppose if your a good boy you might if your very lucky be able to touch one of the almighty pillows however if by chance you do come for a holiday and your not a good boy well then its not always the most pleasant of places being on the bad side of yours truly but I'm sure you would be a good boy if a holiday takes your interest, right?

So, do you feel like taking a little holiday?

Yours faithfully,

EDIT: P.S. Pup's training ground might even take your interests.
Last edited by Melusine on Fri Jun 24, 2011 5:35 am, edited 1 time in total.


Post by Lordblackhawk »

Hearing his name being mentioned Count Lbh hurries along.
Seeing LIdra he calls up to her...."Wassup?"

Then he notices the Elders & Mages.

"Not again!" he thinks.


Post by Sinister »

I would feel like protecting subjects of Fenia from you? Don't make me laugh, who are you anyway?
See this is how the established looks at its subjects. Do as you are told cause you can not threaten us. But give it time my friend. Because the more you outcast the more will become like me. Judging by the way the established talks to its people. It will not take long. You are not bright enough to understand, you are your own worst enemy. I don't have to be a threat to you. You do all the work for me. You can not help it. Because you are who you are.
Another lazy creature comin here only if problem appears? With no solutions or ideas but with empty criticism?

I have given you the problem and the solution but I guess you were to dumb or too lazy to actually read and understand the issue. My bet is you are too lazy to have actually have read my comment because you actually think you know more than I. I say this, you hear that. I say you are an idiot for saying that the town is undefended any day. You hear, you are an idiot. You are not bright enough to consider that saying a town is not defending today might inspire some to revolt. Judging by your all superior attitude I would have to say and could really bet you never even looked to see who was in town. A dispersed enemy army could be in town and you would never know. I know you checked, right. You have to say that so you don't look worse than you already do. Oh and don't lie, you did not check. You probably thought well we have two armies of 5 people and they will attack the town and take it over. So we will be safe. And what if some one else attacked at the same time and took the town. They would not have died from that attack. You might attack them the next day but the next day they might be gone. Now how would you have felt. Not too safe, is it. But I am the dumb one here. Yeah.
What makes you think you have rights for such criticism?
I am a citizen of this country. As far as I know I can say whatever tickles my fancy at any moment. Or can I? Is this how the establish rule? With an iron fist? Keep your words in check or we will smite you? We will put you down with an endless barrage of insults because you are making us look like idiots?
What did you for the kingdom? Nothing? What a surprise! Explain please, what exactly can you do?

Let me correct your grammar for you. I believe the question should be "what did I do for the kingdom?" Most anything it has ever asked of me. Any time they asked me not to post jobs in the town. I have worked the mines everyday in my existence because that is what they have asked. They even have promotions and I still work them every day. Feel free to ask them. Oh and I am not required to do anything for the kingdom to have a voice! But according to you, I see how it works. I have to do something for the kingdom to have any rights to say anything. Is that how it works? I must serve the kingdom with endless devotion in order to be able to criticize anything? Tsk tsk, what a superior attitude. Such an example of ...... nobility.
Attack fenians with fresh fruits? Or maybe charge Imperius walls with a pointy stick? Please elaborate how can you be dangerous?
As I said before, I don't have to be. You mouth does it for me. Keep running you mouth. I love it. Some people think I am upset or mad at the situation. Quite the opposite. I am ecstatic at the Pooh that is spilling from your lips. It only shows your true dis-contempt for the people here. Please keep it coming. Nothing I could ever do could hurt this kingdom more than letting you run your mouth and showing them who you really are. You know what the sad part about that is, your not even bright enough to understand that!

Sin looks to the Queen, you have been most pleasant with me. You seem to have a level head unlike many of those whom you have chosen to serve you. So, I will be kind and some what respectful to you.

Ask yourself these questions.

1. If I am an untrusted source, why would they tell me the town is not defending? I could be sitting here with 10 friends and enough power to take the town even if the army is here. You never ever ever ever ever tell the populace that a town is undefended. You are just asking for troubles. You are just begging for it. Those you have put in charge of the army don't realize this and what is worse they defend their dumb actions. Do you?

2. If you did not want the town to defend to day, why not just don't post the jobs and not tell the populace anything? It is much safer. Saves the town headaches if some one was to defend and they got killed or better yet killed a soldier. Yeah, that would have been good. But yet they still defend their dumb actions. I have to wonder did any real though went into this?

3. If it was just easier to write everyone instead of making sure of those they wrote too were not an enemy, why would you tolerate this laziness? If I am writing people about military movements and town defenses, I am going to make for sure everyone I write is a trusted source. But, of course we don't do that here. We, those who are in charge of our security find it just faster and easier to dismiss any threat or people that might arise. We take chances with our security. Especially after so soon after a single person revolted a town and won. Hello. You will tolerate this? You will defend them? I know you have too.

4. Do you really want to be represented by people who talk to the populace this way? God forbid I have an opinion and I get insulted to the point (well for me hideous laughter but for the weaker minded) that they hate you, the establishment and anything associate with here? Possible even to the point of suicide. Seriously. If I were you, I would really have to take a step back and look at those and the manor in which they handled this situation for they are a representation of you. What one lesser intelligent elf spouts or others might as well have come from your mouth. And yet you will defend him for his action and his words no matter how wrong he is? This situation yes could have been handled in a much better way from both side. My example of throwing out a revolt when no greater opportunity could have ever presented itself may have been bad. But ask yourself, if I have written a letter would it have gotten the attention it deserved or would they have just dismissed it like they have me these last few days. I let you be the judge.

You know I would have to take a serious moment and re evaluate the people here in charge and how they act toward your subjects. Or is that why they are here?


Post by Seavsen »

Orc, simply put - If you don't like it here, feel free to leave. No one would hold it against you if you left Imperius and Fenia altogether. Kiene has an orc army, maybe you would be acceptable to them.


Post by Brikka »

"We have an orc army leader. Why the male speaking not be acceptable citizen? An' if I cann't speak because I am low orc female, tell me quick. Afore I get reputataion as trouble."

Brikka tilted her head and considered the ill tempers. and these were the "good" spirits she would one day boil for lamp oil? Fascinating.


Post by Maria »

Sinister wrote:
Athnal wrote:You were told what to do because effort to sort people you send mails to is much bigger than trouble person as insignificant as you can bring. Is this answer satisfying you? And remember laws of Fenia:
Is this how the government views its people here? I was told what to do like I am some lap dog only to follow the orders of the established. See this is the problem here. Many of you get a little power and you let it go to your head and when .... oh how did you say it ..... some one as insignificant as I questions the established order I get what now 3 pages of put downs.

Sinister, this is NOT how I view the citizens of Fenia. You were informed in an effort to protect you from being killed from the army. That is all. You would not have been excluded from the communication under any circumstances because I do care if innocent creatures are harmed during military exercises.
Sinister wrote:I am just some scum off the bottom of the pond, right. I am not even treated like a second class citizen. Perhaps we should re evaluate our government and those who lead us. If this is how you are going to treat your citizens. I have never done anything to be put on the untrusted list but yet I am.
I am sincerely upset that you feel this way. It is my intent that every Fenian be treated with respect, whether they lean towards good or evil in their beliefs. I am sorry that you have been treated in a manner that was less than dignified.

Please understand that the Marshals who are responsible for keeping our cities safe are great observers. They may notice a creature’s words or actions, they pay attention to rumors, gossip and tavern behavior. For better or for worse they may decide that someone should be watched more carefully for a time. But it is an effort taken to keep the kingdom safe… NOT an effort to blacklist anyone or make them feel unwelcome or unwanted.

You certainly DO have the right to be critical of your leaders. But please remember that a monarchy is run much differently than a republic, and respect for both leaders and citizens is expected.

This world is unique in many ways and I would caution you not to jump to conclusions about what should or should not be done unless you understand the mechanics of how things work here. I, for one, have sat in almost every “official” seat and am still learning every day.

In closing, if I see any more inflammatory remarks here, I will lock the doors to this discussion.

((ooc... sorry, I should have jumped in sooner but have been busy irl)).


Post by Freyja »

Freyja walks slowly into the fray, the dust from her joints billowing behind her as her tiny wooden feet click against the cobblestone. Seeing her friend Count LordBlackhawk, she tilts her head and ambles over to him. Pulling on his coat to get his attention she whispers, What is it with these Orcs? She lifts her hands up hoping he will pick her up so she can get a better view of the events.
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