(ORP) ..At the Edge..

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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Tuvoria »

"No problem Gawain, you're the doctor. When you feel its ready I will gladly help you with applying the antiseptic, or I can get starting preparing something else if you need me to. Just let me know. I do hope she wakes up soon and can provide some info on what happened."

Tuvoria glances a painful glance over his shoulder and towards his bedroom door that is ajar in case Wyllow should wake up.

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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Wyllow »

The morning moved on and after what felt like a restful sleep, she began to stir. Stretching her arms above her head, she was immediately reminded of her injuries, though the fog of sleep hadn't quite cleared. With slight difficulty, she sat up in the bed and blinked at the room she was in. As everything started coming back to her she used her hands to rub away the sleep, but found the left side quite tender.

She was glad that her form was that of her normal day to day life and she had to wonder at Tuvoria's thoughts. She remembered bits and pieces, but nothing sound. She even remembered trying to tell him.. trying to explain, but just hadn't had the energy.

She heard voiced in the other room, but still remained quiet. How she had let this happen... She grimaced a little. In truth, she was fine with Tuv knowing everything there was to know about her. And she know understood that her heart had something to do with that. However, admitting that just yet to herself was a huge step for her. She wasn't the kind of woman that was a star struck puppy, but the thought of that made her smile a little, even if it hurt to do so. Never had she thought that someone like him could grace her with his presence.

Brushing her wild morning hair out of her face, she began to try to inspect the damage done to her shoulder. She was much stronger now, but her wounds were only barely healed. Nothing like she was used to. Usually by now only a shadow of an injury remained. But it couldn't be helped. But in a sense, what had happened had been a good thing. This was the first time she had tried to stop herself from shifting when it had started on its own. It gave her great hope. Even if it cost her to be in pain for much longer than usual, she could live with the sacrifice.
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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Gawain »

Gawain finished grinding up the herb, comfrey, into a paste, and then started to chop up some mint leaves and some orange peel and then looked at Tuvoria.

"The orange peel and mint I am going to add as flavours to the tisane as willow bark on its own is rather bland in taste. The comfrey isn't for the tisane, I am going to use it to treat any bruises to ease the swelling."

He checked on the arnica infusion, and then looked at his cousin.

"I think its cool enough to use now, but all I have had to eat so far today is the orange from which this peel came, which I ate earlier whilst I was gathering things... So I am going to have something more to eat now too and then we can work together on applying it to the wounds together if you would like to help me, cousin?"

Gawain then grabs some bread and cheese and sits down.
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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Tuvoria »

As Gawain was explaininf thins, Tuvoria saw out of the corner of his eye that Wyllow had awakened.

"Well it seems our patient is awake. Finish eating and I will take the tisane to her."

Pouring the tea, Tuvoria gets up and heads to his room. He smiles as he enters.

"Hello sleepy head. So did you get the name of the bull that ran you over? I found you busted up and unconscious just before dawn. I brought you back het and with Gawain's help we have been trying to treat your injuries. Your other nature has not been exposed. Here drink this. It will help ease some of the pain and discomfort."

Tuvoria then sits on the edge of the bed to help prop up Wyllow so she can drink the tisane.

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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Wyllow »

As he entered, she instinctively pulled the cover up to her chest. It was awkward being in someone elses bedroom and if there was nothing about her, she did try to be proper about herself. Which in its self was nearly laughable, considering. 'Hi.' she softly offered in reply to his greeting.

She kept quiet for a few moments until he handed her the tea, then helped her sit up a bit more. My -other- nature. What a peculiar way to describe that. She thought to herself. 'Thank you.' She said quietly after accepting the cup and then took a sip. It wasn't exactly the tastiest brew, but it wasn't half bad.

Finally she glanced at the door, knowing Gawain was still out there. And in a hushed tone she finally spoke, though her eyes stayed upon her cup. A feeling of being ashamed washed over her. She should have told him more about herself, but she had to be sure about him before she could take that risk. 'I'm sorry Tuv.' There was so much that needed saying, but she didn't know were to begin. She tried to shrug her shoulders, but pain rippled through her shoulder as she tried to move it.

She looked at him and began. 'The Yvyrm was just .. there. I didn't even have time to react.' She paused there for a moment. How did she tell him that normally this wasn't a problem for her. 'I.. was distracted with my thoughts.' She looked back down at her cup, then took a sip. 'And I thought that I was alone.. I needed to..' She let out a sigh. 'You have been in my thoughts.. and my head so much.. I just needed to figure things out.' She blurted out. 'Normally I can handle them.' She then said stubbornly. The last part she hadn't really meant to reveal, but it slipped out. The fact that she was out hunting them on a regular basis wasn't something that she shared willingly. Most would be shocked to know that she did and others might not approve. How he felt on the matter, she hadn't thought about before her gob had let loose another secret.

Quickly she quieted, sipping more from her cup.
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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuvoria listened as Wyllow tried to explain a few things. He could tell she was not sure how he would take things and that she wanted to keep things quiet as it where. Hoping to ease her mind, Tuv gently places his hand on her back to support her as he softly says:

" I understand how you feel Wyl. My thoughts have been dominated with you as well. I think that is one of the reasons I found you when I did. I normally don't go that way to get to the meadow. Something told me to take a different course through my corn field and then to the meadow. When I found you, you where unconscious and in very bad shape. I had planned to use the time to quietly think about all that has happened and was taking place in regards to you. When I found you there, my heart sank. I know our friendship is realitivly new, but I couldn't stand the thought of loosing you. I knew Gawain was still here and that his widow was a healer. I was hoping he would have some knowledge of healing, and thankfully he did. I sent him off to find healing herbs as I cleaned your wounds up. That's, um, er, uh, when your om, hairier nature began to show itself. I was surprised by it, and your ability to control it. Gawain was gone and does not know about it at all, I believe. We are both connected to nature, so I don't hold it against you. It is a part of who you are. If we are indeed fated to be together, I have to accept all of you, and I have and will do that. We can talk more later. For now relax. Gawain has some poultices for your wounds if you want it. Also if you feel up to it, I will bring you in a tray of fruit, cheese and bread so that you can eat. I can also go and draw a bucket of fresh water so you can clean up."

Tuvoria then takes the empty tea cup from Wyllow, kisses the back of her hand, and gives her a playful wink as he waits to see what she wants more, food, conversation, rest, medicine, or water to clean up.

"Don't rush yourself and don't worry about hunting Yvyrm, they are a scourge to the balance of nature as far as my family is concerned. If I had a decent blade I would be out hunting them myself. I soon hope to remedy that. Perhaps when you are feeling back to normal we can hunt together."

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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Wyllow »

He was right. Their friendship was still so very young and new. But she felt it too. She felt drawn to him on another level. More than she had ever thought she would find anywhere. And the more she was around him, the more he gripped at her heartstrings.

Still, his reply nearly bowled her over and she had a hard time keeping her jaw up. She could have easily given in to the tears that prickled at the corners of her eyes, which were not pain induced, but quite the opposite. Instead though, she let herself feel at peace in the company of an extraordinary man.

'Yes, I am fine with Gawain coming in with something that may help... I'll probably need it.' This time, she almost added. 'But as for food.. I will wait a bit, if I may. Maybe after a while.. and.. a chance to clean up a bit.' She was a little embarrassed at the way she may look, modesty aside for medical reasons, of course. She then thought of her pack. It had her spare clothing in it. Considering the creatures though, it was hardly possible that the contents would had remained intact.

When he took her cup, again she watched him in awe. His lips were gentle and softer than she would have imagined. It caused a flush to form, though less bright upon her bruising cheek. A sparkle seemed to lite in his eyes when he winked and it warmed her insides. His offering of them hunting together was more that she could have expected. She smiled at him then, not caring about the discomfort of the act.
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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Tuvoria »

As Tuvoria prepared to walk out of the room, he stopped and turned around.

"Your pack was ripped to shreds I am afraid. I might have something in the wardrobe that you can wear. Feel free to look around and borrow what you want. If you want I can quickly journey over to your place and get you something. In the meantime, I will inform Gawain you can use the poultices and I will fetch you a basin of water to clean up with. Be right back."

As he exits the room, Tuvoria heads over to his kitchen area and sets the tea cup in the sink as he grabs a wash basin.

"She is fully awake Gawain and appears to be in goods spirits. She would appreciate the poultices when you are ready. I'm going to grab some water for her to put in this basin so she can wash up. I may also need to run over to her place and grab a few things for her. I do appreciate your help."

Tuvoria then rinses out the cup before stepping out the back door to draw water from the well.

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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Gawain »

Gawain nodded as he listened to Tuvoria.

"OK Tuv, I'm going start with the arnica only to start with as it is an antiseptic it won't matter if it gets washed off immediately then I'll wait until after she has had a chance to clean up first before I apply the other poultices which need to stay on longer to be beneficial."

Having finished eating, he then picked up the bowl of arnica infusion and some new pieces of linen which he had bought in town, and then went to Tuv's room.

"Hi Wyllow. I presume Tuv has you told my wife was a healer and that is how I know something about this, through watching her. OK, I'm going start with this arnica as it is an antiseptic it won't matter if it gets washed off immediately then I'll withdraw to wait until after you have had a chance to clean up as I think you would prefer to do that in privacy, before I apply the other poultices which need to stay on longer to be beneficial. If you're ready, I shall start. OK with you?"

He then picked up one of the linen cloths and soaked it in the infusion ready to begin work.
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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Gawain »

(ooc: quoted originally posted in "Encounters in the Meadow")
Wyllow wrote:'Hi.' She responded quietly as Gawain entered the room. She wasn't as comfortable with Gawain as she was with Tuvoria, but she knew that he meant well by her. 'Yes, he did..' She said, then nodded when he told her the rest.

She waited for him to start. It had been a long time since she had needed wounds tended after. So long ago, that she had forgotten what it felt like to be this tender. She wondered now if it had been a mistake in her trying so hard to prevent shifting.. The wounds would have been nearly healed by now if she had let nature take its course.

However, she knew in the back of her head that she had made the right choice. It was just hard to depend on others when you were used to taking cared of yourself. Needing someone else was a hard thing to come to terms with.
Gawain nodded, then very gently and carefully began to tend her wounds, beginning with her face,noting any bruises to be tended to later.

"This may sting a bit but don't worry, it means it's doing something good."

He then continued to tend gently and carefully working his way downwards...again noting any bruises that needed to be tended later and doing his best to protect her modesty as he did so, only briefly uncovering what was necessary and then recovering it.

"How does that feel so far?"
Last edited by Gawain on Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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