[RP]Petal's Place

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Re: [RP]Petal's Place

Post by Petal »

Petal giggled as she slid down and into Toxic's arms. She slid her hands up to his shoulders and leaned into him as he kissed her. As he put her down and dropped to one knee taking her hands, her breath caught in her throat and she found herself speechless. She gazed at him in wonder as he spoke, feeling her heart swell with love for him. Finally finding her voice she answered.

Toxic, I've loved you from the first moment I saw you. There could be no greater joy for me than to be your wife. She smiled, lighting her face with happiness. She dropped down to her knees in front of him and wrapped her arms tight around his neck. Yes I will marry you!

Re: [RP]Petal's Place

Post by Toxic »

Squeezing her tight he kissed her a thousand times all over her beautiful face,
that is great news the best, we need to finish the house and get the hitching sorted, i knew i couldnt let such a fine cook get away,

laughing he threw her to the ground ripping her clothes off, kissing her all over her body, not even noticing it had started raining, pulling her on top he hugged her tight and kissed her beautiful warm lips.

Re: [RP]Petal's Place

Post by Petal »

Petal laughed for pure joy and hugged Toxic back, kissing him with abandon. As she did she noticed the rain beginning, a soft gentle rain. She tilted her face to the rain and closed her eyes, a smile on her lips, enjoying the feel of the soft drops on her body. Looking down at Toxic, she gave him a smile as she studied his much loved face. After a moment's consideration, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, hoping she was doing the right thing. She mumbled a few words under her breath, her eyes closing in concentration. Opening them, she looked up. While the rain was still softly falling, it was no longer touching their entwined bodies. She slowly lowered her gaze back to Toxic, biting her lip as she waited for the expected shock and questions, trusting that his love for her would be enough to overcome what she was about to tell him.

Re: [RP]Petal's Place

Post by Toxic »

Laying back he looked up at the sky and then at Petal, taking her in his arms he smiled,
I always knew there was something special about you apart from your cooking and beautiful face,and super hot sexy body, and i know now why Niv is here to protect you, it is known they like to live with people with magic inside them, years ago it was a black cat but now a pegasus, plus our kids will be interesting, i will love you no matter what if you had a hundred huge hairy warts all over your face, so take that worried look off your face and give me a bloody big kiss my beautiful little witch that was sent from heaven just for me, and just checking you havent got any warts have you? anywhere,
laughing he squeezed her tight and kissed her, checking her for warts or any sixes on the back of her neck.

Re: [RP]Petal's Place

Post by Petal »

Relieved, Petal hugged Toxic and kissed him. Her eyes grew big as he talked about Niv. She had never thought of that before. Thinking, she nodded. It could be, she told him. My granny had the gift as well. And she was always followed about by a... Petal stopped and giggled, giving Toxic a sideways glance. She was always accompanied by a goat! she finished as she dissolved into giggles, remembering all the times her granny visited and how her mother would try to shoo the beast out of the house to no avail. It drove my father mad!

Rolling off Toxic and to his side, she took his hand in hers as she stared up at the sky, watching the rain fall all about them. I can't do much magic, she confided to him, relieved to finally be able to talk about it. Just little things here and there. My father hated the magic. She frowned a bit. I think that's why he treated me as he did, he wanted to beat it out of me. She shuddered, remembering things she had wanted to stay buried forever, and moved closer to Toxic's side. That was the past, best forgotten. She was loved now, for all she was, and happier than she had any right to be. Turning to him, she let her hand play lightly over his chest as she gently kissed his shoulder. And no! she told him with a laugh. I have no warts! A saucy smile came over her lips. But feel free to check if you don't believe me.

Re: [RP]Petal's Place

Post by TheGardener »

Walking up to a place, I gently knocked on the door. Such a beautiful flower they had outside, I had to know who tended it.

Re: [RP]Petal's Place

Post by Petal »

After what seemed an eternity but had really only been one afternoon, Petal returned with Toxic. After a lingering kiss she watched him walk down the road to his place from hers. She wandered up the path to her door, her happiness spilling out of her to the late autumn blooms around her, their buds unfolding as she passed.

Once inside she shut the door and leaned against it with a contented, happy sigh. She spent a few moments daydreaming about her new life with Toxic as his wife then looked around with new eyes. This would not be her home for very much longer. Though it was a bit rough and lacked any luxuries she would miss it. It had been her first home here, where she and Toxic had met, where she had finally found peace and happiness. As these thoughts went through her head she realized something and smiled. Wherever Toxic was, that's where her home was now. Smiling and singing under her breath, she began to straighten up and pack her things.

Re: [RP]Petal's Place

Post by Petal »

As she straightened up, Petal found a paper on the floor. She picked it up, looking at it curiously. Someone must have slid it under her door. She took it over to the window to read in the fast-fading light. Her brow furrowed in confusion. Could this be.. yes, there was her name, right there. A marriage certificate. But how...

Petal shook her head and sunk into the chair beneath the window. Thoughts of the beautiful wedding she had always dreamed of as a child ran through her mind. She lifted her gaze to stare out the window. Well, it was done now. She had no idea how, but the paper in her hand made it true. She was Toxic's wife.

As the night drew on, Petal sat in the gathering darkness. Finally she looked down at the paper in her lap and picked it up again, unable to make out the words in the dim light but knowing them by heart now. She set her chin determinedly and stood. Time to put away childish things. No matter how it had happened, she was now a wife and that's all that mattered. Tucking the paper safely away with her things as the only memento of her wedding, she hurriedly finished packing her things, wanting to be ready when her.. husband came to pick her up. A ghost of a smile crossed her lips at the thought.

Re: [RP]Petal's Place

Post by Toxic »

Knocking on the door he shouted out,

Wheres my new beautiful wife its official, get your sweet hot ass out here now i have a surprise for you,

banging louder on the door he waited impatiently for the door to be answered, he had been away for a while building their house with nivs help and a few others he had found to help, he couldnt wait to show her and then start their new life together, thinking about the house he hoped Petal would like it, he had listened to all she had talked about her needs and how many rooms she wanted and he made sure she had more and better,


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Re: [RP]Petal's Place

Post by Petal »

Petal heard the banging at the door and Toxic calling for his wife. She looked down at her hand, conspicuously bare of rings then glanced up to take a last look around her little home. She would miss it. It had been her first home of her own. Now she was leaving as a wife to move into her husband's home. She shook her head, the unreality of it still a shock to her. Swallowing her disappointment she pasted a smile on her face and opened the door.

Hello my h...h...husband, she greeted him with a kiss. Feeling her smile become more natural as she caught some of his excitement she hugged him. I have my things all r..ready to move. What s..s...surprise do you have for me? she asked, not sure how many more surprises she could handle that day. She leaned over and picked up the bundle she had packed, hoping Niv would show up to carry the rest down the road to Toxic's house for her.
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