[ORP]Morghains Territory

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Re: [ORP]Morghains Territory

Post by Morghain »

Morghain silently watches her cousins as the settle themselves again. Her gaze takes in the little signs that betray that Victorious is nervous, and Saela is angry. As her gaze shifts to the Bloodslave sitting next to Victorious, she can make a pretty educated guess as to what has got Saelas hackles up but she saw no reason for Victorious' nervousness. No doubt she'd learn the source of it soon enough. She can tell that the Captain does not trust their state, especially not this close to her. She knows him well and can feel the tension he radiates though he hides it well from all who do not know him. Smiling as Victorious mentions about an invitation she replies,

"I believe it was more of a challenge than an invitation, cousin, but as I have stated, you are welcome all the same. Since this is not a mere social visit, shall we get straight down to what it is you wish to achieve by coming here?"
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Re: [ORP]Morghains Territory

Post by Victorious »

Victorious did not look at her wife and put her gaze on her cousin trying her best to keep her focus on the task at hand and not the loss of the feeling of the bond. If she was hurt that was her problem not hers. She had to do what she had to do.

She nervously smiled, "Yes Morghain, I suppose we should get right to business. As you know, I haven't been coping very well with being a vampire and I know I have been disgraceful to the vampire race and to myself by not accepting who I am now. I would like to join your Seethe if you would accept me and in return I will do what you ask of me." She was a bit hesitant in that remark not really sure what Morghain would ever ask of her in return but she would be loyal to her she knew that much.

She kept her gaze upon her cousin and tried her best to ignore Saela.
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Re: [ORP]Morghains Territory

Post by SaelaV90 »

Sae stares intently at the ground focusing on controlling her anger she talks to herself in her head 'Not here...you can't explode here..Morg will kill you on the spot...sure you will resurrect but you will never be invited back' She glances at Vic in the corner of her eye 'How could she?! How could she do that to me?! Am I not enough that she had to feed from her?!'

She balls her hands into fists getting angrier looking at Vic she growls at herself quietly she looks back at the ground as she hears Eris growl at her in her head 'Dammit why'd you have to look at her now you are closer to rage Saela Valencia Di Carpietra! You know what your rage does to me! I want to be let out to play with your rage and right now we can't! SO CALM DOWN MY LITTLE ONE!' Sae holds her head 'Don't shout in my head Eris! I am sorry I can't help but look at her!' She focuses on the rug under them trying to get lost in the patterns to calm the rage within as well as keeping her barriers up.

Re: [ORP]Morghains Territory

Post by Morghain »

She'd expected this was coming, some would probably suggest it was inevitable..she was sure if she was keen on the idea. However, her Mate had turned her cousin, and well she was family so she had to at least give Vic a fair hearing. She leans back in her chair and looks contemplative,

"I see. And what is it that you offer to this Seethe that would make you a desirable member? You may have noticed that each member here serves the Seethe in one way or another, each using what skills and talents they have in ways that best benefit the group as a whole. Why should you be offered a place amongst us?"
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Re: [ORP]Morghains Territory

Post by Victorious »

Victorious kept her gaze on her cousin. No doubt she was curious about her Seethe and the aid she could give her but she was ambivalent about what that would mean for her and the Kingdom she would soon rule. She would have to make her decision very carefully for she already knew she had enemies and she didn't want to hurt her or Kiene so she just tested the waters carefully with her Cousin.

Victorious considers the question carefully, "I am loyal and would be a great warrior and protector but I must know if I make this decision what does it exactly entail especially since I will be Queen of Kiene soon?"
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Re: [ORP]Morghains Territory

Post by Morghain »

Hearing that Victorious is set to be leader of her own Territory, Morghain shakes her head. Behind her, she can feel Captain sigh in relief. He too knows that joining their Seethe would be a conflict of interest for Victorious whose loyalty and focus should be upon her own Territory.

"Those I have in abundance. Look around you, each of these can claim the same and their loyalty is to this territory. Your loyalty should be to your Territory otherwise what would you choose if the needs of this Seethe and the needs of your Viceroyalty conflict?"
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Re: [ORP]Morghains Territory

Post by Victorious »

Victorious looked around her and then put her gaze back upon her cousin, "I would have to choose my territory, Morghain. There would be no question about that. My people must become first before my needs no matter how great they are. I will just have to find another way to get what I seek."

She sighed after hearing what her cousin had to say but knew there had to be another way for her to be complete like she once was.
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Re: [ORP]Morghains Territory

Post by Morghain »

Looks consideringly at Victorious. She has a potential solution she could offer that would be beneficial to them both but she was yet to hear that which she most wanted from her cousin

"And what exactly is it that you seek?"
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Re: [ORP]Morghains Territory

Post by Victorious »

Victorious looked at Morghain considerably, "Well I thought you could help me but I am a grown woman and I thank you for your hospitality but I can promise you that I will not shame the vampires in the future. I thought you could help me but I think I better figure this out on my own."

She smiled at her hoping she understood, "Can you please have your guards lead us safely out of here? Please take care Morghain. I'm sorry if I wasted your time."
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Re: [ORP]Morghains Territory

Post by Morghain »

She stares at Victorious a moment, silently judging her cousins decision. Her cousin was her own woman and her choices were her own so with a nod, she accepts her decision. She lifts her hand to the Captain "My Captain will lead you from my lands. May your hunt be successful and the winds beneath your wings always steady."
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