[ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Argenth »

At the suspiciously large camp on the banks of the Fenian lake near the border between old Kiene and Fenia. Suspicious when you think of it only housed two permanent residents with it's size. Argenth had been locking himself away in his studies again, as he worked on preperations for a very long expedition in this new world. Having finally gained acces to magic again, although it was in a different manner he had had to go about unlocking this new found source of energies. Combined with nearly a year of locking himself away in seclusion and solitude studying this world and it's history and lore, in his tent filled with knowledge and artifacts he had been collecting from the many worlds and realms he and his self-proclaimed guardian had wandered. The few times he had left this state of being, was when the elven female, Faranni who had stirred something within him visited, or when his self-proclaimed guardian Merek had practically dragged him out into the light of the sun, though the guardian had rather prefered to let him stay in his studies, atleast that way he knew where he had him and he couldn't accidently do any damage or harm to anyone there, but he knew how the body needed the life giving light of the sun, through Merek had often been pulling out hair when Argenth had managed to quickly escape the guardian, and hide in taverns to continue his studies, were he would also happen to meet the various creatures of this world. One of those encounter had somehow lead to what had happened next.

A letter had arrived to the camp, and was recieved by Merek. The letter was from one of their contacts found around the closer Vice Royalties,
this one contact specificly the capital, frequently sending news. Unfolding the letter he read it, and was quickly stroked with thought of the worst possible outcomes. Not able to hold his anxiety back, trying to hold himself in check as thoughts of what potential damage and harm the creature he had a long ago sworn to keep out of harm's way, an already nearly impossible feat to accomplish could get himself into with this. There was to be a public royal wedding. He knew this couldn't end well, yet his honor kept him from keeping secrets to the man he was oath sworn to serve.
After a longer time of deep sighs and failed attempts at trying to find a valid reason that could justify not to go and deliver the news, he now found himself outside Argenth's private tent and it's two current inhabitants, holding refreshments on a tray in his hands... and the letter. "Argenth, I'm entering." Waiting a few short moment before pushing his way inside past the entrance, having learned from a past mistake of entering without warning resulting in an awkward situation for a longer time. Inside Argenth and Faranni sat side by side at the study, working on old text and looking at maps. The sight warmed the knight, even if it had only been a few small changes to the half-dragon over the cause of the year since they had arrived here, she was good for him he thought, as he had for a very long time been the only other being in contact him. Many had viewed the half-dragon as a monster and a terror. "Master Argenth, Lady Faranni." He excused himself leaving the refreshments on a smaller table near them. Reluctantly he turned around to face them again. "A letter was delivered, telling of a royal wedding in public in Fenia."
The news got the half-dragon curious, as he had only attended one wedding till this day. "Hmm, this should prove a good chance for gathering some observations for comparison." To the guardian's fear, the half-dragon had thoughfully contenplated.

Prior to the day of the wedding, the pair had agreed to accompany each other for the event, Faranni seeming as bright and excited as often before when he had asked if she would come with him for other events, quickly accepting the invitation.
Arriving at the cathedral, finding it observed by a crowd of different creatures. Not before long Faranni and Argenth dressed in his red schoolar's robes and carrying his cane under his arm, accompanied each other up the stairs, with Merek following close behind, keeping his ever watchfull eyes on the half-dragon. Entering, Argenth nearly started to push his way past the row of attendants waiting to greet the small group of organizers who stood and greeted those that came to witness the event, his enchanted quill dancing elegantly over a stack of parchment floating close to him, writing the thoughts and observation from Argenth's mind. A firm hand quickly placed itself on Argenth shoulder, as Merek pulled him back, fighting to keep control over his temper. "This is a royal wedding, politeness and attention, and greeting the organizers is expected, no jumping ahead of the lines waiting to enter." Only to be replied with a strange oblivious stare by the half-dragon.
Awaiting their turn, they moved to greet the organizer. "Greetings, I'm Argenth, an Explorer Extraordinaire, and this is Faranni the Elf..." He presented them, having been tiredlessly forced to practice those lines by his guardian prior to the event. "We are, acquaintances of one of the brides, and wish to witness this great event."
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Nikola »

A carriage arrived outside the Cathedral in Fenia City. Ethan set the brake before alighting from the driver’s seat to open the door, unfurling the steps so that his passengers could disembark. TK emerged first in all his finery, the black and red silks flowing majestically about his 8-foot tall frame. As he reached the ground, he turned back to the carriage and held out a hand to assist Nikola while Ethan stood ready to help should she stumble. Her cloak of red velvet lined in black velvet caught in a breeze and swirled about her feet as she made it to the ground. She tucked her arm into the crook of TK’s elbow and allowed him to lead her up the steps and into the vestibule of the cathedral where she removed her cloak to reveal a simple yet elegant gown of deep blue. She wore her hair up in a soft bun and smiled prettily up at TK after folding the cloak over her arm, wondering whether a cloak check had been set up for the occasion or if the guests would be responsible for keeping their cloaks with them throughout the ceremony.

One of the young women manning the door was someone she did not know, but she did know Mallory and greeted her friend with a hug. “Mallory! Is the Cathedral full yet? Is there any particular place that we should sit?” She had seen that the leaders of the viceroyalties from all over Secfenia had been gathering in Fenia City and she hoped to touch base with several of them, particularly Isra Li from Zion as they had become acquainted when she was Vicerine of Bravia what seemed a lifetime ago now.

OOC: TK godmodded with permission.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Willow »

Willow was in her office, when she received the invitation to the Royal Wedding. She was delighted and was looking forward to it. Willow missed travelling and having adventures with her husband; who she missed every day. Finishing her paperwork, Willow rushed home to get ready. She needed a bath, and then she dressed for the special occasion, but first, she had to make arrangements to get there. Luckily, she had her magic gift; that she had been given by her husband.

Willow checked herself in the mirror several times before heading to her magic door and then through the portal to Fenia. Finding a place to stay, she dropped her bags off and then headed to the Cathedral. Walking in the door, she smiles and hands her letter to the young lady greeting guests at the door. 'Hello, I'm Willow Braeden'. Glancing around, she thought she spotted her Grandchild Alexandria, she headed there and found a seat next to her. After seeing her face she asked 'Are you alright hun?'

Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Logan_Miller »

He found it a bit curious that Zuan had invited him to his wedding even after all the threats that he would want take take his head, but he supposed if this was a trap at least it may have drinks flowing. As he got dressed to go, he examined his wardrobe, he certainly didn't have anything that would be worn to a ball much less a royal wedding. However after scourging around his wardrobe a bit he found something suitablealthough he certainly hadn't worn it in quite some time.

He brushed off the jacket and scrapped the mud off the boots, cleaning up the outfit a bit as he would smirk at it. After changing into it, he would smirk looking at himself in a mirror before heading out to the royal wedding. Although he never did receive a formal invitation, just a verbal one by Zuan in the tavern, he figured maybe going through the front door may not be the best way to enter in case they were checking for that sort of thing. As he headed out the door plotting his route to the cathedral, he stopped at the door making sure to grab one of his daggers; not because he planned to use it on Zuan...although it may make the day a bit more interesting, he figured he would bring it along just in case it was just a elaborate plot to kill the vampire. He placed it in his boot although tucking it just enough so the hilt would not be in view before heading out the door

He made it into town pretty quickly from his half finished home, if there was one good think about being a undead, they did have certain perks like enhanced speed in case you were running late. As he entered the town he would jump to a nearby rooftop as he would start to run along them towards the large cathedral in town. Certainly if anyone looked up it may look strange to find a man running along them, or it just may be a typical day in the kingdom, who would know. As he got close, he would jump once more making sure to catch his footing on a ledge to shimmy along to find a way inside, which he found with one of the large wooden shutters that let light into the cathedral opened as he would climb inside moving along the wooden beams as he would make his way towards a platform, and eventually the stairs to join the rest of the guests. He just hoped they were not checking invitations of the guests inside.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Katie »

Arriving in time for the wedding, Priestess Katie stepped out of the carriage with her camel colored cape wrapped around her and protecting her on this cool day. She retrieved her wristlet from the carriage seat as her steward, Harold, extended his arm to give her support while she walked along with others toward the cathedral's grand entry. She smiled at Harold as she softly spoke, "Thank you, Harold, for everything to make this day possible for my attendance at Aishe's wedding."

Harold whispered, "Yes, Milady. This trip came at a good time for me to enjoy something different, Milady, so I was happy to bring you here." Smiling after he took in his surroundings, Harold abruptly wheeled around on his heel and sprinted off toward Katie's carriage. Katie gently waved bye to her steward with whom she highly regarded.


Katie continued to follow along with the flow of the crowd inside the vestibule of the cathedral until she arrived at the entry of the cathedral's grand chapel. On both sides of the door stood two lovely ladies so Katie opened her wristlet and retrieved a letter. It was her invitation to the wedding from Lady Aishe; so she placed it in the redhead's hand while smiling and greeting the redhead.

Removing her cape and draping it across her left arm, she entered the lovely, festive chapel, relieved to have arrived in time for the wedding. She slipped off her priestess ring and placed it inside her wristlet for this day was going to be enjoyed as a guest instead of officiating a wedding. So she smiled happily.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Mallory »

The familiar voice rang out and brought a smile to her face, so she quickly slipped through the crowd in a delicate, careful dance until she was at Nikola's side, she accepted the hug with a smile and a tight squeeze of her own before dipping into a curtsy for the lady's companion. Welcome! Welcome, come in, yes, let me show you to seats. It wasn't hard to weave them through the crowd to seats near the middle front of the right hand side. She gestured to empty seats and smiled. There they would be close enough should they need anything they could grab her attention. She couldn't help but laugh quietly, So many people. I think it's a good thing Serendipity took the main post at the door. Things will start moving soon.[/color] the words were spoken over her shoulder, she hoped they'd actually followed her along the way. She nodded, her golden hair moving enough to tickle her nose with the move, and her face screwed up in a look of concentration as she fought the human like instinct. Then she looked to see if her friend had made it to the carefully selected seats. I suppose I should have asked someone where I'm to sit. I could, as always, stand off to the side in case I'm needed. she thought out loud looking at Nikola with a wry grin.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Thartis »

Recieving his invitation from alice at first he was surprised with no strong relationship to any of the people taking part but it quickly dawned on him that more than likely everyone was invited. He smiles having no other plans today a wedding would be perfect with free booze and food.

With a wave of his hand over himself his usual faded clothes had been replace with a vibrant blue coloured suit it stood out compared to what he usually wore his cloak hanging off his shoulder he waves goodbye to alice and vanishes.With a slight noise and a bit of mist he appeared infront of the church. Looking around he sees that it was a good idea to get a bit dressed up for once. After doing a little people watching he heads inside to see if anyone he recognizes is about to sit with.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Nikola »

Nikola took off after Mallory with TK a step behind them as they followed the young vampire to the seats she was leading them to. “These are perfect, Mal, thank you!” she acknowledged as she made her way toward the center to leave room for other guests to sit without having to scoot past or climb over TK’s long legs. When Mallory said she wasn’t sure where to sit, Nikola invited her to join them. “You are welcome to join us, if you would like, although it looks like you are plenty busy as it is. But the invitation is open, nonetheless,” she offered.

As they settled into their seats, she let her gaze sweep the room, smiling in recognition as she saw Israe Li near the front among what she guessed would be the leaders of other Viceroyalties. So they had come. She supposed it wasn’t every day that a monarch was wedded, and Fenia’s monarch had reigned alone for a very long time. Leaning toward TK, she nodded in Israe’s direction.
“When this is over, I would very much like to greet an old friend if we can. I have not seen Israe Li since before I left Bravia, although I have corresponded with him on occasion through my office. It would probably be good to meet the other leaders, too, as I also deal with each of them on occasion.” She grinned up at him and added, “I know this is a wedding, but it never hurts to make connections and cement relationships when you are the Finance Minister.” She winked and slipped her hand into his as she settled back in her seat to wait.

OOC: TK godmodded with permission.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Johnstone »

John had been running late all day. Thank Goodness for Earc....I shall have to give him something special for laying everything out for me. John dressed quickly and headed to church. Seeing others still entering, he knew he wasn't too late. He gracefully slipped in and found a seat. All the time thinking to himself, :what have i forgotten.....
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Rosalie »

Rosalie bounded up the steps of the Cathedral with her Mama trailing behind her. The child's dark hair ringlets bounced with each step as she made her way inside. Her bright blue eyes moved around the space, taking in all the decorations for the event. There were many people here and many different sorts of creatures. Rosie rather liked observing and learning from other creatures. But she could not stand around and talk to them all and ask them a million questions today. Today she was to throw flowers for the wedding.

Her Mama came up behind her and placed her hand gently on her head as a woman with fiery red hair approached them. Rosalie looked up at the woman as she introduced herself as Serendipity Vale. The woman explained that Rosalie could stay with her in the back of the Cathedral while her Mama could go find a seat. She watched her Mama moved down the aisle and find a seat in the pew while she stayed in the back with the woman. As she waited, her friend and fellow flower girl was brought over by her own mother so she too could wait for the ceremony to begin.

"Hi Amara!" Rosalie beamed a smile at the red-haired girl.

((OOC: Serendipity and Amara godmodded with permission))
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