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Re: orp A New Life

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:46 pm
by Sharra_tianna
Seeing buglord and his lady taking their little ones inside, she decided it was advisable to collect the twins and do the same. The air was cooling down now. Once inside she let the twins play with the tiny offspring of buglord and went to prepare a meal. Buglord and his lady were happily watching the young ones, so she set to and got the meal ready .
She slipped to the storeroom and collected some hens for the tiny crocs and two geese for buglord and his lady then gave the twins their meal and ate her own.
She was thoroughly enjoying buglord and his family's visit as were the twins. She hoped they would be around more now the tiny crocs had been born. She had always hoped they would return and continue to make their home here at the lake.Thinking about it she decided she would take the twins down to the lakeside this week and let them see how the croc family lived and some of the other wildlife down there. Till now she had not wanted to intrude there while the eggs were developing. But now they were hatched it should be fine.
The evening was spent in laughter at the twins and the little ones with their play till eventually they were all worn out. Sharra then got the twins to bed and Buglord and his lady seemed ready to return to their lakeside with the little ones. She thanked them for their enjoyable visit and promised to call to see them later in the week with the twins. Seeeing buglord and his lady taking their little ones inside, she decided it was advisable to collect the twins and do the same. The air was cooling down now. Once inside she let the twins play with the tiny offspring of buglord and went to prepare a meal. Buglord and his lady were happily watching the young ones, so she set to and got the meal ready .
She slipped to the storeroom and collected some hens for the tiny crocs and two geese for buglord and his lady then gave the twins their meal and ate her own.
She was thoroughly enjoying buglord and his family's visit as were the twins. She hoped they would be around more now the tiny crocs had been born. She had always hoped they would return and continue to make their home here at the lake.Thinking about it she decided she would take the twins down to the lakeside this week and let them see how the croc family lived and some of the other wildlife down there. Till now she had not wanted to intrude there while the eggs were developing. But now they were hatched it should be fine.
The evening was spent in laughter at the twins and the little ones with their play till eventually they were all worn out. Sharra then got the twins to bed and Buglord and his lady seemed ready to return to their lakeside with the little ones. She thanked them for their enjoyable visit and promised to call to see them later in the week with the twins. v

Re: orp A New Life

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:45 pm
by Sharra_tianna
Sharra and the twins arrived back home with the pack and entered their home joyfully. The twins and the pack racing through the rooms re-aquainting themselves with the familiar surroundings of each room. Sharra placed their bags on the verandah and went into the kitchen to make drinks and a snack for them all. She called the twins and then took some food and water outside for the pack.
She went back inside and sat with the twins to eat. After their snack the twins went out to play with the pack. They had their favourite playmates so Sharra knew they wouldn't go far.
She sat for a while on the verandah in the sunshine and thought about their time away from home....
Shortly after buglord and his family had visited she had recieved word that she was needed further in in the plane. She was unable to refuse so gathering her twins and the pack she took them with her in answer to the call.It had taken very little time to reach the place she was needed and was horrified to find a small village had been near decimated by a random pack of mad dogs.many of the people were ill others injured.
She told the twins to stay with the pack while she checked everybody over. Then she set to work. By the time she had finished she was almost in tears. Too many were in a bad way. only about three were in a reasonable state of health, so she set these to work to help gather the herbs she would need.
While they were gone she gathered what food she found to prepare a meal for those able to eat. Then she called Timber and asked him to allocate some of the pack to stay and the rest to seek out these dogs and destroy them. He acknowledged her bidding and separating the pack, he left some to protect Sharra and the village whilst he and the rest took off to do the dreadful task of destroying the mad dogs.

Re: orp A New Life

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:45 pm
by Kitiara
Kit had traveled the length and breadth of the known world trading and was nearly home to Paz and Bacchus. She was in Bravia, though, to sell her wares (eggs). While she was here she planned to take university classes, as she would be too busy butchering when she got home.

Being in Bravia brought Kit warm memories of friends here. On a whim she decided to stop by an old friend's house to see how she was doing.

Kit knocked on Sharra's door and waited for her to answer, hoping she was home today.

Re: orp A New Life

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 11:40 pm
by Sharra_tianna
Hearing a knock on the door, Sharra's housekeeper went to answer it and on pulling the door wide saw Kitiara, Sharra's friend standing there. Kitiara asked for Sharra and the housekeeper informed her Sharra was in the Umbria with the twins and her wolf pack. "I will send a message to her and let her know you called to see her, Miss Kitiara," the housekeeper told her. She will not be back till the twins are grown, except maybe for visits, when she comes into town. I have no idea when that will be though. She invited Miss Kitiara and and gave her refreshments. Then, when she had gone , the housekeeper wrote a message and summoned a runner to take the message to Sharra, giving him precise directions on how to reach her and paying him for his trouble. The runner then set off to find Sharra.
Suddenly,' Sharra's reverie was disturbed by a knock on the door. Startled she came to her feet to go and see who it was. She was surprised to see a runner with a message from her home in Bravia. She took the message then told the runner to wait for refreshments. Having seen to this matter and ensured the runner was able to return safely to Bravia, she took the message from her pocket to read.
"Oh, dear" she thought, "It seems her friend Kitiara had gone to call on her and had not known she was still in the Umbria."
Sharra had assumed all knew she was there till the children grew up. She would have to send her a message.

Re: orp A New Life

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 5:15 pm
by Sharra_tianna
Sharra duly composed and sent a message off to Kitiara. She then went to get a drink and prepared the evening meal. Soon the children came in to eat. After washing their hands they sat at the table and enjoyed their meal. Sharra made herself a cup of tea and left the children to wash the dishes. They were now of an age where she could safely leave them to do this. All too soon they would be old enough to go and live their own lives if they wished to.
She sat down in her favourite chair and returned to the past several weeks in her memory.
It had been heartbreaking to have to deal with the dead. Men, women and little ones had to be buried. There were only a few able-bodied men and women to help her, but they did the sad work. Then she had the others to care for. Luckily, she had managed to save at least two thirds of them. Four were men, six were women and 9 were children, both boys and girls. They all had severe bites and scratches, with a couple more serious wounds. Seven were in such a bad way from bites and tearing of flesh that she could not save them.
She never wanted to go through that kind of thing again, and she hoped Timber and the ones who went with him solved that problem.
She and Timber knew they would have to be destroyed or other villages would be at serious risk. Shortly after dusk that night, she heard the return of Timber. She went outside and saw the pack was looking bloody and very rough. Gathering her herbal bag she went to examine them. Mostly they were not serious bites, but to be safe she and several members from the village washed each member of the pack. Sharra then applied the necessary medication to speed the healing of the cuts and bites. Finally they were all dealt with and she could relax.
Timber followed her to a small hut and sat beside her to tell her the news. Each and every one of the mad dog pack was dead. Timber had lost three of the pack in the ensuing melee, but he reckoned that was a small price to pay for safety. He and the remaining members of the pack sent the lost brave ones on to their rest in their usual manner. Sharra gravely gave her thanks to Timber for their honour. Timber had taken the time to scout around and find out why the dogs had turned that way. It seemed that they had all eaten of an animal that was poisioned and been infected. Unfortunately, the poison had affected their brain and nervous system.
Sharra got up and went to inform the elder of the village of her news. "I will stay for a couple of weeks to ensure the people have not been infected ", she told him. He was grateful and sent some of the others to prepare a place for her and the children for the stay. "We will collect any herbs you may need. We still have the young one who was training to be our medicine woman. She will take your instructions." he told Sharra.
In the following weeks Sharra found that apart from 3 fevers, resulting from their injuries there were no other indications of rabid behaviour. The elder came and told her she did not need to stay longer if she needed to be home. They would continue to watch all those who had been injured just in case. If anything did occur they would immediately send to her. Sharra agreed with this and went to her hut to prepare for her return home.

Re: orp A New Life

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:22 am
by Sharra_tianna
She returned to her home and by now the children were ready to leave home for their own journeys in life. She would miss having them around but she decided not to prevent them from going. They said they would stay for another two weeks then were taking a few of the wolves and going to travel for a while. Sharra smiled at them, pleased she wasn't losing them immediateely.
She had heard some lands had opened in Fenia. One town had caught her notice, Kiene, and she was thinking of travelling there to see what the town was like. It would be an interesting journey however one looked at it.
The two weeks passed very quickly and while the twins made their preparations, Sharra dealt with her own. Soon the time had come for them all to part. It was an emotional parting but was soon under way and after ensuring the twins had everything needed and checking over the wolves that were going with them she dealt with her own needs.
Timber and the pack were ready outside the cabin when Sharra emerged with her bags. They all pranced and ran around eager to go. She laughed and said, "Okay, lets go then", and they all set off on the long journey.

Re: orp A New Life

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 8:08 pm
by Sharra_tianna
Sharra and Timber arrived at last in Kiene, tired but happy. They stopped at a wayside inn and sat outside in the sunshine, first ordering a meal and a refreshing drink with a big bowl of water for Timber. At the rate he drank he was most certainly thirsty. Sharra herself looked at him and thought, "Yes I know how he feels".
When they had fed, she asked the innkeeper about this new town and settled back to listen.
"This new town is very good and I must say, very well run too. It seems many people have come here to live and they seem very happy here. I think you will like it here miss, if so be you wish to move here too." He continued on, describing some of the places in the town and how it had grown.
"Oh, I'm so glad to hear that. A friend has asked me to do just that. Thank you for your information, sir." She thought it may be just the right place for her to move to at this point, and she always had the Umbria as well. Although she missed being home with the pack and would have to find a new gateway from here.
Nodding to the innkeeper she stood up and set off again, Timber by her side. Soon they came in sight of the new town and asked the guard at the gate for directions to Neferine's office. It was unlikely she would be at home yet.
Wandering through the town, they looked around with great interest at all the busy people. Everyone seemed to be busy at something. It looked as if this may indeed be a good place to be.

Re: orp A New Life

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 5:27 pm
by Sharra_tianna
Sharra and Timber arrived back home after their long journey. Their visit to Spirius had been pleasant but not outstandingly so. Frankly, she had on many occasions found it rather flat and uninteresting, but it had been good to visit many of the towns along the way. They were now very glad indeed to be back home, especially being back in the umbria. As they stepped through the portal to it they were greeted by a cacophany of growls and barks and tail-wagging, the pack was delirious with joy to see them again after so long. Timber was over-whelmed by them and Sharra was in great danger of being smothered by them as well.

After a while she managed to extricate herself enough to calm them down and call them to order. Timber too, had managed to free himself and walked to her side, then growled to them. They all walked or danced about, depending on their ages, to the cabin, where upon reaching it Sharra smiled brightly and felt her heart uplifted. Now she knew she was home. She hadn't realised just how much she had missed this place.

Timber went straight to his favourite place on the verandah and flopped down, promptly getting covered with the little ones of the pack. Sharra went indoors to get a drink and something to eat. Once she had it prepared, she placed her meal and tea on a the table on the verandah and sat sipping her tea first while she gazed about her. She heaved a large sigh of happiness to be back home. Never again is she going to leave for so long again.

After she had eaten and cleaned the dishes, she told Timber she was taking a walk, then walked down the steps and across the grass to the path. Timber immediately got up and followed her and behind him came the pack. They were not letting this beloved woman, who was also the main leader of their pack out of their sight for a minute. They had all missed her presence among them.

Re: orp A New Life

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 4:36 pm
by Sharra_tianna
Walking towards the woods with her pack Sharra breathed a contented sigh. She hadn't realised just how much she had missed this. She was not going to leave again in a hurrry,no matter what. Up ahead she spotted the waterfall and took the pack there. This was a favourite place. As they neared it she knew exactly what she was going to do, she would join them and run......

Once they arrived she stopped and smiled at Timber, he knew what she intended so during the *change* he watched her intently to ensure all was as it should be. Her body seemed to melt in a vortex of energy and slowly, her clothing and body altered into the shape of a wolf. Gradually, tail appeared along with body hair and claws. Finally the energy slowed and disappated, leaving a white wolf in it's place.

The wolf went over to Timber and nuzzled and licked his muzzle. He licked it's face and muzzle in return, then turned to his pack and sent a message in body language. Suddenly, the white wolf and Timber turning, faced the opposite way and with the entire pack they took off racing through the woods. The feeling of high spirits and total energy encompassed them all as they raced in joyfull harmony. They had missed this wonderful sense of freedom and exhilaration with their beloved top leaders, for Sharra and Timber had been gone for so long. Every single member of the pack raced as if there were no tomorrow. How they loved this close togetherness with each other.

On and on they raced, past deer and fox, badger and goat and every other creature in the woods, many of whom, came out to see what was going on. They all sensed the overwhelming feeling of joy in the racing pack, knowing none of them were hunted that day. It was like a madness infecting every one of the wolves. Slowly they reached the far edge of the woods and easing back on their speed they slowed down, then they suddenly dropped to the grass panting. Sharra and Timber collapsed like the others where they stood.

When breathing once again became slow and normal and they had all cooled down they went to a nearby stream to drink then Timber checked his pack to ensure none had got left behind in the mad race. Satisfied, he gathered them all and with Sharra they went back to through the woods to the waterfall. This time at a slower, jogging pace that the younger ones could hold for some time. Finally, they arrived at the waterfall and Sharra reversed her *change* and became herself once more. They all slowly ambled back home, happy and content.

Re: orp A New Life

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 10:52 pm
by Rieron
It took a day’s walk to make it to the City of Cork from Bravia with everything being relatively calm. The roads were clear except for the usual passers by and farmers who would stare at him cautiously with his black hooded cape as he walked by them. However, there were a few highway men looking at possible victims to rob but after taking a second glaze at him they decided let him go by undisturbed. He settled for the night on an inn by the side of the road then when the morning came he made his way to Cork arriving in the afternoon.

One of the first things Rieron did was look for a bar to refresh himself and also to ask questions about his friend Sharra and her wolf clan, if the local humans were not too afraid to answer him. Fortunately, the barmaid gathered her courage and send him in the direction of the forest just slightly to the east. It was heavily forested something that he enjoyed greatly though at the moment made it hard for him to find the plane in which Sharra was in. He walk for an hour reading the tracks until he finally came across a shield of some sort. It wasn’t exactly a shield but some type of invincible force that every time he would go through it would give him a strange sensation on his body which was not really welcomed (stung him a bit).

Going up a tall tree until reaching the top branches, Rieron took out a book that was stashed to his side then holding it in one hand flipped the pages until he found the one he needed and said a small incantation. Almost instantly the shape of the plane became apparent making Rieron grin slightly. He jump down the tree nonchalantly thinking to himself “So this is the territory of Sharra.. not bad for a Sorceress, now to wait until she has noticed my presence outside of her realm”. That in mind he settled himself by the base of the tree and kept reading his book.