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Re: [ORP] Dream-mire Chalet: Teide's Home

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 6:25 pm
by Drydan
Drydan came from the big house to Teide's house but he sensed traps and illusion traps as well laid about the property which was not surprising so he tiptoed here, there, where, how and finally after a short while of tiptoeing he arrived to the door and knocked... which gave a sounding echo and chuckled. He stood waiting looking around thinking who would be sneaking in to have her set those traps. He pulled a sack of goodies out of his cloak knowing Teide would love these goodies.

Re: [ORP] Dream-mire Chalet: Teide's Home

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:13 am
by Teide
Teide opened the door having seen Drydan coming on her scrying stone. She smiled widely at her good friend, "Drydan! Excellent You got my message I had started to fear you had missed my note. My research has been very fruitful and I've got a respectable amount of detail to share with you. Come, come sit down." Teide spoke quickly and excitedly though somewhat distracted as she seemed to have her head still buzzing from her various research projects. She pulled Drydan across the threshold and brought him across the finely furnished wooden front room with a wide space and a large fireplace. Nothing extravagant but quite and sound for mountain living. Everything was kept fastidiously clean and in order. Everything was measured with calculated distances with a rather obsessive eye which was odd considering Teide's rather unkempt habits outside of her home. Still it was warm and well lived in with toy chests and flowers in a vase on the center coffee table. Teide directed him to a large fluffy, black arm chair and clasped her hands together, "Would you like anything to drink?"

Re: [ORP] Dream-mire Chalet: Teide's Home

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 12:10 pm
by Drydan
As soon as he arrived to the door, he heard a swoosh from the opening of the door seeing Teide with a wide smile on her face. Seemingly she was excited about what was about to transpire. He knew it had to do with their researches and was pulled into the house. He looked around seeing everything was set in place for a purpose which was not surprising however he sat down.

Ah, perhaps Ale would be good. Thank you.

The chair was quite comfortable however, with the research that they had been doing, he would be better at a table so that he could lay out the manuals, parchments for easier view than in his lap while sitting in the chair. Maybe drink first then research next?, as he thought

Re: [ORP] Dream-mire Chalet: Teide's Home

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:09 am
by Teide
Teide smiled as she went into the kitchen. An archway opened from the living room to the bright kitchen which meant Teide was still visible as she unlocked wards on the cupboard. She pulls out one tea bags and pours the hot water from the kettle into a fine painted clay teapot. Setting a tray, she placed a matching clay tea cup on a saucer. She poured the tea that smelled richly of blackberries and blueberries with a hint of something else. Then she went to the ale rack and selected a good bottle but nothing too strong. Teide's steward Maria used them in her cooking or for herself but Teide never drank. It dulled her intelligence. She poured him a glass and set it on the tray refraining from too much more than crackers to accompany it. She returned to the main room and set the drink down on the cork coaster that was set before him on the large oak coffee table with a fine frosted glass top. The coffee table was at his shin level but was long and rather wide meant to fit the large open space of her front room. (Picture of the main room is on the first page)

Teide sat and picked up a tea cup in a chair across from him. There was another change in her appearance now but more subtle. The long black claws were now delicate and finely shaped fingers. Her face was longer and less childlike with a sharp chin and fine long nose to match, her eyes less wide and more slanted to a fine elven almond shape. Her small but full lips were more lady-like. She looked older. One of her four horns were missing and she even seemed taller. Her silvery skin was lighter Yet when she though and it had the same mischievous fangs. Her eyes were still their intense mismatched green and red with a bit of cold sarcastic glee. She was Teide. "Thank you for coming. The coffee table is enchanted so feel free to spread out your various research materials. The space will expand with them I assure you."

Re: [ORP] Dream-mire Chalet: Teide's Home

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 1:20 pm
by Drydan
He took the ale and drank it quickly. The ale was just perfect but it did not impede his thinking matter of fact it greatly increased his thinking. Well, Teide and himself were different in ways like this but at the same time they were similar in some ways. However after finishing his drank, he floated the drink onto the tray which where it came from then grabbed his bag which seemed to be empty but to one's self would be surprised to see what came out of it the only exception would be Teide which would not be surprised at all, he proceeded to pull out his research materials which were abundant. Manuals, scrolls, and parchments and so on too many to list and laid out on the table which the table expanded to accumulate his materials as which he was not surprised to see that happening. Of course both him and Teide were able to do these kinds of things. Once he laid his materials onto the table he leaned back, awaiting for Teide to speak so he placed his leg over the top of his other leg knee then placed his hands together with 2 fingers placed on his lips to pay attention to what Teide will be discussing as to their researches.

Please, when you are ready, proceed and it is a pleasure to be here. I am not surprised of this place coming from you it suits you well.

Re: [ORP] Dream-mire Chalet: Teide's Home

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 10:14 am
by Teide
Teide appreciated he was quick to point and ready to start right away. Her eyes fell over the papers and manuals with interest as she could recognize some of them. Others seemed familiar from some distant memory she could not recall. She was certain whatever he had found might connect to her own research. The similarities they shared in nature and mind though not skin were a measure by which to judge there was certainly claim to wonder if the two women they knew were the same as they suspected. Her eye lingered on a few key pieces she might bring his attention to but first she'd give him a run down.

"In the recent few months I have been very active in this core of research and I even went into a circle of the hells connected to Midkemia which brought me to an astral plane on the material surface of the Moredhel home world itself. I have gleamed a look at the pure bloods themselves befor being whisked here and discovered a few things about how their magic, society and possibly a reason why they might come here....but before I tell you what I know....I need to know exactly what you've found out. I think your information may confirm several points I have suspicions on. What did you learn?"

Re: [ORP] Dream-mire Chalet: Teide's Home

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 5:21 am
by Silence
"We need to talk Alder... oh yeah, come visit me in my old home Alder."

Rather than send another letter, Alder had decided to go find her. If she was around, he'd find her in one of those two places. However... it occurred to him that Teide was protecting a few things in this area... namely, two kids. And that meant she'd likely trapped the area with magic. Well, the forest was a big no go. After all, if he wanted to approach the place, that was the first place he'd go to if he wanted to approach undetected. But then there were probably some along the main path as well, and a good few just randomly dotted around.

Well, all he could do was stand at what he hoped was a safe distance and wave at the chalet.

Now usually, he'd just approach and allow himself to be caught by one of the traps just to see what happened, but he was fairly sure at least a few would be lethal, and that was a chance he didn't want to take, so he just stood there, waving his arms around like an idiot and trying to get somebody's attention.

After five seconds of that, it occurred to him to also send a letter to her to get her attention. That would probably save him a lot of waiting.

Re: [ORP] Dream-mire Chalet: Teide's Home

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 12:08 am
by Teide
Teide didn't often seek people out anymore. Something about dying and being put back together had brought out that more cynical and exasperated side of her...namely her demonic hertiage was now fully awakened. Irritable and yet extremely lost within her own body from the merging of two separate identities....she didn't go to social engagements much. Yet she had reached the point where now only Alder might hold a few answers...oddly enough they'd come full circle. There was always something...about him she didn't entirely mind. She didn't dislike him though he was convinced she was going to eat him. Teide received the letter and started out from the house to the meeting place her sensors were telling her he was waiting.

She was unsure how to start....maybe she'd let him. Most creatures annoyed her to no end or had she just lost that charismatic edge or desire for company? She didn't know anymore. All she understood was magic and her books. The rest if the world depressed her...maybe she hoped still to find some goodness to believe in...she rubbed her temples and tied to align her thoughts. What would people think if they perceived her weakness? Stick to the book her logical mind said. the world had always been twisted, cruel and eager to destroy whatever it didn't understand. Men wanted magic for power and power corrupted and inflated egos. Her former self had been foolish to think she could be anything to change that or herself. The children needed her to be be strong and protect them from those seeking the kelron blood. Sometimes Teide could only secure herself in remembering her promise to Genova. That felt better and more depressing at once but at least she knew where she stood. For those kids she'd tear the world apart. The fallen taint would not have them.

She stepped out stoically, "Sorry to keep you waiting..."

Re: [ORP] Dream-mire Chalet: Teide's Home

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:36 pm
by Silence
About time. Well, he had nothing better to be doing with that time anyway, and she was being nice enough to humour him... at some point, she was probably going to realise that he was coming to her because he had nowhere else to go and so realise just how hopeless a case he was, but he was damn well going to make the most of this source of information while he could. Plus, he liked the halfling. She was somebody who had seen that he was abnormal from first glance and had then allowed him to keep his secrets when he had asked her to do so... what's more, when she did find out about his race, she hadn't judged him for it.

"Ah, hey Teide. Am I ok teh come in, or would yeh rather talk outside or somewhere else? I mean, if yeh don't trust me around the kids-"

It had been meant as a joke, but Alder realised the possible connotations of what he had been about to say and trailed off... well, he should probably clear this up before Teide came to the same conclusion and never trusted him again.

"I ah, didn't mean it like that... I promise I don't have any kids on me that I'm gonna try and replace em with or anythin like that... yeh can search me if yeh like and get rid of anythin sort of changeling shaped if yeh like... well, 'cept me, but I think I'd be a lot better than I am if I could replace one of em with myself without yeh noticin... but I ain't in contact with the rest of the tribes or anythin anyway, and I don't have a kid, so yeh don't need to worry about that, honest."

He placed his hands in front of him and stooped apologetically.

"Anyway... yeh wanted teh talk teh me about somethin, right? You might as well go first, it's probably more important than what I got. I'll answer as honestly as I can, ok?"

If she let him into her house, he would go, or if she wanted to talk out here, he'd be fine with that too.

Re: [ORP] Dream-mire Chalet: Teide's Home

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 8:30 am
by Teide
Teide clearly had a strong distrust for every thing she met. The evidence was in how carefully she guarded her secrets and her home. She had two homes now though. One in Widu, one in Cork. No matter what though the children were heavily guarded but the invitation was always open for the man that was called Karcier to visit...Teide hoped he would. Despite her cold demeanor Teide was amused by his fumbling. Alder was far from perfect yet there was something in his character...he probably didn't know it. Teide was really the hopeless one...Alder was thinking she was going to fry him for being a changeling...if he had any item of the sort he would've been incinerated at the last tree he past that had a certain ward sensor...part of his charm was his clumsy way perhaps. She kept her face unimpressed just to watch him squirm and hold up his hands.

Then she decided to smirk, "You may come into my home. I promise nothing will peel your flesh off." she chuckled a little at her own grim joke. "I know you wouldn't harm them..." she knew mostly out of fear of her retaliation.

((For pics check the first page))

Teide led him through a series of twists and very narrow turns which she guided him through specifically until they came to a modest chalet on the top of the hill. It had large windows to allow sunlight to come in. A well maintained little home with a freshly painted roof and plum blossoms in bloom despite the cold mountain weather. Narcissus flowers bordered the front of the house and tulip bulbs were planted. It did not look dark or ominous nor was it very grand. It was a simple mountain chalet where the old chicken coop had been was now filled with birds of unknown varieties on the side of the path as they passed. A couple of children's toys were discarded on the front lawn. Teide gave a frown. She snapped her fingers and they put away themselves in an outside toy chest made of wood. She sighed. "Come on in." She said as she went up the steps and opened her front door.

It opened into a wide living room with a large sitting area and fireplace. Everything was immaculate with no signs of dust, everything had a place, and was perfectly spaced showing the signs of a slightly obsessive compulsive sort that was extremely clean. The archway on the bottom led into a kitchen and stairs went up to two bedrooms and a study. On the bottom floor behind a closed door was a sign that said 'Alexis and Theo's room. K33P 0uT!' It had a general color scheme of earthy colors and a vase of flowers on the table...all very open, bright, and normal...which might seem odd. Teide, though only nineteen, was trying her best to give the children as normal a life as she could, outside the politics and feuds that engulfed Widu. With the notches in the doorway showing their growth she gave it a smile before entering and gestured for him to sit. He felt feel a tingle upon entering...scanning wards....

"I think your questions may lead into go first. Do you have a drink you prefer?" she asked cordially.