(ORP) ..At the Edge..

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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Wyllow »

(ooc: :oops: Net has been flighty at best today. :cry: /ooc)

As he began she winced. 'That does smart, a bit.' But she steeled herself against it. When he got to her shoulder she felt herself flush considerably, even though she knew it was necessary to tend to the area. 'Think that may be the worst of it .. there..' She said, indicating her shoulder. 'But then again, I haven't had a look at my face yet. Hope I don't scare anyone.' Her tone was to make light of the awkward situation. She couldn't help the weak chuckle that escaped.
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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Gawain »

Gawain nodded to her.

"I have a poultice for the bruises which I can apply once you have had a chance to clean up first. It would take a lot more than your looks to scare me." He chuckled in return.

He finished up his tending, and adjusted the bed covers as he waited for Tuvoria to return with the fresh water.
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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuvoria returns with a wash basin full of water, a clean handtowel, and a clean full towel and knocks on his door.

"Hi Wyl, I got some fresh water here to help you clean up a bit. We will step out and let you take care of what you need. Like I said earlier, you are welcome to look in my wardrobe to see if something can be used. If not let me know and I will sojourn over to your place and grab something for you. Just let me know. Also don't fret over staying here. You are welcome to remain for as long as you need to. What say you Gawain, come on out and lets make a proper kettle of tea to sit back and enjoy while we await to see what Wyl may actually need once she cleans up."

Tuvoria then puts the wash basin on the side table, sets down the towels, and escorts Gawain out of the room as he closes the door to give Wyllow the privacy she needs.

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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Wyllow »

As the men vacate the room she slowly moves her legs over the side of the bed. Feeling like a lamb on new legs, the feeling wasn't uncommon after a night of hunting and having suffered an injury. She only hoped that other scars upon her body did not raise too many questions, if noticed.

She took in her surroundings before she made an attempt to get up. And after doing so, felt a little bit more human.

After taking a considerable time in getting herself to a fairly presentable state, she then thought about clothing.. or rather, lack of. It was an awkward position to be in. In one hand, she could borrow what she may need, but knew without a doubt a shirt and trousers would be too large for her frame... and in the other.. He had already gone out of his way for her. Asking him to fetch things from her home only felt more invasive. So it was decided that she would borrow one of his garments, for the time being. It was what looked to be a longer than normal shirt.. It would suffice for the time being, and covered her appropriately.. or as close to that as could be, yet still kept a certain measure of modesty.

Being done, she moved to the door and opened it a crack, or better, to indicate that she was done. Moving back to the bed, she sat at the edge. She knew that there was more that Gawain had wanted to do and decided it might be better with her at the edge of the bed, rather than in it. With each movement, she was feeling stronger though. And that was in lines of the typical way her body normally healed.
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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Tuvoria »

Seeing that Wyllow was finished, Tuvoria nods to Gawain to indicate she is ready for the poultices.

" Looks as though team time is over for now."

Tuvoria then gets up and walks to his room.

"Glad to see that you are able to get up on your on Wly. Keep the tunic as long ad you need to. I am going to grab these towels, the basin, and the tunic, bindings, and such that we used and clean thej up if i can."

Giving his customary wry smile, Tuvoria continues a bit softer

"You know Wyl this isn't how I figured to spend time with you on your first visit to my humble abode! Anyway, when you are feeling better perhaps you can pay a proper visit. Would you care for some real tea? That tisane did not smell all that appealing."

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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Wyllow »

'Yes, thank you. I am starting to feel much better... already, I mean.' She stammered a bit on the last, but was otherwise glad to see him when he entered. She wanted to tease about not giving his shirt back, but wasn't sure about it. She gave a nod to the need to tidy things up, watching him unabashedly.

It was like that though. She could just observe his smooth movements of him just being him.. and she wasn't sure she could ever get tired of that. At his next comments though, she caught herself watching him, and immediately tried to find something else of interest, that really wasn't of interest at all, just so that she didn't look like she had been staring. His being even in the same room, made her stomach have flutters inside.. her pulse skip along at a faster pace... and she didn't feel so alone anymore. Not that she ever felt alone though.. It was though she had found something she didn't realize she had been missing.. but it was more than that, as he was a human being. And again, there it went.. her head going every-which way with all these feelings. At any moment I am going to learn to breath around him.... She told herself and wouldn't deny the smile that begged to be displayed upon her lips. It was the soft kind of smile that touches deep in ones soul and can only be shared with the one its for.

A bit of playfulness returned to her eyes as he spoke. Pain? What pain... who cared about pain? If only it was that easy. She thought. But her reply was in kind to his comment. He wasn't getting away that easily. 'Hmm, well if I keep hold of this shirt of yours... I will have a reason to come back.' She said it matter-of-factly, but there was a good deal of teasing in her voice with this, which also gave hint to promise. 'Oh, and..' She looked around a moment, making certain that he saw her do so. 'From this vantage,' she said from her position at the edge of the bed, '..it looks as though you have a nice home.' She grinned then. '.. And yes, a proper brew would be lovely, thank you. The healing tea wasn't so bad though.' She added softly.

In all seriousness, just his bedroom, was much nicer than her whole place. That didn't mean she wanted for anything though. She was happy with her rustic little space...that she called home. It was hers.. and had protected her for some time now. It wasn't much, that was for certain, but she found comfort there. Nearly everything inside she made or had made when need had arose. A one room home, it was.. Curtain hid away her sleeping area... a tiny table made up her kitchen next to half a wall of counter space. 3 small windows.. a hearth at which to cook by.. a couple chairs. That was what were most of her belongings that made up her humble abode...
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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Gawain »

Out of the corner of his eye, Gawain had seen Wyllow open the door, and nodded in return to Tuvoria. He gathered up the poultices, linens and other items and then followed Tuv into the room.

He then simply listened as Wyllow and Tuv conversed, feeling it best not to interrupt. He had noticed the look in his cousin's eyes watching her walk away in the orchard and how the two looked at one another when they spoke to each other, as one had who experienced such a connection forming, he recognized those furtive looks, from the way Katarina had looked at him... It brought back memories of when he and Katarina had first met, even in the first few days she had been constantly been in his thoughts and he could sense the same thing was happening with them now.... and he was happy for them.

He tried not to think about what might have been ... if only he hadn't been away on that trading trip... he rallied his thoughts before he spoke.

"OK Wyllow, if you're ready, shall we continue?"
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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Wyllow »

Her attention was drawn to Gawain when he spoke. She flushed a bit at having been a little rude to there being someone else in the room and not acknowledging them. 'Yes, I am ready.'

She then shook her head lightly to focus a bit more on the reason for being there in the first place. Her strength was returning, which always made her happy, she just didn't want it noticed how quickly it did once it began to. Stiffness and bruising though, always took longer.
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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Tuvoria »

Gathering up the pile of things, Tuvoria smiles as he prepares to leave the room

"Let me go get these soaking and ready to be washed, then I will get some tea going. I'll let you finish with the treatments and be back shortly."

Tuvoria then hefts up his bundle and heads out to the back of his place and the wash area. He draws a large bucket of water and sets the towels, wraps, bindings, and his tunics to soaking. He then comes back in and puts the kettle on to boil. While waiting, he heads back outside leaving the door open so he can hear if the kettle starts to boil. He quickly sets to washing and scrubbing things and then hangs them up to dry in the sun. He then washes out the basins and sets it on its side to dry. Before coming back in grabs a few oranges out of his pantry just as the water is starting to boil. Setting the kettle, a small jar of honey, and some sliced up oranges on a tray, along with a jar of tea leaves, Tuvoria heads back to his room and Wyl.

"Knock, knock. Are we done? I've got a fresh bit of tea, some honey, and a few oranges here if everyone is ready."

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Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Post by Gawain »

Gawain nodded to Wyllow and gently began applying the poultices which contained comfrey for the bruises and aloe for the general healing and soothing of the wounds. He started with her face being as gentle as he could knowing everything would be tender around the injuries. He then carefully and gently begean working his way downwards...,doing his best again to protect her modesty again as he did so, only uncovering the necessary areas and binding her shoulder as it was the worst affected area gently with some linen strips to cover the poultices and keep them in place and any other areas that had injuries as well apart from her face He then recovered the areas that he had uncovered to do his tending "There, all done. I will check things again tomorrow to see how the healing is going though."

He then smiled as Tuvoria re-entered the room. "Yes, I have done all that I can today. I will check on things again tomorrow to see how things are healing. Some tea would be nice, thanks."
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