Life in the Woods [The Home of Tuvoria and Wyllow]

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Re: Life in the Woods [The Home of Tuvoria and Wyllow]

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv was about to approach Tinkerbell to be sure she was okay when her body was encompassed by a bright light and now a femal human was sitting in the chair before him. Instinctively, Tuv jumped back and took a somewhat defensive stance.

"What in the name of the Mages just happened here! Tink that had best be you. If not, I am going to have to go against what my father said and attack a woman. I would hate to think that Dairus used this type of trick to get at us."

Tuvoria glanced over at Wyllow hoping that his wife could somehow assure him that this was indeed her transformed sister standing before them.

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Re: Life in the Woods [The Home of Tuvoria and Wyllow]

Post by Meridoc »

Merridoc was just reentering the house from the side door after having gotten the wagon safely next to the barn. He was pulling his pipe out his both to speak when he saw the light expand around Tinkerbell and then dim as a human form now rested where the faerie had been. Dropping his pipe as he instictively drew his dagger he moved slowly closer.

"What in the 7 winds be happening in here? No insult missy, but iffin you aint Tink, which me be doubting right now, then you are in for a world of hurting. Like Tuvie said, we might be hav'n to attack a lass. Be keepin them there hands where I can see them and start splainin things quickly before I change my mind and ruin my good friend's chair. Time be a wasting now missy. Wyl, do you know this here creature? She don't be looking like that faerie that come in before mes move the wagon. With ol furbritches out there, my trust factor be next to nothing right about now."
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Re: Life in the Woods [The Home of Tuvoria and Wyllow]

Post by Gawain »

Nodding as he listened to Tuv, Gawain stated to respond.

"Yes, i think that should work to our advantage. What do you think, Wyl? Perhaps if we ..."

Gawain had been going to continue but hearing Tink reply to Tuv and then faint, surprised, he stopped mid-sentence..then as a bright light surrounded Tink and then instead of Tink there as a human female sitting instead... Stunned, he glanced at the others as he was not sure about what had just happened. ....and didn't know what to say so he stayed silent...
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Re: Life in the Woods [The Home of Tuvoria and Wyllow]

Post by Wyllow »

((Sorry all))

Gawain began to speak, and he seemed to know exactly what to say that brought her back to full attention.

She gave him a weak smile, then moved to take his hand and gave it a soft squeeze to show her thankfulness. He, Gawain, seemed to understand these things more than she believed she ever would. Letting his hand drop at the sound at the door, she jumped a little at the unexpected sound. She felt a sense of reliefe as she saw Tink come in. 'Oh my goodness!' she exclaimed. 'You could have been killed!' She rushed to hug Tink to her. It was still all confusing to her.. her ... powers? if she could call them that.. and then them connecting and finding out... Tuv took command then, as he guided Tink into the room and began to explain things.

She shook her head to clear away the confusion of things that were coming to light right before her own eyes. And she That was something she still wasn't used to yet. And everything that seemed to go along with it.. What she thought was nothing like or even close to the truth.

As everyone spoke, she her head spun a bit and she felt nauseous, as if she might be sick. She sat then, just to stable herself a bit, and nodded in agreement to what was being said between everyone, though it was through a haze of not really comprehending what was fully being said. When Gawain spoke again, she nodded to him as well, but added to it. 'Yes, I will try.' She then paused... 'Wait, what?!? Tink as ... as.. Bait?? No, we can't...' But all thought went out the window, it appeared that things were already in motion.. 'Oh Tink!'.

All of this.. every bit of it was her fault.. People could die. A strong feeling washed over her. 'We need to do this now if it is going to happen.' She suddenly felt stronger than she had moments before. There was no stopping what had been set in motion.
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Re: Life in the Woods [The Home of Tuvoria and Wyllow]

Post by Tuvoria »

"I really don't want to use her as bait either my love. However, we can't just sit here and hope that reinforcements will arrive. We also need to find Balerion and help you truly find out your past. Not to mention my love we need to help you figure out what is happening. And now it looks like your sister is going to need to figure out a few things as well."

Tuvoria paused a bit and looked at this now human form that stood where the faerie Tinkerbell had just been.

"Wyl is right though Tink, or do you prefer a new name to go with your new form? We have to strike now while we have the advantage. Darius doesn't expect you to be in here. This could work to our advantage. If you think your horse is good to go on its own back to Widu, you are welcome to join us as we make for Cork. I'm afraid Darius will get impatient soon and try to burn us out of this house forcing us to fight on his terms. I would rather we fight on our terms and at a time of our choosing. We can always use the extra help, however you are just getting to know this new form. I don't want to risk you getting hurt. Wyl and I got involved in this some time ago. We can't ask anyone else to join us. You have to make that decision for yourself. I tell you it would be a miracle from the Mages if old lizard breath was in the area and could do a flyover to help us. However, I have a feeling we are on our own. If you wish to join us, then lets get things loaded up and ready. Its going to be a long night I am afraid my friends."

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Re: Life in the Woods [The Home of Tuvoria and Wyllow]

Post by Gawain »

Gawain listened and nodded as Wyl and then Tuv spoke and he replied to them both.

"Sounds like a good plan to me. Shall we get things loaded up and ready?"

As he waited for their reply, he then glanced over at the new human form that had been Tink, wondering what her reply to Tuv would be.
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Re: Life in the Woods [The Home of Tuvoria and Wyllow]

Post by Katie »

((OOC- Thank you Gawain, for pointing this thread to me. It was all forgotten. My sincere apologies))

After returning Wyl's embrace and feeling a bit dazed and confused, she gasped as she observed her new self. Deep in thought with her mind racing, she was simply glad this transformation did not leave her naked; she was wearing a tattered lavender, tea-length dress with a white petticoat and camel colored ankle height boots.

Upon hearing everyone discuss everything pertaining to her predicament, she pushed herself off the floor and managed to crawl over to the nearest chair. As she sat there for a minute, she pulled something from within the bodice of her dress, nestled between her breast was a small parchment which she unraveled and quietly read~
Katie, hope you like your new state of transformation. Your name shall be Katie Elizabeth Sunspear from this day onward. May you learn to psychologically adjust to your human state of being. Thank the Viceregal Scribe, Zachre and his Secretary for this new you. Best wishes in life.
"I-I- I'm Katie!" She read the note aloud to everyone and then immediately placed it in Wyl's hand.

Standing, she tried her best to walk, but feared falling so she nervously grasped a near by stick to help balance herself while slowly walking across the room. She spun around flashing a warm enthusiastic smile to her friends. "I can walk! I can walk with my long legs!" She beamed excitedly.

"How may I be of service" she questioned confidently?
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Re: Life in the Woods [The Home of Tuvoria and Wyllow]

Post by Tuvoria »

"So the Mages have changed your physical form Tin,err I mean Katie? May this new form serve you well. I would still like to execute this plan and have the decoy cart head towards town while we make a run for overlook hill and eventually Cork. Katie, you have just changed forms and I don't know if you feel secure in that change yet. I would love for you to join us as we can use the help, however, if you want to be on the cart heading towards town, it will be okay. I will let you make that choice. either way we need to make a decision quickly. Gawain and Wyl, are the two of you charged up enough to travel and fire off a few bits of your mystical energies? I just hope that Balerion will be in Cork and not back in Fenia. We truly need his wisdom. So my friends, who is up for a little bit of fun?"

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Re: Life in the Woods [The Home of Tuvoria and Wyllow]

Post by Katie »

Rubbing her forehead and temples, Katie began clearing her thoughts. She felt as though she had been in some fog after all. This new found revelation explained why she couldn't fly any more. Unbeknown to her, the transformation was gradual and then suddenly, she became an average sized lady who appeared to be the same as she were when she was so small.

"Perhaps I should push my cart home, Tuv. If that means I am 'a decoy' while travelling through the woods, I will do it. I think for me to offer much more of my services may be unwise until I become accustomed to my long legs." She hoped her logic made some sense to him although she was feeling wishy washy. She pursed her lips together hoping no one noticed her nervousness, not at the idea of were-creatures, but at herself.
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Re: Life in the Woods [The Home of Tuvoria and Wyllow]

Post by Tuvoria »

Katie, I don't think pushing the cart is best. You are still figuring out your new legs. Merri has a team hooked up to the wagon. If Wyl and Gawain can provide some mystical energy, we will make it look as though we are in the wagon as you head for town. I think this is best all around. All I can ask is that once you get back to Widu, that you send word onto the family estate in Fenia. This way we can know that Balerion knows what is happening.
Wyl and Gawain are you two ready?

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