(orp) Fire caves of Jon the Fire demon and his family

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Re: (orp) Fire caves of Jon the Fire demon and his family

Post by Rohese »

Immediately, Rohese felt a little trapped. This was her time to tell Jon how she felt about having Dwayberry as a servant, but she didn't want her opinions to influence him. He had to do what he thought was right and best. She licked her lips a little nervously and then spoke quietly, "I'm not really sure, Jon. I don't know what her strengths are, or her weaknesses, for that matter. And if she's prone to breaking and burning things," she paused to sniff the air and crinkle her nose, "then I don't know if you really want to give her anything of that nature."

She smiled softly. She had not told him that she didn't want to be involved, but still cautioned him. That made her feel good in a way, but not great. She wanted what was best for everyone, but didn't really know what that would be. "What did you have in mind?"

Re: (orp) Fire caves of Jon the Fire demon and his family

Post by JonathanDailey »

Jonathan grinned "perhaps having her as a servant is a bad idea? but i think i'll ask her if she would be willing to be hired as a servant and i tear up the contract and free her from this blood contract since i think i may have took my revenge a lil too far" he looks at rohese then down the hall feeling kinda ashamed that he did something he himself actually hates.. he turned someone into a slave or servant against there will... how bad was that... his own people where slaves and he was forcing a human to be his servant... this could not...work he takes out the contract and sets it on the table and calls out "Dway please come to the great room i have a proposal for you....."

((ooc note: The lands and the caves of the fire caves are protected by magical wards.. all those wishing to cause harm will not be able to get through the wards.. this includes.. stealing gems from the catacombs, or harming jon and his family or anyone in the fire cave lands))
Last edited by JonathanDailey on Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: (orp) Fire caves of Jon the Fire demon and his family

Post by Dwayberry »

Dwayberry had just left her room when she heard Jonathan call out. She groaned... he had probably some stupid little humiliating job for her she'd have to finish before getting any food.
If she would just try to find a kitchen first, she'd come later.
Quickly and as quiet as she could, she walked down the hall way in the opposite direction from the great room, and found nothing but locked doors. In addition, she felt a light pain increasing in intensity for not responding to the order.
Cursing softly, she went over to the great room and entered.

"What?!", she said impolitely.
"It's alright, you wouldn't be the same if you were nice."

Re: (orp) Fire caves of Jon the Fire demon and his family

Post by JonathanDailey »

Jonathan smirked "well maybe not with that attitude" he eyes dway "come sit young lady i have a deal for you.. your freedom plus a payment of 4 jars of gems for you to finish the time of the contract as a freely hired servant of this cave instead of a blood contract forced servant?" he eyed the paperwork on the table and continued to speak "if you agree to these terms i will burn this contract terminating the magical bound to your job"
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Re: (orp) Fire caves of Jon the Fire demon and his family

Post by Dwayberry »

"What?", she repeated, but now in a different tone. She looked from Jonathan to Rohese and back. If she had understood it correctly - which she very much doubted, in fact it was more likely to be the after effect of the hangover, or a halucination caused by lack of food, for sure - what he asked made no sense at all.

"Is this some sort of joke?!

Her stomach rumbled again and she eyed the doors on the other side of the great room. Walking in an as relaxed way as possible, she approached the couple, but instead of taking the seat offered, she kept walking, making her way straight for the doors.
"It's alright, you wouldn't be the same if you were nice."

Re: (orp) Fire caves of Jon the Fire demon and his family

Post by JonathanDailey »

Jonathan smirked "not a joke at all... my words are real... the ball is in your court..."
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Re: (orp) Fire caves of Jon the Fire demon and his family

Post by Dwayberry »

Dwayberry stopped and turned around to look at Jonathan. She had heard correctly.
She stared at him for several seconds, ignoring her empty stomach and not saying anything. Then, she smirked.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to handle it. I told you you'd regret it... and you did. A lot sooner than I thought, but that only proves your weakness."
She looked over at Rohese. "This is your work, isn't it?", she chuckled "A pure and serene woman trying to find the good side of an evil man. Or are you merely threatened by my presence? Doesn't make a difference, I guess."
She walked back to the table and sat down.
"It's alright, you wouldn't be the same if you were nice."

Re: (orp) Fire caves of Jon the Fire demon and his family

Post by Rohese »

Rohese sighed and rubbed her forehead with the fingertips of her one hand. Some people could be so dense at times and were incapable of seeing past their own nose. She looked at Dwayberry with nothing but patience on her face and addressed her comments with very carefully chosen words. "Jonathan is in charge of his own life. I do not make decisions for him. And he is a good man all on his own without me but I do like to believe we both bring out even better traits in each other than we would be capable of on our own."

She removed her hand from her face and examined her fingernails. A small smirk graced her lips as she continued. "But, if you don't like his offer, I'm sure he would not complain about letting things continue under the current contract as they are. And I certainly won't stop him."
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Re: (orp) Fire caves of Jon the Fire demon and his family

Post by Dwayberry »

When Dwayberry heard Rohese say Jonathan is a good man on his own, she laughed.
"I guess I just caught him at a bad time then. Again... and again... and again... Or your definition of good man is just different from mine."

She then looked at the papers on the table. "Let me see that before I sign anything. At least I assume you'll let me this time without forcing me to sign."

Her stomach contracted painfully, just as Rohese continued. She clutched her stomach and groaned, before moving over to Rohese. She tried to sound calm, but the annoyance could clearly be read in her eyes.
"Like hell you wouldn't... just keep pretending you're not the reason he suddenly wants to burn the contract... I don't buy it."
She turned to Jonathan and smirked "Or can you just not handle a little human that destroys one stupid guest room?"
"It's alright, you wouldn't be the same if you were nice."

Re: (orp) Fire caves of Jon the Fire demon and his family

Post by JonathanDailey »

Jonathan smirks "no it's more the constant attacks and vurbal abuse from you that is making me burn your contract. you dont have the knowledge or will power to even be a servant for hire then alone a servant by blood contract.... must be that fenian blood of yours...." he laughs. Looking at her he could swear she was a adult with the brain of a 4 year old after the damage she did in the guest room. "but then again i dont blame you for not having the brains... you are after all just a fenian human and we all know by watching the grave rober in the taverns that human fenian's are known not to have much brain power" he snickers and points to the signed contract and the new contract "if you agree to this the old contract will be burned.. you will get 2 jars of gems and then get 4 jars of gems at the end of the paid contract"
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