(orp) Fire caves of Jon the Fire demon and his family

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Re: (orp) Fire caves of Jon the Fire demon and his family

Post by Dwayberry »

Dwayberry chuckled.
"I don't have Fenian blood, I just happen to live there... if that isn't too far beyond your level of comprehension. But if being Fenian means being a bad fire demon servant, then I'll gladly and proudly call myself Fenian. Oh and grave robbing can be quite a profitable business", she smiled knowingly, then looked at the contracts.
She found it hard to read, all of a sudden, as the hunger and thirst now also gave her a headache apart from stomach pain. She rubbed her forehead and closed her eyes for a second while Jonathan spoke about jars of gems.
"Sure... I'm such a horrible servant you bribe me into staying longer. That makes a lot of sense."

She got up slowly, using the table as support now her legs started to feel weak.
"I will eat... and then I will look and sign."
As soon as she stood, her vision turned black and her legs gave way. She tried to grab the edge of the table unsuccessfully before passing out on the floor.
"It's alright, you wouldn't be the same if you were nice."

Re: (orp) Fire caves of Jon the Fire demon and his family

Post by JonathanDailey »

Jonathan smirks and holds smelling salt to her nose

"wake up mortal" he says with a smirk
he then laughs and returns to his seat "go get something to eat mortal then return"

Re: (orp) Fire caves of Jon the Fire demon and his family

Post by JonathanDailey »

few weeks had passed since dwayberry had been his servant....

jonathan walks into the room he was making for rohese and cries as he slowly melts the stone back to a smooth look having had worked so hard to make the room specially for her with carvings of legends of the stone spirits he had heard. he soon finished and placed her ring on a pillar in the middle of the now empty room and spoke softly to the rocks around him "please tell her i am sorry i hurt her.. tell her i am a failure and that i messed up so much that i do not deserve to live... tell her i hope she can forgive me in time.... and most of all tell her i still deeply love her even if i am heartbroken" he cried hoping the rocks understood what he was trying to say and just turned leaving the now empty room.

Re: (orp) Fire caves of Jon the Fire demon and his family

Post by Fira »

She had been looking for more permanent working conditions than she had found of late, and had even begun to wonder what she was doing in this town. Many times it had crossed her mind to leave, but something kept drawing her back. A sense of unfinished business.

She had run into Jonathan in the taverns a few times, and lately had heard that he might need some help with the children. She smiled softly, thinking of the little fire bomb that had wormed her way into her heart so quickly and easily. Fira chuckled, remembering how comfortable she was with Skylar...the only one she had entrusted with her secret...

She wondered if those children were what was keeping her here.

Once again sitting in the tavern, she overheard someone mention that Jon was looking for someone to help with the little ones. Knowing what a handful at least one of them could be, she chuckled to herself and thought, "Good luck to whoever tries," before it hit her. She jumped up from her seat and hurried out the door before she could change her mind.

After stopping several times to ask if she was going in the right direction, she finally came upon a little worn path. "Doesn't seem like much," she thought to herself, "but it's the only path I've come across this far out." She glanced around curiously, as well as a bit cautiously. She had no idea what kind of defenses to expect from her fiery friend, and hoped that they wouldn't prove to be to difficult to deal with.

She was pleasantly surprised a short while later as she sensed the first of the spirits guarding the place. She stood still for a moment, her eyes closed as she opened herself to their probings. The magic had the feel of Shion behind it, and she giggled a bit at the tickling sensation that flowed through her. With a sigh, she opened her eyes and looked around. The spirits had withdrawn, knowing now her heart. She felt a little nervous at that thought, and hoped that even though there were no ill intentions, that they wouldn't make a completely thorough report on what they had found there.

She followed the path to an opening in the face of the cliff that rose above her. Frowning slightly, she took a hesitant step forward, stopping and twirling away, back into the light as something whizzed past her head! Grumbling to herself at the trap she should have been expecting, she tried to figure out how she was supposed to get someone's attention through the thick rock.

Re: (orp) Fire caves of Jon the Fire demon and his family

Post by JonathanDailey »

Jonathan smirked looking down from the top of the stone steps leading to his butchery at the top fields "greetings miss.. can i help you?" he asks as he comes down the steps to stand near the cave entrance. he notices the glass dart on the ground and snickers "careful trying to get into my caves miss... those darts can knock out even the goddess herself"

Re: (orp) Fire caves of Jon the Fire demon and his family

Post by Fira »

The voice from above startled her. Her heartbeat quickened as she glanced up and watched him move down the steps carved into the cliff. She raised her hand against the sun, and tries to gather her words so as to not sound foolish. It very well could be that he wouldn't want her around.

Her eyes followed his to the shard of glass laying at her feet and kicked it aside.
"I came in search of you. I heard that you may be looking for some help with the children, and...well..." She blushed, stopping her little speech to get her nerves under control. "Well, it seemed like Skylar and I hit it off pretty well, and I thought that maybe I could be of some assistance..." She let her words trail off again, watching for any adverse signs that she was barking up the wrong tree with this. She really didn't want to leave the area, but if she didn't find a more permanent position soon, she feared that's exactly what she would have to do. She had already had to go back to her own place twice since being here to replenish her small cache of money. And the more often she had to do that, the more likely it was that she would be discovered.

Re: (orp) Fire caves of Jon the Fire demon and his family

Post by JonathanDailey »

Jonathan laughed "ah so you wish to be young skylar's nanny. Very well miss I accept... you will start as soon as possible" He waves his hand over the deactivation gem on the wall to turn the traps off "come we will introduce you to Skylar as her new nanny.. oliver dose not need a nanny as he has the contruct taking cae of him.. but skylar dose."

Re: (orp) Fire caves of Jon the Fire demon and his family

Post by Skylar »

Skylar comes running out of the cave and runs smack face first into fira "ummm hello golden lady!" she says with a giggle and backs away eyeing her daddy "what golden lady doing here daddy?"
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Re: (orp) Fire caves of Jon the Fire demon and his family

Post by Cathrina »

Cathrina sees Skylar and grins mischievously

"Golden lady will be your nanny, sweetie. Maybe she'll protect you from daddy and aunty ticklemonsters.

Stifles a giggle, and nods to Fira "Hello there! I'm Cathrina, Jon's adopted human little sister."

Re: (orp) Fire caves of Jon the Fire demon and his family

Post by JonathanDailey »

-Few weeks later-

Jonathan stood on the top of the gate tower near the entrance of the walled property and worked on closing the gates speaking an ancient magic causing a solid stone wall to rise from the path... crystal smooth on it's face so that one cant climb it. the wards may be a good defense but the gate and the high walls where the second line of defense with many traps between the wall and the wards.

"that elf wants me dead he can try it.. my home is a fortress and no mortal will break through my defenses....!!!" he shouts at the top of his demonic voice loud enough to cause echoes down the valleys towards Spirus
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