[ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

This is where the Kingdom of Fenia's main Inn is.

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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Chronicler »

From this point on we’ll slowly start to move the ceremony forward. Any of those who haven’t yet joined, feel free to do so at any point. How you do this is up to you, but do please explicitly state it if it’s a case of “has been present from the start”.

The staff started to worry, the brides were both late, as guest after guest entered there hadn’t been the slightest news of them and none of them knew where the creature that had to perform the ritual was either.

The Chronicler for its part had observed the Cathedral’s latticework of enchantments and sanctified objects long enough and begun the first gentle illusions.

4 concentric circles appeared to be carved into the floor with the altar as its center point, stone dust flying high into the air. A careful or magically sensitive onlooker could however notice that the circles hovered a hairs breadth above the floor and the dust was but part of the same illusion. Small openings in the circles left a path from the front door to the altar. The many decorations on Chronicler 2873 started to rattle and light seemed to slowly been drawn into the golem’s chest, towards the time hidden underneath all the decorations.
After a few seconds the rattling sound turned deeper, quicker and almost like a voice.
The Zuan Highking of The Fenia approach the altar and bring with thee thine honesty and purity, thy love and thy devotion To The Aishe and The Akos, to be judged by all those gathered here and the greater powers beyond.

With that the rattling of the decorations stopped and the voice faded away.

edited to fix a pronoun, no real effect on post
Last edited by Chronicler on Wed Dec 12, 2018 2:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Grayson »

Grayson had been in his office in the castle when the messenger finally found him. The man looked haggard and worn, Grayson looked at the man and asked are you ok sir? He took a deep breath and passed the message to Gray, I have been running between your offices trying to deliver this, as soon as I would reach one they would tell me you were at the other. He chuckled I have been running most of the day sir, I believe Ms. Alex has already gone off and is awaiting you! Grayson grimaced as he realized he had been working to hard yet again, he and Alex had not had anytime to go off on any of her misadventures, he smiled and then looked up at the man. Tossing him a frenzic he said I apologize for having made you run all over town and I thank you for your due diligence in making sure I received this. Then he walked over and shook the man's hand the runes showing as he did, Thank you again as he slid yet another frenzic into the man's hand you have done well today. The messenger waved as he left and closed the door.
Reading the message Gray flashed home and began to get ready. It had been a while Since he had been through Fenia and tried to think of a place that he could flash to so he could hurry up and get there. He dressed and gathered some belongings for him and Alex. The he was off.
Grayson showed up outside of town and made his way in, found lodging for him and Alex. After having secured room and board he made his way to the Cathedral, where he showed the invitation and was admitted. Using a bit of his rune magic he located Alex sitting with her Grandmother Willow. He made his way over and gave a hug and hello to Willow, Hello Grandmother, How are you? He sat beside Alex kissing her cheek as he sat down, and how are you my love?
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Zuan »

The King had made his way to the front of the cathedral and had spent some of the time speaking in hushed tones to the guards to assure that they were all situated as they should be. Before bowing his head in a mutual tone of respect to the various dignitaries from foreign nations, including the Viceroy of Bravia who he spotted out of his eye. Indeed invites had been sent to all known civilised nations, as due to the significance of a royal wedding it was only appropriate to invite neighbours both local and distant to join in the sight.

Ofcourse with any such event there was power to be held and displayed, and not just by those hosting the event. The garments, the walks, the positions and statures of all the various members of nobility, monarchy and republics were here representing their nations too. Thus it was a display of power from all sides, not one, as some would think, to intimidate neighbours or show ones nation as all-mighty, but rather to remind one another of the simple fact, that power was at all times to be displayed and witnessed, and by coming together in an event such as this and displaying that power without hostility or animosity, well that was a true success for any nation that liked to consider itself civilized.

Still however the event in truth had not yet started, as many subjects and guests were still entering the halls. In this quiet moment he thought once again about the events that brought him to this space within the cathedral, not just the short-term of the last year, but the longer game that had been played. He had ruled for so long now, yet, as he observed so many familiar faces, he could not help but twitch and display his signature smirk for all of a moment, for here and now, he felt a true belief that his reign had been a success.

Before he could think on the matter further however, he noted the change in the cathedral and turned his head toward the altar, noting well enough that there stood the Royal Historian, Chronicler 2873, even if his servants had confused him to a mighty statue. He listened to the instructions by the creature he had come to consider a friend, and carefully took several steps forward from the first row of benches to stand clearly infront of the altar and Chronicler, enabling the ceremony to begin. Carefully he tilted his head upward to that of the golems and offered him the slightest of grins. What an interesting day, this was going to be.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Texas_Knight »

TK was amazed at all the people, most of which he'd never met, who were in attendance for this historic event. He was impressed at all the finery. He'd been to the temple many times but had never seen it ordained in such fashion. TK offered his arm for Nikola's coat and then his other arm for her to lean on as needed, if needed. He followed Nikola along the way as she stopped and talked with others here and there, finally coming to the spot they had been led to sit. TK went in first and waited till Nikola had gotten seated and comfortable before he took his seat.

Nikola looked amazing. Her hair was perfectly done in a beautiful bun. Her dress was something that made his heart race when he saw how well it fit her. The grace with her movements was something that most would not equate to her on the manor in the grass with a basket and no shoes on her feet. The picture of her like that in his mind always made him smile. She was, in his opinion at least, more elegant and regal than all the others in attendance. He hoped the two Lady Majesties weren't outdone by her. But there was something in the back of his mind that whispered there would be no small amount of effort put into making sure they were not outdone by any in attendance.

He smiled as he nodded to the ones he did recognize. The ones he didn't recognize and waved or nodded his way, he assumed were for Nikola, but he smiled back and asked various times who such and such are in a quiet tone. When Nikola said she's like to say hello to her old friend he nodded and smiled "Of course! Tis' good to have solid faces to put the names with and solid connections to go with those names and faces." TK knew the political waters and how important it was to have a good working relationship with those that one interacted with. He'd once been in the waters, but was, at least for now, feet dry and glad of it. He placed an arm around Nikola and gave her a little hug closer to him.
Viscount of Northwood and Royal Guard

Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Faranni »

Faranni, Argenth and Mererk had swiftly been ushered to their seats as the ceremony seemling going to start in just a short while.
She had been in awe of the transformation her otherwise bare place of work had made in this brief of a time. They had really outdone themselves, but like the wedding's of elven keepers, the wedding of a High King also seemed to be something particularly special to experience. This even topped weddings of the elves with a long shot.

She didn't really know any of the wedding party that well, only spoken at brief moments at the Myst between her work and time with Argenth. Nonetheless, just as at the wedding of another "acquaintance" she was happy for the involved as this was a day of celebration. Glancing at Argenth she secretly wished she'd found a dress that complimented his attire, though she felt pretty in the pale blue gown she had finally picked out for herself. She thought it did well against her snowy locks and to make it even better she had cast a spell on it, embellishing it with pretty purple roses that curled around her tiny waist. A wreath made of dried willow tree branches decorated her hair that was left loose like usual but with braids tucked behind her ears and pinned together in the back.
She noticed some familiar faces among the seated and waved in greeting to Nikola, the lady who had offered her shelter from the cold a year ago. Faranni was still grateful even though she hadn't been at the manor as of late, spending most nights cooped up at Argenth's campsite tutoring him as well as conducting her own various studies and aiding Merek when needed.
Turning towards her*vhenan and beaming she lowered her voice in an excited whisper "I think it's about to start, I'm really excited...the ball afterwards sound wonderful...I could teach you dancing...if you don't know how to" he answered her with a smile and placed a hand on hers squeezing it lightly. "Sia itov*"

OOC: Godmodding Argenth with permission

*Sia itov= My love(Draconic)
*vhenan = love(Dalish)

Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Lucien »

The faun known to most as Lucien had managed to get into the wedding quite early. Only really here for the party later on he was wearing more threads on his body then his usual belly dancer costume was currently sporting a lavish creation fit for a person of good taste. The long black robes made of a thick linen material was adorned with a swirl pattern in gold thread. Long sleeves bedazzled with tiny crystals was reminiscent to the night sky and matched the smoky make up around his eyes. His long, blond hair was put up in a sleek ponytail and his horns was bejeweled with golden chains with tiny medallions, gems along with other decorations. His hands was covered with different rings with various stones glittering in the light coming from a nearby torchlight. He looked fabulous and he knew it, he wouldn't be surprised if he would get more looks than the soon to be queenies of the capital. But he would behave, play modest...well modest enough. I mean a boy can't help it if he happens to be beautiful and people have class enough to see it.

Having found a place at the back of the Cathedral he enjoyed himself with a drink in hand eyeing the "whos-who" of the Fenian elite and the foreign dignitaries. Recognizing the Bravian VR only by their appearance. His kind and nobles didn't mix that well...at least not in public. It was some real lookers here today, though he wrinkled his nose at the sight of someone among the nobles sitting in chef clothing. What in the name of the Seven was the help doing among the city leaders? Lucien rolled his eyes taking a sip before moving onto the next person to people watch.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Nikola »

Nikola smiled up at TK as he indicated he understood her desire to meet with the leaders of the other VR’s if she could. Her smile softened as he placed an arm around her and hugged her closer to him. She was not accustomed to being in the company of someone who truly seemed to enjoy just being with her and whilst she was still getting used to that, she found that she rather liked the concept.

The golem spoke the words that would begin the ceremony and she turned her attention back to the front, her eyes following the King as he made his way to the front to stand before Chronicler. She had never attended a Royal wedding before and had little idea of how this one would go. She felt somewhat privileged to know the individuals who would be joining their lives together but was mostly curious to see what might transpire. She wondered where Aishe and Akos were, whether they were together or would do this separately. The customs recognized here in Fenia still seemed a little strange to her and it had seemed such a waste of bachelorhood for the King to join himself to not one, but two who were already wedded to each other rather than avail himself of the many single females in his kingdom. But as she was learning, the heart often upset the carefully laid plans that the mind had laid for one’s life and expediency was often paramount in Royal pairings. She frowned at that thought. Was it a pairing if there were three involved? She glanced back at TK and her thoughts stopped running wild. The relationship that was growing between them was another wonder that she hoped to have the opportunity to contemplate for a long time yet to come. She whispered quietly into his ear,
"I'm glad you are here with me," winked at him and then turned her attention back to the alter, not wanting to miss anything. She sincerely hoped that the mages would bless the union between the King and his two brides and bring great happiness to all three of them and the extended family into which the King was marrying.

Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Joanna »

Dressed in her best blue dress, Jo snuck in the back as the ceremony was starting, a touch late. She skimmed her eyes over the gathered creatures, then silently shadowported over to appear at Ella's side. Leaning over, she whispered softly, "What did I miss?"
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Ella »

Ella sensed the woman next to her, turning her head she spotted Joanna. Ella couldn't help but smile at seeing her. After Jo finished speaking, Ella leaned over to kiss her cheek and whispered.

"Not too much, the ceremony is just starting. King Zuan just moved to the front. Rosalie is the back to perform her duties as flower girl. You look beautiful by the way."

Ella looked forward again, taking Joanna's hand and giving it a gentle squeeze as her eyes returned to the ceremony that was about to unfold.
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Re: [ORP] I Do: A Royal Fenian Wedding

Post by Royce »

Royce had been seated quietly in a pew on the right side far in the corner. He preferred to distance himself from large crowds and only attended the wedding as a favor to his beloved Katie. He had scanned the room looking for her but did not spy her among all of the fabulously dressed people in attendance.

At last he spied her. She was dressed in her finest clothes and was just so breath taking to look upon. "Katie!" He called out to get her attention.
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