[ORP] The Phoenix Event Continued

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Re: [ORP] The Phoenix Event Continued

Post by waerth »

There will be 3 complete sets (7 pieces) of buttered veggies available soon (now 2 sets) That is the last I can make. If anyone needs any more after that they need to provide me with broccoli stems ..... I have enough salt to make 10 more buttered veggies.

Also I still have one set of buttered popcorn in the market. Just in case.


Re: [ORP] The Phoenix Event Continued

Post by Orion »

It was another nice winter day and Orion been working on his next body paint. He was already so got used for hunting the materials and getting the paints to the creatures. However, doing like it made him to be poor. Perhaps this was the reason why other masons were not making the paints?

The prices for materials were so high on the market that Orion could not even afford 1 meal from the sold body paint.
He also been missing lot of good classes or either was unable to afford to pay for it.

Orion also noticed the change in the town hall and town wall maintance jobs - reduced to just 5f...which was Orion's most income he used to buy food for while making the body paints. The conditions for masons were indeed horrible here.

I will finish the body paints for the ones who i started to make and who helped me. But after that, i will make the paints NO more! Luckily very few materials he still needed for that.

After saying that Orion goes back so he can finish the last body paints and move on.

Re: [ORP] The Phoenix Event Continued

Post by Calysta »

Is anyone still looking for Phoenix items?
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