[RP] Arrival to Fenia

This is where the Kingdom of Fenia's main Inn is.

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Re: [RP] Arrival to Fenia

Post by AdrianMist »

While at his home, Adrian was lost in thought, he had gone to Wolfs bedroom, he was still not sure where he was and he had become very concerned about him. He knew his sister Ermalyse had arrived, his Wife and daughter were already downstairs greeting her. He was angry as he thought Damn, that boy should be here! truth be told he was angry at himself for he thought that surly had he not been away so much of the boys life he would not have run away.

He would never forget the look in his son's eyes, as if he saw a stranger and not his father, and he'd had his contacts and servants look everywhere for him. He also had servants looking and searching as far away as Bravia, he stood in Wolfs room for a while longer, trying to think of any place he might possibly be missing. Finally he made his way down stairs and to his sister who was waiting, he embraced her in a hug and said Sis, it is so good to see you again. he smiled and then led her and his wife and daughter into the sitting room and ordered the servants to bring tea and coffee for them to enjoy.

Re: [RP] Arrival to Fenia

Post by Xavier »

Xavier looked at the boy as he shook his hand. He was definately a strange one indeed.

Wolfmiss wasn't it? I'll call you Wolfy from now on. Now before we do anything else, we need to have this chat with the king...or we could just leave? These guards are not very alert...

Xavier looked around to see them all huddled together talking away about theevents in the tavern last night and the happening of the day. If you hadn't of seen them you would have thought they were a bunch of gossiping women.

It would be better than having to stay here..

Re: [RP] Arrival to Fenia

Post by Wolfmist »

Wolfmist looked at Xavier like he had said a swear word, "you are a stranger around here, aren't you? Things don't work like that around here. Because you're with me, you are sort of expected to wait and be patient... if you were not with me you would be in jail and thought impolite and untrustworthy.

"Trust me, Xavier, the King would be lenient, more lenient than the Judge... and besides, to run away and escape from these nice guards who are just doing their job is just plain rude. They don't take over my stable duties and I don't ask the blacksmith to bake me a cake... see? Show some respect, you're in Imperius, now!"

Wolfmist looked up at the nearest guard who had seemed to have been listening to everyword, and was nodding in agreement while leaning on the pikestaff. "In Bravia I suppose they expect escape and things, but we treat our prisoners very well, and you're my prisoner and friend, so why would you want to run away now, anyway?"

Wolfmist stared at Xavier. "Never run away, but try to stay and respect your fear instead."

Re: [RP] Arrival to Fenia

Post by Xavier »

Xavier looked at the little boy give him a longwinded speech about respect. Ha. He would do what he wanted when he wanted. Not many peiople existed that he knew of that could stop him. He looked at the guards and considered running off. He was getting bored....hmmm...maybe that would escite things up a bit...hehe

Wolfy, I do not care where I am. I am your friend but I am no prisoner however..this King of yours...he sounds like a reasonable man. I won't leave don't fret...

Xavier leaned back and relaxed. He got both hands out from under his robes and rubbed them together. He muttered some words and a small ball of darkness appeared in his hands. He moulded it for awhile then began to juggle it in his hands much to the shock of the guards and Wolfy who were all staring at him.

...but I will have a little fun. Sitting still was never my strong point.

Re: [RP] Arrival to Fenia

Post by Wolfmist »

Wolfmist scooted along the bench considerably when he saw Xavier what he could only describe as magic... and from the colour of it, dark magic. He looked from Xavier to the guards who were now creeping backwards with pikes pointed to Xavier, each looking at each other, wondering what to do.

Wolfmist decided to try and calm things down a bit since Xavier hadn't done anything with the magic yet, just seemed to be playing with it, "Xavier... what... what's that?"

Re: [RP] Arrival to Fenia

Post by Xavier »

Xavier saw the reactions of the guards and smiled to himself. Pathetic mortals he thought to himself. When Wolfmist spoke to him asking what it was he contemplated telling the truth that it was a harmless ball of condensed dark energy that would not do anything..however that was not the fun description. He looked at the boy still focusing on the small ball getting throw up and down.

Oh...this, it is nothing. It is just a compressed ball of dark energy that if touched by living flesh begins to eat away at it until there is nothing left...harmless really.

Xavier continued to focus on the ball.

Do you want a go wolfy?

Re: [RP] Arrival to Fenia

Post by Wolfmist »

"I can't do magic and er... I like my flesh..." Wolfmist looked at the black ball, nervous. "If it eats flesh until there is nothing left... is that how you got your... uh... scars?" Wolfmist knew they were much bigger than scars, more like gaping holes.

Re: [RP] Arrival to Fenia

Post by Xavier »

Xavier smiled at Wolfy, not that Wolfy could see him though.

My scars? Oh good mages above no! I got those from my body rotting in the ground for a year before being ressurected by my master. This is nothing compared to that. You sure you do not want to have a go?

Xavier juggled the ball abit more and pretended to lose control of it. He smiled as all the guards jumped.

Now watch this...this is good.

Xavier stopped juggling and placed the ball in his hand. He then slammed both hands together crushing the ball causing it to disappear. The ball scattered into thousands of little pieces of dark energy and slowly rose up in the shape of a skull.

Cool huh?

Re: [RP] Arrival to Fenia

Post by Wolfmist »

On instint, Wolfmist raised his arm to shield his face, then slowly peered over his arm at the forming skull. "Woah... and your master taught you all this? He must have been a very wise man... hang on... resurrection? I thought that impossible..."

Re: [RP] Arrival to Fenia

Post by Leana »

"I don't want to move." she whispered as they walked. Moving felt almost as if she were leaving something behind. What if Wolfy came home? She would not be there to greet him. And leaving the house seemed as if she were leaving him again. Here, at least, she had her memories. "Will we be closer to the castle?" she asked, thinking of making her way back to the stables and the moonlight room.
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