Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Wyllow »

Settling back on the Hammock, the gentle sway of the the water moved the hammock in a way that could rock even the crankiest kind to sleep. Laying back, she let her feet sway with the motion, her eyes closed as she let go of her mind and let it run. It was sometime later when Tuvs voice broke through her thoughts..
Mind if I join you my love. This is a type of wine I got in Carabasas. It has a nice orange and acorn flavoring that I like.oke through her thoughts.
Here eyes fluttered open as she looked up at him. She smiled. Of course. She moved over to allow room for him to climb in. As he did so, she held tight to him so as she wouldn't fall out. It was hard enough for her to get into the hammock alone without flipping out the other side.

Its another beautiful day... She snuggled next to him as he settled in. Times like these she cherished. To observe them, it would think they were newly accustomed to each other. However, when something as their relationship was so pure and good... it lasted a life time.

They didnt talk much, but just enjoyed being with each other. That was all that was needed sometimes.....


The morning was that of unease. She woke just after Tuv had gotten out of bed, which wasn't like him. He was usually always careful and stealthy quiet. Something was different this morning. She rose as soon as the door clicked closed, rushing to get dressed. As she stepped out, she could see what felt like a scramble on the decks. She didnt really understand, but figured a storm or something was amis. Heading down to the Galley, she started preparations for a simple hand held lunch for the crew, as food on the run was normal for the type of day they may have ahead. Fasts were typically broken early in the mornings, so she rarely aided in breakfast.

Sandwich after sandwich was packed into a large basket and would be taken up on the deck to be hung up on the wall for easy of feeding the crew.
Sails Ho off the Port Bow
She turned her head as soon as the words were spoken. Chaos erupted on deck... What is it? But the yells of orders overtook her own voice, drowned out by the calls. She couldnt understand what was happening. Turning on her heel, she made her way back to their cabin. The calls of other sails had her uneasy. She donned her dagger and sai's. She sat for a moment thinking. She hadn't thought of the dangers they might face on the waters. Why had it not even struck her?
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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv sent word to quell all the search lights and go to silent signals. The misty fog was quickly engulfing them. The sails were quickly lowered and what arms where available had been handed out. An eerie silence soon fell upon them. Tuv spotted Wyl and waived her over. When she was next to him, he leaned in close and whispered in her ear" We are going silent. Our favorite enemy is out there. They are part of Darius's horde as they are flying under the Red Claw banner. I'm hoping to loose them in this fog."
Every noise sounded like a scream in his ears. The fear of the Orcs descending upon them only heightened his concerns for the crew. His bow was in his hand before he knew it as he could just barely hear the two frigates. It seems as though they were weary of going into the fog. At least for now....

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv could just barely make out part of the outline of the frigates as the held back from the mists. A sense of concern rose up in him as he saw lanterns being lit. Tuv sent silent word along both decks to duck below the deck railing and wait for his command. His fears quickly came to fruition as flaming arrows were soon being loosed in their direction. Thankfully they all feel short. After what seemed like an eternity, the arrows stopped and both frigates could be heard raising sails. Tuv thought he heard their Captain saying only a fool travels in the mist. Tuv also thought he heard them set course towards Fullerium.
When Tuv was sure they were safe, he gave the all clear. He then instructed Jim to keep them in the mist until nightfall. Then they would raise the sails, clear the mists, and determine their location. Guards and lookouts would remain as is and no outside lights till morning. He was still concerned that the Orcs might double back. Knowing nothing more could be done, he set out to assure and put the crew at ease....

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

It seemed as though a lifetime had passed before nightfall began to set in. Luckily the mist and hazy fog remained, though at times a light rain fell upon The Aerandir. The day managed to pass without any other sighting of the Red Claw ships, yet a nervous tension remained among the crew.
When dusk was fully underway, the sails were slowly raise and the Aerandir eased out of the fog cover and into the starry night. Jim and Tuv both took star readings and consulted the charts. Both agreed they were just Southeast of Fullerium and could be there at sunrise.
Despite concerns that the Red Claw vessels may have gone that direction, it was felt that docking there and informing officials in New Fulleria was best. The other option was to head due south into the open deep water between New Fulleria and Bravia. While that path could get them home quicker, it provided no relative safety if the fears that Tuv had came to fruition. Darius had been killed as far as he and Wyl knew. His band was mostly ware-creatures. The had only been on land, hunting in the open northern wilderness. Now it seems as though the group was back and larger. Not only that, but now they had orcs in their ranks, whether by force or free choice. If the are gathering slaves and plying the seas this could prove to be a major problem for any coastal town.
More concerning for Tuv was the thought that the "new" leader may be hunting Wyl and himself. He recalled the words of their last run in with them when they stated that Wyl would be returned to her true family as their queen. Tuv feared that the hunt, for both sides, had just began. It was not something he relished and he worked hard to not let his concerns be known by the crew. So into the dark night he peered as the Aerandir made course for Fullerium.

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Wyllow »

She finally found the courage to stand. As she emerged from their cabin, she searched for Tuvoria. She knew her best place was by his side. His voice called to her and she made her way towards him. She felt as if she was holding her breath as he spoke. Her fears causing the hair on the back of her neck to rise. She nodded with understanding in everything he said.

As the rest of the crew, Wyllow followed specific directions and ducked down as low as she could to remain hidden. She let out a breath when it seemed clear they were out of reach from. The voices traveled eerily through the fog. When the all clear was given, it didnt lessen the concerns. Able to stand, she watched helplessly as Tuvoria moved in a way she had not seen before. He was in control leading his crew in a way that commanded respect. It wasnt that she didnt believe he was that kind of man, but had just never really taken full notice and seen it in action like this. She knew the man he was, but this seemed so much different to her. Or perhaps she had not seen this side of him in a very long time. It also said how serious their situation needed to be treated. Her jaw tightened.

She returned to their cabin to keep busy. She cleaned and scrubbed things... and worked in silence, listening for any commotion that may happen outside. Her fears ran deep when it came to the Red Claw. The floors and all there was, had been washed and cleaned and organized. She then stripped the bed and put on new linen. It seemed stupid in the midst of all that was going on, but she had to keep busy. There would be time to talk to Tuv.

The room was immaculately cleaned by the time night fell. She sat in the dark, knowing that a candle - one singular candle - could illuminate a fair distance. She settled upon the bed, leaning back against the wall, her bright eyes able to see fairly well for it being as dark as it was, focused on the door. She was not afraid to fight. No. She was here so that he knew she was safe and out of the way.

She would wait here for him to appear, or she would burst out ready to fight should a ruckus break out on the deck. Either way it went, she knew they would see each other soon enough.
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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

When Tuv had visited the crew and ensured all that things were good and they would be given liberty at the next port, he turned things over to Jim. He then headed to his cabin trying to maintain an air of strength. As soon as the door was closed, he tossed his weapons on the table and collapsed on the bed next to Wyl. It was apparent that he was emotionally spent.
"Sorry I had to put you through that my love. As the Captain, I had to display strength and confidence to and for the crew. We had to hide in the fog for safety. Those two frigates could easily outmenuevor us. While the crew are good sailors, not many are combat experienced. Those ships were sailing under the Banner of the Red Claws. I thought we had pretty much destroyed them. I thought we also took out Darius. It seems they have regrouped and have a contingent of orcs with them. That and them now on the seas is not a good sign. I fear that they may be hunting after us again. I couldn't take the risk. We are heading silently and under cover of the night to Fullerium. We should be there by morning. I need to let the officials there know of this encounter.
He paused as he got up and poured them both a tall glass of wine. Handing one to Wyl, Tuv continued: "I still remember our last run in with them. It nearly killed me and I still bear the scar on my shoulder. I shudder at the thought we may have to face them again. We need more info and the crew needs to relax. I don't want to face them unaware and both Jim and I are reluctant to just make a break for it across the open waters towards the area of North Staunchville with some Intel. We will have no place to hide out there."
Tuv downed his wine, sat the glass down, and just laid there with Wyl in his arms, hoping the last few days were nothing but a bad dream. Yet deep in his soul he knew things were just starting as far as the Red Claws were concerned....

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Wyllow »

She looked at him when he came through the door. As the door closed, one could see his posture change to that of having the world on his shoulders. As he fell next to her, instinctively she wrapped her arms around him. She let him speak before she said anything.
I know... she said reassuringly to how he had to take react. Surely this could be mere coincidence? How could they possibly know that we are on the water? I had hoped that they were not Red Claw.. its been so many years. And Orcs with them? They must be desperate to build their numbers. She said solemnly.

He pulled away then and got up. She sat up on the side of the bed.. And accepted the wine, though didnt drink. When he spoke, her heart broke a little. She set the glass down, stood and came over to him, pulling him near in an embrace, she wrapped her arms around him once more. Laying her head against his chest she nodded in agreement with all he had to say. We will get through this. She said confidently, though inside she felt scared as a little lamb.

They had to treat this as a serious threat... there was no other way, as they were a ruthless in taking what they wanted. She then looked up at him before speaking. Do you really think they know it is us?
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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv could feel the concern in Wyl as well as they spoke, and she voiced the same concern that he had been thinking. Honestly Wyl, I am not sure. I want to say no, but something inside me says it may be a possibility. Let's face it, we are well know for having the Orange Blossom as our personal seal as a couple. If the leader of those ships was part of Darius's original gang, he may have recognized it. I'm just hoping they have added the orcs to the ranks to be just pirates and raiders. Regardless though we need answers. We should be in Fullerium at dawn. I hope to get some answers then. I don't relish the idea of them out hunting or looking for us again. I'm afraid when we get back to Bravia City, we may need to plan an overland expedition to verify what they are up to. For now though, just lay here beside me and let the world and our fate rest in the hands of the Mages

Tuv just laid there in the silence with Wyl curled up in his arms. He focused only on the sounds of her heart beat and his love for her. The next thing he knew , Jim was knocking on the cabin door telling them that they were about to approach the entrance to the Port of Fullerium.

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Captain's Log -- The Aerandir -- 24 April 1663

The last few days have been harrowing and trying on us all. We had heard reports of possible orcish raiders/pirates in the area. Two days ago we came across them. Our lookouts caught glimpse of them just off of the horizon. When I zeroed in using the looking glass, they were flying under the Red Claw banner. This sent a shudder through my soul as I thought Wyl and I, along with our friend Gawain had all but destroyed them years ago. They were in two frigates, meaning they could move faster and turn quicker than us. We made for a nearby fog bank, put out all external lamps, and went dark and silent. They pursued us to the edge of the fog and then sent in flaming arrows to see if they could spot us. After what seemed like an eternity, they set off leaving us to be, or at least we hoped. We stayed in the cover of the fog, remaining dark. At night fall we raised sails and exited to fog so we could reckon our position via the stars. Having determined we were just south of Fullerium, we raised full sails and set course in that direction. We felt we needed to report these attempted pirate activity to the authorities of New Fulleria. I also plan to give the crew some liberty to decompress as most of the lads have no combat experience. I also want to gather some intel to see if we need to head the long way around hugging the coast or if we need to cut across the open deep waters on a course that takes us near North Staunchville in Bravia. We should be arriving at dawn in Fullerium and then we shall see what the Mages have in store for us.

Tuvoria Ralathondor
Captain of the Aerandir

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Wyllow »

She settled against him once more, but an unease in her heart. Sleep didnt come easily and when it did, it was filled with fog and things of the past that made her blood run cold. She woke several times lightly only to fall back into the same battle worn dream of past events.

A knock at the door stirred her with a fright, but it signaled that morning was just around the corner, and it was then that she lay back and her eyes fluttered closed for peaceful rest for a few hours.
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