ORP: Bravia Temple

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Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Bergan »

Bergans heart soars as the priestess announces their marriage confirmed He takes the ring from his pocket.

Then p[laces it upon Victorious' finger

He then lifts back the veil from her face and kisses her with all the love his heart can hold.
At last my dearest love. We made it. You're now officially Lady Victorious Mortimer as well as all your other titles. I love you.

He then walks over to where his marriage box is sat and hands it to the priestess for a blessing.

Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Sandra »

Sandra accepts the gift box. She blesses the gift box and with a Shower of sparkles it transforms into a Marriage Box with their names on it.

"Citizens of Bravia, Friends, and Relatives we now have a new couple in our town! Thank you so much for coming and helping to celebrate this joyous occasion."
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Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Victorious »

Victorious returns his kiss with all the passion she has for him and hugs him tightly and whispers, I love you forever my love. I am so happy. I don't think I can be any happier than I am right now.

She walks over to Sandra and gives her a hug and thanks her for such a blessing. You helped make this day perfect.
Thank you Aishe for my new pretties|Married to Katara Zeraria|

Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Bergan »

Bergan walks towards the priestess saying.Your holiness, thank you for giving us this blessing today I am honoured for us to be your first official wedding conducted in this temple. You will always be so very special to us both, I'm sure I can say this on behalf of my wife. Our home, and our hearts will always be open to you. May the mages bless you also for the good works you perform.

He turns and gathers Victorious up in his arms.Come here Princess, priestess, and now, Lady Mortimer. You look............You look more beautiful as each second goes by. You have made me the proudest, most happiest man in this world.

Then kissing her softly, holding her chin between his finger and thumb he says. We had better start celebrating. Our guests await us.
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Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Victorious »

Oh my beloved husband, you have made me the happiest woman in Bravia. She walks down the aisle with her husband and whispers, Shucks I thought we could just right to the honeymoon as she chuckles.

Of course darling, I'm sure the guests are waiting for the celebration.

Let's go and celebrate this glorious occasion with our friends and family.

(Please everyone join us to celebrate http://www.secfenia.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4907)
Thank you Aishe for my new pretties|Married to Katara Zeraria|

Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Cassandra »

Smiling big Cassandra witnessed the romantic ceremony take place, really glad she accepted the invitation. And as the happy newlyweds walked down the isle she slipped out of her seat and wandered over to the priestess " Thank you so much for the invitation, it was a wonderful ceremony." She offered her best courtesy and headed our of the temple.

Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Sandra »

Sandra returns Victorious's hug, smiles, and says, " You were a most beautiful bride. "

Listening to Bergan she replies, "You are welcome!"

Sandra is very glad the Cassandra and other Bravia residents came to see the wedding. "You are most welcome for the invitation, Thank you for coming and welcoming this new couple to Bravia."

Sandra goes around and thanks Dark Rose, Richard Rahl, Balerion, and Amanda for coming to the wedding.

Sandra thanks Amladris and Lord and Lady Black Hawk for coming to be at the ceremony. She helps Sean make sure that all of their belongings head with them to the celebration.

Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Sandra »

Sandra realizes that she forgot to baptize Bergan.
She had thought he had already been baptized and in counciling had forgot to ask. Angry with herself at making such a mistake at her first wedding, she wonders if she will be able to fix it without causing problems.
"Now how did I make such a mistake!" she scolds herself. "I will have to see if I can get things set up and baptized Bergan before he leaves for his honeymoon."

Sandra scurries and flutters around the room getting everything ready for a baptism. She sends a messenger to Bergan in hopes of getting him to come back for the baptism soon.

"Such a shame... Everyone was already here.. Oh how could I forget something like that!" Sandra chides herself.

Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Bergan »

Bergan is greeted with a friendly but unfamiliar face, the wearer of which was glad that Bergan was available, so as to be able to pass on a very important message from the Priestess.
Apparently his wedding had been blessed without a baptism prior to the wedding. As Bergan wasn't able to verify whether he had been baptised earlier in his childhood, and he certainly had no recollection of any such event. He was urged that he must make haste to the Temple, and seek the baptism immediately. The priestess Sandra had overlooked asking Bergan for his record of baptism, and of course Bergan had only had his mind set on his wedding. He felt ashamed that he had not paid more attention to the requirements of a marriage being sanctified. Still, all was not lost, so quickly he hurried back to the temple unbeknownst to anyone.

Re: ORP: Bravia Temple

Post by Sandra »

Sandra is glad to see Bergan re-arrive at the temple. She hopes she did not cut his celebration too short. "Bergan, Good to see you! Thanks for coming so quickly. We need to get you baptized. In all the excitement i forgot to check. Come in Come in."

Sandra says, " I am glad that you came today. The path you are taking today is an important journey. It is but one among many. Do not enter it lightly as you will be a role model for others to follow the Faith after you."

Sandra waves a hand revealing two potions in it.

"Do you understand the commitment that you are about to start?"
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