[ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuvoria looked at Wyllow and could see a glow about her. The look in her eyes when she talked about her bakery warmed his heart. He did think it strange that she was cooking this early, but as he sat at the table he realized how hungry he was. It was then that he realized in talking with the Mayor, the Sheriff, and the University Rector about how to best integrate his Guild Hall into the city's defenses he had forgotten to eat lunch. "Wyl my dear, I forgot to grab lunch during my meetings in town. So I would love some of that wonderful smelling food you have prepared."
As he grabbed the napkin, he noticed a single acorn next to his chalice. He wasn't sure what to make of it at first. He was still thinking about it when Wyllow mentioned taking some extended time away from her shoppes. He knew that at times his lovely bride liked to go on trips and adventures. Their last great adventure to look into things about her past, nearly took his life. On occasion the wound in his shoulder still ached. He began to think that perhaps she wanted to go on another adventure and perhaps back to the area where they first met and fell in love.

As Wyl began to bring him a plate of food, Tuv put the acorn in his hand and lifted it up towards her. "Wyl my love, is this a sign that you want to travel again? I know last time was rough on us and if it were not for Gawain, we probably would not be here. I know it has been awhile since we have gone on a journey of any kind. I can easily turn things over at the wood shop and guild hall to Jack. He fully knows what to do and how to run the staff. I get the feeling that perhaps you want to journey to where we first met, as indicated by this acorn. However, that doesn't explain this wonderful, beautiful glow that you have had as of late. So tell me what you have planned and lets get things started."

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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Wyllow »

She listens intently to what he has to say. A trip? She hadn't thought of that, but it did sound like fun, now that he had put the idea in her head. Bringing the food to the table took only a few trips, and she began to serve.

'Well, a trip does sound like fun to me, but no.. that is not why I am thinking to take some time off from the shops. I just think that, well, after working so hard it is just time to feel the rewards of that hard work, and you know,' her voice quiets a little.. and she rushes the rest to get it out.. ' perhaps spend time on making room for a nursery since a babe shall arrive here in some months.' She doesn't falter in her serving, and she doesn't look at him either. A smile plays at one corner of her lips hoping he has caught the words she slipped into their conversation as if it was something nonchalant. 'Oh, did I tell you about the fantastic wool I found at the market yesterday? It will be fun to get it spun and maybe make a new bed covering. There was some lovely dark wool that I know will be difficult to use, but in the end will look splendid once the project is done.'

When she is done dishing up their meal, she settles in the seat near him. It is then that she finally looks at him hoping to catch his reaction to her news. The acorn, to her, is representative of new life. She places her hands in her lap and smiles at him, a light in her eyes. She is very much happy about carrying his child.. and very scared at the same time. Not about his reaction, but about the actual journey ahead that she hopes will lead to motherhood.
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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuvoria watched his lovely bride bring dinner to the table. There was something going on and he couldn't put his finger on it. Then there was the acorn and the glow about Wyllow. The food was smelling great and he just about had the first forkful to his mouth when Wyllow stated "a baby in a few months."
Tuvoria's eyes widened, his jaw dropped, and he dropped his fork. As it clanked on his plate, he stood up and wrapped his arms about his wife. "Are you saying you are with child, that we are going to have a baby? How far along are you?" Not waiting for an answer Tuv kissed Wyllow deeply before leading her to their couch where emotion overtook him and he collapsed into his favorite spot, completely forgetting his hunger.
"I'm going to be a daddy" the thought kept going on and on in his mind, and as Wyllow sat next to him, he could do nothing but hold her tight and enjoy her beauty that radiated from her being pregnant with their child,

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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Wyllow »

Her smile widened greatly. As if she could ever doubt his feelings! This was such a joyous time, and she was glad to finally be able to tell him. She had known for a little while, but she wanted to be absolutely sure. She welcomed his embrace, her own arms responding instinctively. His lips found hers before she could respond to his questions. His kiss felt as if it was filled with something she had never known before. It bordered on primal, and she responded in kind. Her eyes moistened a little, then the kiss broke. Moving to the sitting area, they sat, and she began to respond to his questions. He still held her.

Pulling back just a little, she nodded her head quickly because she couldn't find her voice fast enough. His kisses always took her breath away, but there was a little something extra in it today, and she couldn't help but beam at him with pride. 'Yes! Yes we are!' She smiled as she confirmed, her heart could burst with such happiness. 'I wanted to be sure.. I suspect the little one will be here in about six months time, plus a week or two.' She couldn't stop the feelings that rushed over her as she gazed at him, watching his emotions play out upon his handsome face. 'Yes, my darling, you are going to be a daddy.' She whispered softly. She still couldn't believe it herself, if she had to be honest.

Without thinking, she found his hand with hers, and she guided it to her abdomen. 'It isn't much yet, but, ...there.' She said simply as she rested the palm of his hand on the slight rise. It was quite small, and to the untrained eye, they would see possibly nothing unless they examined her closely. However, they knew each other. She knew he would feel the difference, as only he knew her so well. Her eyes misted again. She hadn't realized how emotional she would feel.

This was such a gift.
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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuvoria was nearly blown over with emotion from Wyllow's confirmation. He had noticed a glow and a change and now he knew why. He drew her closer to him as he hugged and kissed her and absentmindedly let his had go to rub her belly. "Does anyone else know yet? I want to have Katie or Gawain offer blessings over us, you, and our child if you are ok with it."
It was all he could do not to step outside and yell at the top of his lungs the good news. He instead gently led Wyllow over to the overstuffed chair, sat down, and pulled her down onto his lap, wrapped his arms around her and then asked "Well my lovely bride, what room shall we convert into the nursery and what items would you like for me to start making for you and the baby in my workshop?"

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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Wyllow »

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So much time had passed... a child lost and a deep sleep taken place.....

Taking his hand, she let him support her home. His voice crushed her with the words he used, the tenderness and love within them. The thought of causing this special many any harm saddened her deeply. Never would she ever want him to go through life in a way to also be avoiding it. Their life had always been so good, even with their adventures from so long ago. My darling, I am so very sorry. The words came out in a whisper, not of weakness, but of shame she may have caused him. She fully understood it was not wholly her fault, but in some parts she felt a deep guilt.

At his words, she nodded and indeed, leaned into the man that she saw as stronger than anyone she knew. They exited in silence, but it wasn't an awkward silence. It was more of a healing that was taking place. It was good for them to be alone and surround each other with just the other for the moment. A reconnection of something that might have been lost on a couple with weaker bonds. In that, she found much comfort. Every step a feeling of strength and love. As they came out, she was glad for the air that surrounded them as they began to set foot in front of the other on their way home.

It wasnt long before they happened upon Merri. She gave him a small smile as he spoke. It is good to see you, as well. She said. But as the old Dwarf continued, her brows furrowed. The Dragon was at it again. She had come to just accept the antics. It always seemed that Bravia was always rebuilding and building again. She understood the need to move about and see things, so she nodded when Merri spoke of travel. She smiled once more, a bit broader this time when he basically mentioned she looked like death warmed over. We would be most thankful for a ride home. She glanced to Tuvoria, her eyes meeting his. It would be quicker, what do you say? She said quietly.
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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv was glad to see his old friend and even more so when he offered the ride and Wyllow was willing to take it.

"Most definetly my love. Let me help you up"

Tuv then helped Wyllow into the back of the wagon before climbing up himself and sitting next to her. He wrapped his arms around her as she rested her head on his shoulder. It shocked him how much he had missed her being next to him. Before a tear could come to his eye he called out to Merri:

"Don't think your grisely old body is going to get out of here without dinner. I've got a nice flank of venison that is smoking"

A small chuckle escaped his lips as he heard Merri smack his lips in delight at the thought.

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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Wyllow »

---- After nearly 2 months of travel....

It was strange to be home, but absolutely a wonderful thing. She climbed down from the wagon and stretched. A creek in her side and crackle in her lower back and she felt better. Unpacking seemed more daunting of a task than packing it all up. As things were pulled off the wagon, she directed where items should go, especially goods that she would save aside until later when she took them down to her bakery for later sales. She chuckled at how much she had brought home..

As soon as the items were fairly sorted, she entered the house. The kitchen needed seeing to now, as that was where most of the items had been brought that would stay in their home. Picking up the packed clothing bags, she decided to carry those into the bedroom. Everything else could wait until a little later. She had one thing on her mind.

Dropping the bags at the foot of the bed she all but threw herself onto their bed. WHY does your own bed feel so good? she said to herself silently, hugging her pillow and tucking her knees up close to her chest she turned her head and just lay there. She lay there quiet for a few moments listening for her husband, whether he followed her or was just mulling about the house. She smiled to herself, and rolled over, staring up at the ceiling for a moment. She then rolled further and onto her husbands pillow, not caring if she messed up the bed clothes. She inhaled his scent. Even after so long on a trip his musky scent lingered. She smiled and promptly felt her eyes grow heavy. A short nap... thats all I need...
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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Tuvoria »

Morning had dawned and as Tuv rose from bed and starting getting ready for the day, he could smell warming bread and tea. He thought to himself Sam is already up and busy then it dawned on him, that he was back in his house in Bravia City. silly me, Jack is up and getting things ready. Tuv walked down the hall to the open main room and kitchen area. Jack was just setting out some warm bread, cream, fruit, and tea onto the table. Morning boss. Do I need to saddle up the horses?
Not today Jack. I think I just want to go for a good walk around the farm seeing and smelling how things are going and then maybe walk into town to stop in to the workshop. Sit down and join me and update me on what has been going on around the area since I have been out at sea.
Jack sat down with Tuv and began to relay what news had occurred as Tuv had breakfast and some fresh tea.

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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Tuvoria »

After receiving the updates from Jack, Tuv gave him a list of things they had picked up that he would like delivered to the workshop. Tuv then headed out to examine his fields and livestock. It felt good to be out on solid land listening to the birds, horses, and his and Wyl's menagerie of animals. He knelt down to feel the cool earth beneath him. He could tell right away that Jack had done an excellent job in preparing the fields. The corn was coming along nicely. Tuv then headed down the path that lead back towards his workshop down by the river. He smiled inside as he rounded the corner and saw that Jack was already there. Tuv helped him unload the rest of the supplies, then released the lever that freed the watershed and powered the saws. Tuv then opened all the windows, took off his shirt, put his working apron on and grabbed a few logs and began to cut them down. Jack assisted and asked what Tuv was planning to make. Tuv simply smiled and replied A place for something that was lost but shall come again to rest its sweet head.

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