[ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Wyllow »

The light filtering into the bedroom would no longer be kept at bay. Slowly her eyes fluttered open. She turned and saw that the bed beside her had been slept on. She smiled. He always rose early. Laying flat, she wondered what time it was. Sitting up, a yawn snuck out of her mouth. She had only intended to sleep for a little while, yet here it was late morning. A grumble in her tummy told her she had missed her supper and by the looks of it breakfast.

Changing her clothes, she put on something comfortable, then moved out into the living area and then the kitchen. She was happy to see things had been all put away and the house was quite tidy. She put water on to boil for tea, then took a step outside to look up in the sky. It was late in the day as she suspected. Turning, she knew the water was ready. She absent mindedly added mint tea leaves then the boiling water, letting it steep, she made herself a ham and cheese sandwich.. she then decided to make a spare, but wrapped it in cloth.

Getting her shoes on, she decided to take a walk. She took up the mug, the spare sandwich she tucked under her arm and the one she made, she took a bite out of. Closing the door behind her, she headed for her shop.

At her shop, she was pleased to see Gabriel had been hard at work.. things looked well in control. She checked market wares and added things that were needed... by the time she was done with that, she decided to go see Tuv. It was no doubt that he was at his own workshop.. but he probably arrived much earlier than she had. Before leaving her shop, she made another tea. Grabbing both, she took her time as she wandered the streets of Bravia to Tuvorias Carpentry shop. Upon arrival, she saw him through the window... She took a moment to stare. She rarely visited him here.. But to see him working was a little jaw-dropping to her. She smiled to herself, giddy at seeing him. She poked her head through an open window.

Heya.. You hungry for some lunch? She asked, though her eyes were wandering... as if she was looking at a treat. She smiled at him. He simply amazed her and she suddenly thought that it should be against the law to look so... um.. she blushed. It wasnt lady-like to look at her husband so openly in public, but she couldn't help it.Ham and cheese.. and a cup of tea? She held up the gifts more so to distract herself and pull her back down to earth.
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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv was just finishing up on the lathe with the last spindle when he heard Wyl's voice. It caught him a bit off guard as she rarely, if ever, came to his shop. Turning off the lathe, he turned to Wyl as he said I'd love some lunch. Let me wash some of this sawdust off first. Tuv then went over to where a large barrel with a table were located. Taking the bucket on the table he scooped out some water. He then took off his apron, leaned over the barrel and poured the bucket of water over his head. Grabbing a near by towel he dried himself off, but flipped his hair towards Wyl in a half-hearted effort to splash her.Where shall we eat my love?

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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Tuvoria »

As Tuv was walking towards Wyl, a thought came to his mind Quick question my love, when was the last time you actually sparred with you weapons, other than routine training? If we are going north to scout out things with the Red Claws, it may be benificial to do some semi official dueling before we face real combat.

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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Wyllow »

She watched as he washed the sawdust off. It made sense to work without a shirt on now that she thought on it, however she did divert her eyes, though a wide smile was upon her face. She had the right to admire her husband, but openly gawk at him was probably something she shouldn't do, though, all she could see now was how the water reflected off of him in a way that was even more ... enticing.

At his question she looked back up. Oh.. um.. there is a place we can sit by the strawberry fields, if you like. It is a ways away, though.. I think things are finally starting to perk up, the grass grow and the strawberry plants poking through the straw finally after such a winter. She smiled as they began to walk.

At his question she looked towards him. She chuckled. Are you sure you want me to answer that? She handed him the tea and the sandwich. I suppose you wouldn't call it sparring.... But that Xanthereel was pretty much the last time I fought anything. I've never sparred.. ever. Ive always just thrown myself into a fight. Do you think sparring would help? She was genuinely curious about it. And.. will it hurt? She had to admit, deep down, when a fight was had, she learned to be quick, because she didn't like to get hurt.
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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv took the tea and sandwiches and smiled up at Wyl. He had forgotten, or at least had chosen to forget, the encounter she had while adrift at sea. Sparring now and then wouldn't hurt. It might sharpen some skills and improve the muscle memory for when in combat. Sometimes going against a moving target, and not the practice dummy, helps. As to the hurting, depends on how hard you want to go at it. Every now and then I get whacked a bit and it stings, but we can go to just the number of touches. My fear is that we both know what the Red Claws were capable of and I want to ensure we are good to go if we do have to fight them.

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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Wyllow »

She listened to him as they walked. She nodded when appropriate. That does make sense, I suppose. They found a spot in the short and tender grass and sat, still talking. By now, she finished her sandwich, but it didnt matter. Any time she was able to steal time away with him was her favorite's time of the day. Just taking in his features and listening to his voice made her calm, but to look at him made her heart flutter to life. Every single time. She felt like a school girl with a crush, wanting and craving his touch.

She knew that the topics he spoke of were serious. And she tried her best to also be serious. She then looked down at her hands, her cheeks flushed with a little embarrassment. Her heart quickening. She cleared her throat and where her mind had gone for a few seconds before nodding again. Yes. I certainly hope there is nothing to their presence, but I fear that is far from the truth. She sighed a little. But I suppose if I am going to get trained... its good that I have you to help me.. She looked at him now, her full hunger on display in her eyes. She winked at him and grinned, then let out a sigh, not moving her eyes from his. I really should get back to the bakery... she said with a slight mock pout then smiled at him in a way that stated promises of later.
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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv smiled at the hidden implications of what Wyl was suggesting. He loved the playful banter that the two of them had. He picked up his boots, tied them together and tossed them over his shoulder as he stood up. I need to get back to my shop as well, unfortunately. I would rather stay here for a bit. I want to forget about the world outside of us for a bit. He wrapped his arm around her waist as he and Wyl headed back into town. He attempted to tickle her a bit as they walked. Sadly I feel your concerns about our old nemesis may be correct. Mages know, I really don't want to have to deal with them again. However, we do need answers. As they walked back towards town, Tuv enjoyed the feel of the grass and dirt under his feet and he did his best to focus on the shopping and trading they could do as they visited the inland towns on their journey north.

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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Wyllow »

The morning found things being packed for their journey.. Wyllow, as usual was slow to rise, but for a good reason. Her confession to her husband that they were expecting, was not wholly a surprise, but a very happy one. Finally climbing in the wagon next to her beloved, she felt perfectly where she belonged. As if her life hadnt taken a detour into the abyss for a time.

The Mages seemed to set things in perfect order, and she hoped beyond hope, that it would remain that way. The Red Claw clan was on her mind though as the started out. How could it not be? But she pushed those worries away. She couldnt let herself think of anything ill in the future right now. She glanced down and smiled, then to her husband by her side. Whatever the Mages dealt, they would go through it together.
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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Wyllow »

Having returned from their trip, she got as much situated as possible at her shop and headed home for a warm bath. Upon opening the door, she first stopped in the kitchen for a snack, and as she chewed, turned to search out her beloved. She knew he was in the home as she could hear him working away at something.

As she arrived at the spare room door she looked in adoringly. He had paint and all his tools out. Her hand rested upon her growing belly and she smiled at the man before her. If only he understood how much love she carried inside for him every single day. She smiled and quietly let him be. He was at his finest when he was working and she didn't want to disturb him. She hugged herself. She didn't know how she knew, but she understood that their Son would be one of the most cherished and loved little boys ever to grace Bravia.

Drawing her bath, she undressed and sunk into the warm water. She felt all the tension in her back melt away. Her eyes closed and she let the warmth seep into her bones. She had much planned for the coming days in her shops. Poor Gabriel would be running ragged around her. But she compensated him well. Her eyes were just about to close when she felt a powerful kick to the side that made her jump. She smiled brightly. It was the first time she had felt such a movement. Tuv! She called from where she was. Tuv, Come quick! She called, an urgency in her voice. She didn't want him to miss this. She counted back and yes, she was nearing the halfway point in her pregnancy. Things were perfectly on schedule. She bit her bottom lip as she looked towards the door, trying her best to hold back her excitement.
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Re: [ORP]Orange Oak Manor (the home of Tuvoria and Wyllow)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv was busy in what was to become the nursery room. He was focused on the lay out and preparing to start painting when he heard Wyllow call out for him to come to her. He dropped the paint brush in a panic. His thoughts went immediately to the worry that the recent sailing and trip overland had somehow affected her and the baby. He went running down the hall towards the washroom. As he rushed into the room, he was quite shocked to she Wyl relaxing in the bathtub, rubbing her belly, and with a smile upon her face. Dazed and confused, Tuv paused at the door and simply stated The Baby. Is everything okay with you and the baby? I heard you cry out and only thought that our recent adventures have caused undo stress and harm to you and the baby. Please tell me I am wrong. Tuv then came and knelt by the side of the tub.

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