Past Hauntings... Future Changes

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Past Hauntings... Future Changes

Post by Alexandria »

Months changed to years so fast Alex barely realize it. “Change… yes it was coming and in a major way.” A distance voices said causing Alex shivered; not the shiver. You know that cold you feel when someone as walked over a grave you didn’t know you had. That kind of shiver. Shaking it off Alex she said as she sat with her feet in the stream.

Sybil rested nearby like all cats do. Looking at the ring on her finger she exhaled, “Where are you today my love.” Grayson was out there somewhere trying to find out who or what he was. Traveling to places unknown lead to her not seeing him for months then poof there he was as if nothing as happen. But something was happening and no one was there to notice. Alex had notice but she thought it was because she was getting older. “Yes keep telling yourself that.” The distance voice said causing Alex to spin around to see if someone was behind her. “Pull it together girl or someone might think your losing your mind.” Again she shook, “maybe if I did some reading. What do you think Sybil?” Alex started giggling when she saw her cat was upside down and sleep. “I guess you are not thinking of anything but sleep. Crazy cat.”

Alex stood or was she stumble getting up… Putting her hand to her forehead she felt a bit warm but she play it off. “I have no time to be getting sick. Callie needs dinner and…” She stumble again but made it to the table Grayson made for them when they ate outside. Sitting down she pulled the box, the box she found while cleaning out her brother and sister-in-law house. It had her name on it written by her Grandfather. Alex knew that writing like she knew her own. Adonair was her Grandfather, teacher but more so he raised her. Why does it have her name on it? "Well you can sit here staring at it or you can up it." She took a long deep breath then she opened the box.

A baby blanket… Alex smiled. It was hers. Looking in the box she saw a book. Picking it up she realized it was a journal. She knew the handwriting, it was her grandfather's; Adonair. On the front of the book was an image of a golden tree… It’s her family tree.

Adonair Braeden, Patriarch. Alex knew what that meant. Her Grandfather was head of the family. Next was Sekhmet Braeden, Daughter with first wife; Majestic Braeden, Son with first wife. Alex noticed her Grandfather's first wife name was missing. Did they do that for a reason she wondered? Next was Damien Braeden, Son with second wife. Also the mother's name was missing. Alex started noticing a pattern. Erna Braeden, Third wife of Adonair, Deceased; finally a name but she’s dead. Not good. Carrington Braeden, Daughter with Erna; Allison Braeden, Second daughter with Erna; Nathan Braeden, Son with Erna. Alex smiled that was her father. Nathan Braeden, her Grandfather's last child. She wondered if he had lived would there been more children. “Gross” Alex didn’t want to think of her grandfather and Grams doing… “Ew double gross "but the thought of that kinda made her blush. Especially when her mind wandered to Grayson. Alex smiled then continued reading. Lady Amaia, Wife of Nathan; “mom” Alex said as a tear rolled down her face. Zaya Braeden, Daughter of Nathan and Lady Amaia; William Braeden, Son of Nathan and Lady Amaia; Arthur Braeden, Son of Nathan and Lady Amaia; Alexandria Braeden, Daughter of Nathan and Lady Amaia. Lady Lynna wife to Arthur Braeden; Callie Braeden, Daughter to Arthur and Lady Lynna. Alex had to stop… she needed to wipe away the tears that blurred her vision. “So many gone"; she thought to herself.

Finally able to stop crying she pick the journal up again. Shamalee, Sister of Lady Amaia; Kieran, Brother of Lady Amaia. Alex did not know them. She wonder if they were still alive. Then she got to the bottom of that tree; Willow wife of Adonair… “My Grams,” she said smiling. The one person she knew was always there for her. Alex wonder if Grams knew of this journal. “Sybil time for another trip to Paz to see Grams” she said as she looked over her shoulder to see Sybil still lying in the same place. “If I didn’t know you loved sleeping I would think you were dead my friend. At least move every once in a while won’t you.” Alex waited but Sybil did nothing. It was OK it made Alex smile to know her companion could play dead with the best of them.

Returning to the journal she read through the rest. There was some incantations she never heard any of her family use. Then she stopped. Her blood ran cold as she read aloud; “May the Mages forgive me. I can’t lose my family.” It was her father writing. “Something was killing most of our people. I thought sending my pregnant wife and children away could keep them safe. I was wrong. Amaia, our unborn child and Arthur were dying. I couldn’t let that happen. Some say you can’t kill a phoenix but you can steal its tears. She wasn’t human she couldn’t have been. I uses Dad's spell to summon a PHOENIX! But what I got…. WHAT I GOT! I know not… Mages forgive me; I got a beautiful redheaded woman. Something went wrong. Alex dropped the journal. “Can’t be,” she said picking up the journal she started reading more her of her father’s notes. "She was a beauty beyond words. She said she would heal my family if I gave her something. I told her I would do anything. Amaia forgive me! May you never know...?" "KNOW WHAT! KNOW WHAT!" Alex yelled at the journal as if it could answer her. "Father what did you do?" Alex's hands trembled as she continued to read. "When I awoke the next morning the woman was gone but my family was healed. My father told me I shouldn’t have done what I did. That I have to pay a higher price for messing with creatures from the neither world. I didn’t care. I had my family." That’s where it stopped. Alex flipped page after page almost reaching the end when she found more notes.

“My daughter is here. So beautiful she was.” Alex wasn’t feeling so good but she couldn’t stop herself. “WAS! Father what do you mean was!” Here she went again talking to the journal. Alex noticed that drops of tears had smeared the ink but she was able to read her father's writing. “The birth was long. Amaia had lost a lot of blood. Her face was so pale. When our daughter was born silent, Father cast a sleeping spell to help Amaia sleep. I was left to lay my child to rest alongside my mother and the other children lost to the sickness.” Alex didn’t understand but she kept reading. “Days passed and Amaia cried for a child that she never get to hold. My sins were about to return when the beautiful redhead returned holding our daughter. Raise her, keep her safe from those that would use her. I froze! I couldn’t move. Not even when she placed Alexandria in my arms then vanished. Mages please forgive me but I took that child to my grieving wife and I place her into my wife arms. And I never ever looked back. Only father knows. As the child grew so did her powers. Mages forgive me again but I asked my father for one last favor. I asked him to lock away who she really was. I needed her to believe she was half elf and half human. This is my sin… she my daughter… her daughter.” Alex hands started to shake. “I WANT OUT!” Turning quickly Alex saw herself but it couldn’t be her she was different. Sybil roared then growled… “You’re not real” Alex said talking to herself. “You’ll see soon enough.” It said jumping towards her and vanishing as if she were a spirit or ghost. Sybil ran off as if she were going to get someone. "Sybil come…" Alex started feeling hot from the inside out. “Grayson!” was Alex's last word before passing out
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Re: Past Hauntings... Future Changes

Post by Grayson »

Grayson had been on a quest one might say to find himself, or better yet, find what he was. He grew up as an orphan and did not know who his parents were. So he had not really known or cared til after he had met and fallen in love with Alex. That's when things really started to change for him. That's when it had happened the runes had appeared on his body, blue glowing runes. So he had been looking for the why of it. Definitely had not gotten any good answers. As he was pondering things in the house he heard Alex yell for him. "Grayson!”

Grayson stood up and headed outside as that was where her voice had come from. As he came closer to the spot where she was his runes started to glow a bit brighter, they always did when magic was being used or was around. h e walked up and said, Alex you okay? He looked around for Sybil as these two could be playing around or playing a prank. Shaking his head he reached over and gently touched Alex shoulder. Seeing as she didn't move he shook a little harder saying This isn't very funny! He shook Alex a little bit and noticed that she was hot to the touch, feeling that she may have a fever and be coming down with something he carefully picked her up and carried her to the bedroom and laid her in their bed. after having gotten her comfortable he went to get a cool cloth and send a message to her grandmother. After having sent a black falcon with the message to Willow he went back into the room and applied the cloth to Alex's forehead and began to think of things that could or would cause her to feint.
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Re: Past Hauntings... Future Changes

Post by Willow »

It was a lovely day, so Willow decided to go for a walk around the town market. She had heard there was a gypsy fair in town and she hoped to find some new materials for her weaving shop. Willow glanced around the stalls and spotted some beautiful materials, she picked what she wanted and ordered them from the stall keeper. Handing over the money, she gave her supplies to a messenger; who said that he would deliver them to her store for a fee.

Willow watched him run off towards her shop and then she carried on looking around the market. As she was passing a candy store, she thought of Alexandria and little Callie with a smile on her face. But suddenly, Willow felt funny and a little light headed. Was she getting sick or was something wrong? she wondered. Finding a seat, she sat down and fanned herself with her hankie (before she fainted) and glanced around her. Luckily, she found that she was sitting near a man selling cold drinks, she ordered a cold fruit drink and sipped it until she felt little better. Willow rested and watched people coming and going around the market. Feeling a little better, Willow decided to head home, she still kept feeling that there was something was wrong.

Walking back to her shop, she wondered what she was feeling. Glancing around her as she walked, she saw a small dark blob in the sky. Whatever it was, it was getting bigger as it was coming towards Paz. Arriving home, she had one last look in the sky and saw that the black blob was much bigger now and she thought it resembled a bird of some sort. Heading indoors, Willow decided to lie down for a bit. She hoped that would help her feel better.
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Re: Past Hauntings... Future Changes

Post by Grayson »

The falcon flew on towards its destination, but as it did the target moved here and there. Finally the target was stationary and he moved in on where he should deliver his message. Finally arriving at the house of Willow Alex's grandmother, the falcon landed on the roof and then landed on the steps of the house and started to screech as only a falcon can. He hoped it would get her attention so that she could get the letter he was carrying from Grayson.
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