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End of an era - Final Address of the Republic

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 10:10 am
by Ambrosia
The days had grown grim, and the phantoms of her nightmares grew with them. Finally, she would have to succumb to what had happened to her. To remember what fueled her to wake in the morning at all anymore. She cleared her throat as one of the republican guards told her the new council was set. Bright blue hues fastened to the babe in the wood crib, underneath her. The nightmares had promised when she first came to her brother’s aid, that she would lose her head, and lose her head she did. Now, the nightmares turned their focus on Lyra. The babe would need to be raised in the wilderness in order to forge her own destiny.

Ambra chewed on her inner cheek seemingly in deep contemplation, and turned to the guard. “Thank you notifying me of the times.” Her facial expression calm and collected, however the aura of the voice was like two rocks rubbing against each other to be sharpened. The animals had already started to go where she had instructed them to meet her. The snakes were the less cooperative about moving, but the cats pranced on to their destiny. Ebony spiral curls swayed and stuck to her waist as she looked at the suit she had weaved for the occasion. A slow grin formed across her lips at the miniature matching suit that hung beside it. “Are you ready?” She pitched her tone cheerfully to the babe below her that stared dumbfounded back to her.

Minutes later they resurfaced in the square, in their matching suits. Near the statues constructed by the castle entrance. Her eyes focused to the people of the republic for the last time. Of course, they wouldn’t know that until her opening. Ambra cradled her replica in her hands, and cleared her throat raising her head to the ray of sunlight that shone from the clouds above.

“People of the Republic. This will be my final address as the viceroy of Bravia. This place is unique, and the last of its kind. That means that she needs love, just as anyone else does. To the next viceroy, I hope you’re prepared for what is to come. This land has the power in the soil, in the ashes of those that created her. The works of the mason and the smiths that gave birth to these structures around me. Even manmade things fall, everything falls, and everything dies. Her people, you my good people, are what is left to keep her walking. To prep her for those that wish to do her harm, to be proactive, to respect her ground and one another. The riches of Bravia aren’t locked in a kingdom with one ruler with the key, no, she is guarded more than any monarchy would ever be. Many people hold the keys of council, and it is her very own residents that protect her riches from a corrupt ruler. The viceroy is voted on by a council of peers, and there is no such thing as a rite of succession. However, if there were…”

She paused as her lips formed into a beaming grin.

“I’m sure that I would still be standing here as one of the longest standing viceroys, either way. Don’t overthink the politics of this place, at least you won’t lose your head over having a voice. Bravia won’t try to kill you over a difference of opinion, she embraces it. If someone wants their voice held heard on a wider spectrum, I would tell them to join the council on their next term. Keep Bravia thriving with bright faces and extraordinary ideas. Look to your neighbors gathered here today, and there you will see the future, the present, and the past of Bravia.

On a separate note, I’m right here in the public, so the bounty on my head shouldn’t be too hard to collect.”
A chuckle left her lips, as she swayed her form slightly to rock Randahlimir as she had started to fuss.

“I will remain here for questions or general chatter, but soon I have a fine to pay. It’s been a pleasure being your face, Bravia."