[ORP] Ermalyse arrival in the Cathedral

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[ORP] Ermalyse arrival in the Cathedral

Post by Ermalyse »

The Duck of Earl was in formed of the Ermalyse fainting in the middle of the town squear, he calls for her to be transported in the Cathedral for some healing, they notice she is skinny of bad nutrition,her clothes are barly holding by a string, wet, cold with feverish shills, she coughts, as she still out to the world moaning softly about a Land, a Castle with a crest, a small cottage with flowers named Orchide that are not from this land.
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Re: [ORP] Ermalyse arrival in the Cathedral

Post by Aingeal »

Aingeal had heard a rumor, and she raced to see if it was true. News traveled fast when it involved one from her past. Entering the church she heard the voice, the mumblings and all about ran. Sliding to a graceful stop she surveyed the sight in front of her. Aing rubbed her eyes once... twice... then took a few steps towards the woman.

Ermalyse? she said tentivitly. Aing barked a few orders to the priests in the temple. Blankets please, some tea and some broth, she demanded. Once she got a heavy blanket she wrapped her friend in dry blankets, and brushed her hair from her face. Erma was burning with fever, shivering and plainly ill.

Send for Rania, and also any healers that are around.

Aingeal planned to make her friend better, and find out what in the Mages had happened and where she's been.
Mother to Amara, Wife to Anessen, Guard of Fenia

Re: [ORP] Ermalyse arrival in the Cathedral

Post by Ermalyse »

Erma eyes futtered as her soul heared her best friend calling her Name, she then felt the blanket she whispered as she was talking in her dream I must go home, where is home ? her breathing cam short as she cought,cold sweats dripping down her forhead so thirsty
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Re: [ORP] Ermalyse arrival in the Cathedral

Post by Grandfather »

The temple clerics had already begun their work even before the red haired woman had shown up to issue directions.
One cleric was busy over the insensite form of the new arrival, hands aglow with channeled divinity as s/he prayed and gestured and intoned for the mercy of Zachrin and the other Mages, placing hands every now and again upon the woman to let waves of golden energy enter her body.
Another cleric was carrying the pot of Holy Mint Tea and still another a Blessed Cloth blanket; a fourth cleric playing soft music in the background.

Duke had sent his Scribe Grandfather Daisy to take note of the situation who watched and scribbled down the actions of the clerics and the arrival and interest of the the red haired woman whom he recognized as one of the Kings Councilors, Aingeal.
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Re: [ORP] Ermalyse arrival in the Cathedral

Post by Aingeal »

Aingeal took the mint tea from one of the clerics, gently propping Ermalyse's head up so she could drink some of the healing tea. After a few good sips, Aingeal wiped Ermalyse's brow and noticed that the tea was starting to work, reducing the fever and chills. Tucking the blankets around her friend Aingeal took a seat besides the bed.

Don't worry about home right now, she said softly. Let's get you better and caught up, and go from there. Aingeal smoothed Erma's hair back as she did when Amarah was sick. Fenia is home, and a lot has happened since you've been gone. Aingeal talked about anything, leaving out the bad bits, the end of Project LVI, Thorn, Rieron, and the like. She didn't talk about Victorious either right now, that would be left for when Ermalyse was stronger.

Aingeal talked about Anessen, Amara, and recent news in Fenia. So many stories, so many memories, but the old ones they had plenty of time to catch up on. You must get better, we've lots to catch up on.
Mother to Amara, Wife to Anessen, Guard of Fenia

Re: [ORP] Ermalyse arrival in the Cathedral

Post by Ermalyse »

she mubbles as she achknoleges the presence of grandfather, her conciousness new people where arrownd, she then moans in pain as Aingle lift up her head to give her a sip of tea, the warm liquid drizzles down her throat as she instictively swallows it, she could feel the warmth of the tea warming up her body and having effect on her fever, she slightly opens her eyes for a moment and see the people arownd her, she jups in a sitting position in fear as a fire forcefield surrownds her, she then falls down on her pillow, to weak to sit, the forcefield arrownd her, still looking at them tears in her eyes extreamly afraid, she says in a small wisper to weak to truly talk

who are you? what happened, where am I?
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Re: [ORP] Ermalyse arrival in the Cathedral

Post by balerion »

Balerion heard Ermalyse had returned and he flew as fast as he could from Paz. The journey was rough but he made it back to his cavern as quickly as he was able. He prepared a restorative chicken soup and cast ancient draconic magic filling it with firey light. He made his way as quickly as he could to the temple where he found Ermalyse being treated by priests. Ermalyse, have this, it will help restore you. Please be well, there are pies to be made.
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Re: [ORP] Ermalyse arrival in the Cathedral

Post by Aingeal »

When Ermalyse started to raise her forcefield, Aing was close enough that it included her. The fire elements were a touch uncomfortable, but murmuring a few words she cast a bit of light magic to ease her discomfort. Aingeal's discomfort was nothing compared to Ermalyse's. Aingeal continued to talk softly to her. I am Aingeal, she told the woman. We spent most of our time in the castle...

She kept giving Ermalyse tidbits, but nothing to cause her harm. After a bit the forcefield started to diminish. We have much to catch up on, I have a little one... a husband... so much has happened. A commotion behind her caused her to turn, and the Dragon had arrived.

Balerion don't scare the woman, she chided. She would need to chide him later about entering a woman's sickroom. Taking the soup from him she set it on the table besides the bed and looked to Ermalyse. Do you think you can sit up to eat some of this soup? Gathering some extra pillows she waited for an answer, thankful that her friend was no longer at death's door.
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Re: [ORP] Ermalyse arrival in the Cathedral

Post by tigerlily »

Tigerlily was travelling with her cousin Misty. While Misty was busy, Lily decided to explore the town. She found some lovely stalls in the market and was just trying to decide between a pretty white lace handkerchief or maybe a new pretty bookmark; when she spotted little clothes for kids toys. Giggling, she looked at them and picked a pretty little woolley hat for her teddy bear (she always bought things for her special toys; even though she was older now - they were all special to her). And then she got the handkerchief and bookmark also hehehe oh well too many nice choices. Handing over the money and picked up the parcels, she headed on her way.

Walking pass another stall, she heard the name Ermalyse!

Turning towards the stall, she wondered who had said that name ..... Lily hadn't heard that name in a while and she still thought of and missed her big sister. Lily thought maybe she missed heard them. Turning again, she found a bakery and saw some yummy looking cookies. She was just choosing her flavor when she heard the name again.

Ermalyse has returned!!!!!

Lily turned around looking for the person who said it. Off in the distance, she saw a crowd of people. Lily wondered what they were doing .... she decided to head there and see what was happening (forgetting her cookies). As she was too short, Lily couldn't see, so she started pushing her way in (excuse me, excuse me please she said). Finding the gap, she saw someone on the ground, Lily said to the person "Are you alright? Can I help you"?

At that moment, she looked on the face of her big sister Ermalyse.

Erma, are you alright ..... its me Tigerlily!!!!!

Re: [ORP] Ermalyse arrival in the Cathedral

Post by Ermalyse »

Ermalyse feaver stared to return as Aingeal cast some light magic, taking her out of balance. She turned to the Lady with the beautiful red hair as she was talking to her softly

" I am Aingeal, We spent most of our time in the castle"

Ermalyse smiles at her as deep in her soul she could feel and recognize the women's familiar life essance, As the women gave her tidbits of information Ermalyse memories faintly remembers her, as she does Ermalyse feels more comftable and trust the women,as she does the force field started to diminish almost to disapeared.

"We have much to catch up on, I have a little one... a husband... so much has happened."

Ermalyse smiled faintly. Ermalyse hears a loud noise as something large enters the women's sickroom. she see the Dragon as he talks to her.

Ermalyse, have this, it will help restore you. Please be well, there are pies to be made.

her eyes widen as the fear shows in her eyes, her force field comes right back up surownding her and her friend. She hears Aingeal rebuking the dragons,

Balerion don't scare the woman"

Ermalyse diminishes her forcefield trusting her friend,

Aingeal takes the bowl of soup and sets it beside the table beside the bed,

Do you think you can sit up to eat some of this soup?"

Ermalyse tries to get up but her streight didnt let her, she looks at her friend,

Maybe with a little help i might be able to

As her friend takes pillows and help her in a sitting position Ermalyse moans in pain,Ermalyse turns suddenly to the door feeling essance strongly familiar, as she does a little Girl enters the room looking at her with surprise as she says

"Erma, are you alright ..... its me Tigerlily!!!!!""

She smiles to the child and says in a weak voice,I dont remeber you Child but i have a strong feeling that we are extreamly connected
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