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(ORP) Harmonies du Soir - Life of a Minstrel

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 7:45 am
by Eumelia
It was another calm evening. The rising moon shone through the window with its gentle, silvery rays, serving as an additional source of light to the flickering of the candles in the room. The darkness slowly embraced everything outside, but Eumelia didn't mind it. She loved such velvety evenings, they were so calming - and yet, so thought-provoking.

She took a cup of mint tea, had a sip of it, then sat down next to her clavi and ran her fingers ansently on the keys. Actually, it was quite a simple object that hardly differed from a bigger wooden box at first sight. Yet, when she opened it, the strings and the complex mechanics inside made it clear even for an outside observer that it was a gentle and well-elaborated musical instrument. It was her favourite one. She had many other instuments, too - there was an old lute and a fiddle in her collection, as well - but she spent most of her evenings sitting next to the clavichord. Why did she like it so much? Becasue the clavi was just like her own soul: touchy and sensitive to the rude and untrained hands, but those who approached with kindness and caring could coax out some nice, gentle - although reasonably shy - melodies. Besides, the clavi was her last connection to her past life: she brought it with herself from her parents' house that particular evening, when she decided to start a new life. The life of freedom.

Outside the crickets began to chirp as the balmy summer evening slowly covered the landscape. Eumelia spent a few minutes on listening to these tiny little musicians created by the Gods. How simple, how undemanding little thingies they are, and how free - she pondered in herself. Then, with a bright smile on her face, she started to play a beautiful, old melody.


Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 6:24 pm
by Eumelia
Eggs. Simple, roundish objects. Yet, in some countries they are ofter sorrounded with magical beliefs. Some think eggs ensure fertility, others take them just as nice symbols of new life or rebirth. For Eumelia, however, eggs had a special avail: she could practise with them. This practice, however, was a bit different from her musical activity...

Eumelia had always had a special kind of passion that stood in sharp contrast to her otherwise modest nature: she loved to entertain others. If not with music, then with anything else. And what else would have been a more perfect way to draw oher's attention, then the art of juggling?

During her travels the girl visited a lot of wonderful places and met a lot of amazing people. But the ones that she admired most were admittedly the fairground showmen. The dexterity and the almost mythical skills of illusionists and jugglers made a deep impact on Eumelia, and sometimes she regarded them with envy. So when she finally arrived in Paz and settled in her new house, she decided to improve her skills in this unique form of art. She went to the training ground every day equipped with a big basket of eggs – to juggle.

Today was not an exception either. She took some eggs in her hands and started to throw them up in the air with one hand, skillfully catching them on their way back with the other. It didn’t seem too difficult at first, mainly not if she could follow a kind of rhythm… one-two-three… one-two-three…. What a lovely egg-tivity! Now she tried to speed up the pace, listening carefully to stay exactly in the same rhythm - but it didn’t seem that easy now. However, after all it was still egg-cellent! Until the very point when the first egg landed on her shoulder with a spectacular splash. The first one was followed by the others soon as she suddenly lost control totally over them, and finally all her clothes were covered with a gluey paste. Now she surely looked like a real egg-centric.

Hoping the incident didn’t have too many witnesses, she wiped off the remains from her face and neck, then took the basket and walked home, crooning a popular children's song on the go. Maybe another time brings more success – she thought to herself.

The Trout

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 5:14 pm
by Eumelia
Next night she had hazy dreams.

She was swimming under the water in a lake. She knew she should have been drowning for hours as she had never been a particularly good swimmer, but interestingly just the opposite happened: she was able to breathe smoothly without any trouble, as if she herself had been just one of the sea creatures that surrounded her. She cleaved the water silently admiring the lush undergrowth and sometimes glancing through the fish that swam around her curiously .

Suddenly she caught a glimpse of a smaller fish that waved towards her with its fin. Eumelia swam closer and it seemed to her as if the small fish had winked at her mischievously. Maybe it’s the famous goldfish that fulfills your three wishes – she pondered in herself, almost starting to think about what she should ask ... But oh, well, what happened! A huge trout appeared suddenly and opening its mouth it ate the little fish up. Then with an evil grin on its jaws it slapped Eumelia on her face with its tail. Eumelia could hardly believe what she saw.... and the trout slapped her again... and again....and again....

She woke up bathed in sweat. She needed some minutes to realize that she was lying in her own bed, in her own house. No lake, no water, no fish – it was just a silly dream. Or was it not? Glancing down on her lap glassy eyes stared back at her: the trout lay there. Eumelia got frightened so much that she almost fell out of bed. How can it be possible? Is it some magic? She jumped out of bed startled.

A few minutes had to pass until she could calm down. If it was magic, then it was a fairly useful one: at least she would have something to eat for lunch – she thought to herself. After all, life is just like this: the bigger fish devours the smaller one only to be devoured by another stronger creature. And always there is a bigger fish...

She took the trout, put it on a bigger plate and headed towards the kitchen humming softly in herself.

Ester and a New Task

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 6:57 am
by Eumelia
The next few days passed uneventfully. Eumelia visited the training ground every day and got more and more skilled in juggling. Sometimes it still occured, though, that she dropped one or two eggs - indeed, the art of juggling was not that easy.

One day, however, she heard news that the Viceroyalty needed more wood. Rumours were spreading about wonderful rewards for those who were willing to go chop some wood for the county. Eumelia was not really interested in prizes, but she definitely liked helping wherever she could, so she started to ponder how she could join the wood drive. There were a few hurdles though…

The biggest one was how to leave her house anattended. Eumelia wasn’t particularly rich – in fact she lived in rather modest circumstances -, but still she wouldn’t have felt very calm about leaving the house empty. Who knows what creatures were hanging around, after all. She needed to find someone who could keep an eye on her home while she was away.

Fate came to her aid just a few hours later, when an unknown young lass appeared in the doorway while she was having her regular afternoon nap. The lass bowed towards her politely offering her service as a steward, if she could employ her. Eumelia was fairly surprised hearing the offer at first, but then she started to think about it. The lass seemed to be an honest one, at least her face reflected openneess and honesty. Why not giving her a chance and hiring her then?

- What’s your name? – she asked the girl.
- Ester, at your service Madam. – the lass replied.
- Well Ester, do you have any skills for cooking? Are you a dab hand at cleaning? Can you keep an eye on my vegetable out in the garden?
- Yes Madam, at your service.
- Go then, Ester, and help me pack some food for a shorter trip. You are hired. Oh, and forget about this „Madam” –thing, I am Eumelia. Just simply Eumelia. Understood?
- Yes Madam…. erm… Eumelia. - the girl blushed slightly.

Ester. What a nice name – Eumelia ruminated in herself. Hopefully the girl would be a great asset for her household.

Time was not appropriate for further consideration about her servant, though, she had to focus on the new task now. How should she start it? She had no idea how to chop wood as she had never tried it before, she was not particularly stong - she didn’t even have an axe. Will she be able to benefit anything out there in the forest at all? She was not sure. At least if she were a strong man… Oh, what she would have given for only a little more strength!

But she had to try it. She couldn’t stay idle when help was needed. She took her staff and the food Ester had prepared and headed towards the door to set out on the road, singing a nice song in herself.

The Trip to Staunchville

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 8:19 am
by Eumelia
The trip didn’t start too easily. Eumelia was not really familiar with the sorrounding area, so she walked cautiously on the road, flashing startled glances towards one bush or another. Not only the potential robbers made her scared, but also the rumours she had heard about strange creatures wandering in the forests of Secfenia. Yvyrms and Zyrks were hunting for prey everywhere, suddenly pouncing on the unsuspecting victims – so it was told. No wonder Eumelia tried to be careful as much as she could and tossed her head for every little rustle that came from behind the bushes. Once, when a small rabbit jumped on the road, Eumelia got so frightened that she turned about and made her escape as fast as it was possible. Yet it was just an innocent bunny!

However, the task was still there and she had to get to Staunchville somehow. Next day she gathered all her courage – admittedly she didn't have too much – and set out on the road again. This time she was a bit more fortunate with the weather: it was bright and sunny out there and the forest showed a better face to her. She walked on the road with a bit more confidence now, listening to the birds’ song and enjoying the pleasant autumn sunshine.

The town of Bravia was her next stop. Eumelia had never been to the capital of the Viceroyalty before, and this time she had no possibility to spend much time here either. However, the wonderful buildings of the city made a deep impact on her and she made a promise that one day she would return to admire this beautiful town.

The next day found her on the road again. Although she felt a bit tired now, she was excited about the task and eagerly waited to see the forest with its great variety of woods. The lofty larches and pine trees, the mighty oaks, the towering alders... oh God what an amazing feeling it would be just to breathe the fresh forest air!

Finally she reached the small town of Staunchville that was so famous for its beautiful forest. Eumelia didn’t waste her time longer, she borrowed an axe and started to chop a biggish oaktree, singing a merry tune in the meantime.


Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 10:49 am
by Eumelia
The initial enthusiasm was soon followed by a deep fatigue. After a few hours cutting she started to feel as if her arms and legs had been made of lead. Her back was aching , not to mention her waist that felt a sudden twinge for every little move. Her fingers were throbbing with pain and they looked like red, swollen sausages at the end of her hands. Moreover, small blisters appeared on her palm, where the handle of the axe broke it. Indeed, the heavy physical work was not invented for her delicate musician hands.

Eumelia sat down tiredly on a tree trunk. Maybe she should have thought over this whole idea more carefully before she decided to start it - she pondered in herself. She knew it wouldn’t be easy, but she had never ever dreamt wood chopping could be that hard. Had she been aware of it, she might have not left her comfortable house. However, she was here now, far from her home – at least too far just to run back and find some rest amongst her soft pillows. And what would people think if she returned so soon, and with so little amount of wood? Nay, she could not do so!

She sighed exhaustedly while her glance fell on the pile of wood that lay next to her. It was small. Too small. She had to continue her work.
She stood up tiredly and took her axe again. Then she swung it and cut into the next tree, encouraging herself with an old work song.

An Evening in the Village

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 7:49 am
by Eumelia
Although the work of a woodchopper was far more demanding than she had previously expected, the life in the forest had its beauty and charm, as well. The huge trees always gave shadow against the elements of nature: the sun didn’t burn her face and she didn’t have to get soaked to the skin when it was raining. The hard physical work made her tired every day, but on the other hand it gave her a good appetite and gradually made her body stronger and stronger.

The most enjoyable part of the day, however, was definitely the evening for her. When the sun set on the western horizon giving his place to the pale moon and the shiny stars, Eumelia often set a campfire on a nearby glade so that she can stare the autumn sky from there. She loved the stars and their constellations , although she didn’t know too much about them. She could recognize some at least, though: the Taurus, then the Perseus constellation... and there was her favourite one: The Triangle.

Eumelia pondered a lot about these constellations and the stars themselves. Some people believed they had a special impact on creatures’ life: they determine one’s future fate - or at least personal character - at the moment of one’s birth. Eumelia didn’t know if she could believe in such theories, but she did know stars played an important role in people’s life. Moreover, they could be a valuable help in orientation - not only for the sailors, but for wanderers of the roads, too.

Now, when the balmy evening descended again, she lay down next to the campfire and stared in the flames wearily for a while. Then looking up the night sky an old melody came to her mind. A melody that she had heard many times in her parents’ home, and which had stuck in her memory. She started to croon it gently and softly, while her eyelashes got heavier and heavier with sleep...

A "little" Archery

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 7:36 am
by Eumelia
There was one more activity she could practice every day besides woodchopping: it was archery. Staunchville was a perfect place for it: the trackless forest saved her from the curious glances - and perhaps some chuckles, too - while the glades gave her enough space to practice aiming and shooting. Fortunately she managed to get a fairly good bow before she left Paz, so at least she was well-eqipped. And she had one more advantage: her enthusiasm.

Eumelia had always felt a great respect for everyone who was skilled enough to handle a weapon. Although she had a rather peaceful character, she was well aware of the importance of being able to defend herself when need arise. And what kind of weapon would have been more perfect to defend anyone, than a bow?

Now when she was out in the forest, far away from other creatures, she felt she could indulge in this useful activity undisturbed. She attached a big circular plate on a nearby tree and tried to hit it. At first with moderate success. Most ofter her arrows flew far above not only the target, but the treetops, too, flying away so far that sometimes she was unable to find them later. At other times her shots were so flat that they pierced into the soil well before reaching the tree. All in all, both the eagles and the moles could fear, but Eumelia didn’t give up: she kept standing up to the winds, and her own clumsiness.

After a while, though, the tireless practice seemed to bear fruit. Eumelia was immensely proud at the first time when a thin, chicken-like bird dropped to the ground after a well-aimed shot. The scraggy bird was old and its flesh was chewy even after two hours’ roasting, but the minstrel didn’t mind it, she chewed the chicken legs with pride, while she was daydreaming about future big deeds with her bow…

Then one day something strange happened. She was shooting arrows, one after the other, yet, they just disappeared behind the bushes . She shot one more… and one more…. and again one more… Meanwhile a strange, eerie silence settled over the landscape…
Suddenly a huge roar sounded from behind the trees, and a gigantic creature stepped out on the glade…

…a Giant! It was huge!

Eumelia got frightened so much that she almost dropped her bow. She stared open-mouthed at the immense creature, whose arms and chest were full of her arrows. They didn’t seemed to cause too much damage for him though, the giant swept them down from his body with one, huge whisk. Eumelia didn’t ponder further: she turned about and ran away as quickly as she could…

… and she was just running and running…

Ooc: Eumelia's further adventures can be read here.

Re: (ORP) Harmonies du Soir - Life of a Minstrel

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 11:04 am
by SaintNikola
Saint Nikola checks in on young Eumelia to see whether she is being naughty or nice. After checking off a few lines on her clipboard, she leaves something behind.


On the back she has written a note:
To Redeem Your Gift Card, go to The Inn and leave your wish list for Saint Nikola. Don't forget to bring wood...the more wood the better your chance of getting what you want!